
A Tea Time Mystery

In the Castle city of Neverwinter, it was winter time. But as intended by the great king Rolland the homes of the people were warm and welcoming. Light and heat radiated from every abode. Outside of the walls of their homes, the snow would pile, it would crunch under the steps of the people, and be cleared by the workers in the morning. But as all things go this close to the mountains, it was still biting cold at night. The snow would freeze by morning and in the small bit of light before dawn could cause the frozen top to sparkle like a million precious stones.

It was upon such a day as this that an alarm arose from Greycastle. A few witches were seen going to and from the castle. Guards swarming like ants. City officials huddled in groups like worried mice. Of course, it was upon such a winter day that the great king Rolland was poisoned. While he was quickly cured, the fact that the poison got to him. That something could strike the king, alarmed every citizen and witch both in the kingdom and a part of the alliance. But how? How people ask. How, did this happen, who did it?

Who could solve this great mystery but for the great witch investigators – Lighting and Maggie.


"Lighting!!! COO," Maggie and Lighting raced through the skies, searching for anything … or anyone… suspicious. By now the sun had partially risen. While there was a thick cloud cover, the light still permeated to the city. Lighting and Maggie, the great explorers, had enough to see by. Out of the entire city, only city officials, guards, soldiers and police were out. The citizens of the city sensed the danger and that there was a serious issue with the castle. Some were already in the know, and word was spreading about the poisoning.

A small boy ran out of a dark home, no smoke came out of the chimney and even some windows were open. Seeing this Maggie had called out and the two witches flew down to the boy.

"Coo, COOOOO" With a flap of her wings the pudgy pigeon turned into a dark demon beast. The beast landed in front of the boy and spread its wings. Lighting landed in front with her hands upon her hips. "Boy!" The young explorer (with the beast behind her) stopped the boy in his tracks. Luckily the civilian population was aware of both witches and their antics so the boy did not ruin his pants. However, it was still very frightening for him. Skidding to a halt he looked up with immediate fright. Sweat dripping off his head.

"WHAT?!" He screams at the witches, taken aback they both take a step back in response. However, his attitude would in no way stop them from solving this case! Standing up to the boy and his attitude, Lighting addresses him "What do you know of the castle today? What about his Highness? What are you doing!!"

Looking at the girl in confusion the boy just responds "what are you talking about? What happened to his majesty?" Looking at the witches with confusion, frustration and a little fear of the unknown he continues, "I need to run to the city council to deliver notice that the house is free for someone else. My parents are moving to a new apartment." Looking back to the house, Lighting and Maggie see a middle-aged man and women closing the door, the windows had been shut and the presumed parents were looking at the witches in confusion as well.

"…Ummm.", "Oh…" Both witches make noises, look to each other and leave. While they are both very good at exploring, the two witches are not very good at solving true mysteries.


Back at the castle, Nightingale had already figured solved the case.

It was the maid.


It was the maid who had delivered the tea… that Maggie and Lightening had made for the king.