
A Teenage Assassin is Transported into the World of SAO

Like the title suggests the story is about a teenage assassin that dies and is transmigrated to SAO. He’s going to be a knife user. I’m also not going to go too in depth into the game mechanics of the world because that would be exhausting. Upload schedule will be inconsistent and there will be no proofreads. Mostly doing this because I’ve always wanted to do an SAO fic. Also this will probably follow the anime mostly, as I don’t really want to try and write all the different floors. Honestly I don’t have much planned out yet, so we’ll just kind of see where the story goes together. Hope you enjoy.

SellinSlinkies · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs


Within an hour we were already leaving the hospital and picking up a NervGear helmet and a copy of SAO. Though Kirito had only suggested renting one, his mother purchased them outright. Saying that it was the least she could for me since I saved them from getting hit by that car. Her sternness showed that she wouldn't take anything other than "yes ma'am" for an answer, so I just nodded my head and accepted the 2 gifts. Too bad they would be the things to take me and Kirito away from them tomorrow.

As soon as we arrived at my new home, they wheeled me in via wheelchair. The home was pleasant and fairly spacious, definitely bigger than the rooms and safe houses I was used too. The guest bedroom was currently being used for storage, so until they could get it cleaned out I would be staying in Kirito's room.

Once again I was denied trying to take the futon on the floor, I was once again forced to sleep in Kirito's bed while he took the floor futon. Insisting over and over again that he didn't mind and was perfectly happy to let me use his bed. I could only sigh at me, a top assassin from my world, getting bullied around by these seemingly weak people. And they did it with a smile on their face as if it was only too obvious they should be doing it.

I begrudgingly accepted, even though realistically even with my broken legs and wounded body I could easily take them out. It always fascinated me how defenseless normal people are in their day to day lives. Oh well, not like it will really matter by tomorrow. I pulled the blanket to my mid chest, hand placed straight down my side, they teach us to sleep like this even if we are not expecting trouble.

While it may seem very vulnerable, and it is, it also conceals our hands and we can sneak weapons out without our enemy noticing. After all we're trained to be light sleepers, so unless they were an operative on par with one of us we would hear or even in some cases sense them. Though I must say for once in my life I'm having trouble falling asleep. For the first time I feel the anxiety of anticipation, something I haven't felt since it was nearly beaten out of me in Ascension.

Anxiety and nervousness causes mistakes after all, and mistakes lead to death.

"Hey, Kazuto." I call softly to Kirito who hadn't quite fallen asleep yet himself.

"Ya, Shinji?" Came his response and paused briefly before replying.

"Whats SAO like?" I asked this mainly to get some white noise to fall asleep to, but also maybe something are different from the way the show was. Might as well learn from the guy who was responsible for helping everyone escape.

"It's- I don't really know how to describe it. It's something you gotta experience for yourself, don't worry though. I'll teach you everything I know, after all I was a beta tester and made it farther than most." I chuckled softly at his passionate spiel.

"I look forward to it. I can't remember, but I don't think I've ever played any games like this before. Also it will be nice to walk again." I saw him since slightly from the corner of my eye.

"You'll be able to do more than just walk in SAO. You'll be running, jumping, flipping and slaying monsters, just you wait Shinji."

"Haha, I'll hold you to that Kazuto. Good night." I can see a faint smile on his face through the darkness before he responds.

"Night, Shinji."

The next morning came quick and as soon as the sun rose Kirito helped me to the bath. I can't say I'm much insecure about my body though I did worry what he would think about all the scars , but my worries were for naught as non of the scars from them were there anymore. The only thing on my body was big purple and blue bruises spreading around my ribs and down my back. Scrapes and scratches littered my body.

"Does it hurt?" Kirito asked as he washed my back, which was probably the most uncomfortable feeling in the whole ordeal. Like I said I'm not insecure, I mean hell the Ascension used communal showers shared by both genders, but we didn't wash each other like this.

"No it's fine, just a little uncomfortable." He nodded and after a few more minutes we were done. As with my casted legs I couldn't really get in a tub or stand in a shower, so a good scrub was about all I could hope for. It was quickly followed up by a meal prepared by Kirito, and with a goodbye from Suguha, who was leaving for kendo practice.

Kirito was checking the clock on his phone and I could see the impatience on his face. Finally a smile cracked on his face.

"Alright 30 minutes. Lets go get your headset setup, so you'll be ready to go." I gave a smile and nodded and we made our way to his room and I hopped back on to his bed and he laid on the futon.

"There will be a calibration test at startup, once you do that just focus on SAO and when the countdown ends say 'Link Start!' It should immediately bring you into the game, you'll probably have to create a character since you didn't play the beta" he finished as he settles his headset on to his head.

"Sounds good, see you in there. I'll most likely just keep my current looks." I responded.

"Alright, I'll be on the look out for you. My game name is Kirito, do you know what you're gonna make yours?" I mull it over and consider my old name from my last life, Z-1, but discard it and the first thing that comes to mind after that are slinkies. I had always wanted a slinky after seeing a kid playing with it with their parents one time.

"Uh, what about just using Shinji?" I ask to Kirito.

"You're just gonna use your name?" I nod.

"Ya, nothing else really came to mind. Figures it wouldn't that big of a deal, there's bound to be thousands of Shinji's in the world." I could see him shrug out of the corner of my eye.

"Eh, it's not a bad name. I mean my name is just a combination of my given and family name."

"Alright, Shinji it is then."

""Link Start!""

My vision swam before a blank screen appeared that resembled a Home Screen. I was immediately taken through a series of calibration tests, and then was brought to a character creation screen. I just chose to copy my current looks into the game. I was face to face with an avatar of myself in starter gear. My brown hair falling just above my eyes and spiky. Bland brown eyes stared back at me, and bland normal face and a height of 5'10. The perfect looks for avoiding notice, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if I get mistaken for a NPC.

I gave myself charcoal grey clothes as they draw less suspicion in the daytime, and give nearly the same camouflage at night. Now for weapons I decided to go with what I was the most familiar with, a curved dagger. I plain brown leather handled dagger with a 12 inch curved blade, nothing special but it will get the job done.

I hit enter and my vision swam once again until I found myself on a stone bricked path next to a water fountain. A black haired young man approached me with a raised hand.

"Shinji that you?" I nod as I turn to fully face him.

"Yo, Kirito. Hope I didn't take to long." He smiled and shook his head.

"Not at all. C'mon lets go show you how the game works." Waved a hand for me to follow and we took off through the side streets, and more and. It's I realized how real everything felt. To my observant eye I could catch differences here and there, but for the most part it was like I had been transported to another world again.

We were almost out of the city when a voice called out to us.

"Hey! Wait!" Me and Kirito slid to a haunt as a red haired and red stubbles man approached us, Klein.

"Hey I'm Klein and new to this game, you 2 seem to know what's going on. Mind helping me out?" I look to Kirito and shrugged and he shrugged as well.

"Sure, why not. I'm Kirito." He spoke first and I followed right after.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Shinji." Klein grinned widely and put his fists on his hips.

"Well let's get going. Shinji, here is new too, so I can show you both the ropes at the same time." Kirito said and we followed closely after, weaving in and out of crowded streets until we exited the walls and stepped onto the grassy hills surrounding it.

"Wow" me and Klein both said as we took in the sight and Kirito just smiled at us.

This was going to be interesting that's for sure.




Author's Note

Next chapter should be Thursday. See ya then.