
A Tale on the Moon

On the Moon, the supreme goddess and god appeared. But suddenly, an obstruction occurred and they fell into reincarnation. They were to experience seven hardships. if the first didn't lead to another hardship, it would be successful and they wouldn't have to go through the remaining six hardships but, it did. Now, they have been through six hardships and are now presently in the seventh. Unfortunately, this hardship experience (or seventh life) is the hardest ever. They are separated in two different worlds. In her world, the powerful devil king falls for her. Not understanding her feelings, she agrees to marry him. But what will happen when on the wedding day, a war broke out between the heavens and the devil and demon realms and she accidentally kills the devil king. She then after being poisoned, appears in the supreme god's world. But then, the past has come to haunt the present. What will happen next? Join me as we journey through the love tales of Mei Xing and Yan Yuan

Vieled_tricky · Autres
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11 Chs

Snowdrop's Reappearance

***********1000 years later*********

Snowdrop woke up in a greeny area. There were lots of flowers and a lake with waterfalls. She sat up on the grassy floor and held her head. "Why do I have such a spinning headache?" she muttered to herself as she held her head. "And where am I?" she wondered as she looked around. She stood up and walked towards the waterfall. "Beautiful", she commented as she fiddled with the water with her hands. "But, where is this place. Let me see", she said walking around, "its greeny, flowery, has waterfall and sunshine, fruity --------", she stopped on her tracks, " But why isn't there anyone here?" she wondered. As she walked around, she accidentally tripped on a stone and fell down. "ouch", she yelled and stood up. "Mean grass. Why didn't you catch me?" she said dusting her palms. "The grasses are not mean. You're the one who is clumsy", she heard a voice say. She turned and saw the stone that tripped her turn into an handsome guy..

"You.....", she said I'm surprise. "Hi. I'm Xiao Ling. What's your name?" he said holding her arms like a child. "I'm Snowdrop's, a fairy". "I see. You're a flower fairy. Then, what are you doing here in nature realm?" he asked her. "I....I.....I don't know what I'm doing here too", she said thinking. "Hmm?" he looked confused. "Last night, I remember that I was going to heaven realm led by the heaven aura but somehow, another aura engulfed me and I lost consciousness. Then, I woke up here. Just now", Snowdrop explained. "Nature realm doesn't release aura. How then did you end up here", he said."I don't know. But does it matter?" she was very excited. "I've never left fairy realm. So, who cares if I end up in nature realm. It is as beautiful as Vine said it would be. So...", she said walking around and then, turned to him, ".....I'ld like to make the most of it. After all, Lord Guanyin would send guards to look for me. So, I have to make the most of it before I'm found. Don't you think?" "Wait. You were missing on the day the newly recruited servant fairies went to heaven realm?" he asked as though he was trying to recall something. Snowdrop sat oat the side of the waterfall and used my legs to play with the water. "Hmm hmm", she nodded, "I went missing just last night". "I don't think so. A thousand year ago, the goddess of peace raised an alarm and the entire realms were searched thoroughly. The peace and beauty in the nature realm was almost destroyed but our ever charming magical air and other elements could stand", he said. "I don't think it was me", she said as she shook her head in the negative. "Aren't you Snowdrop, the one who takes care of Olixers and isn't your master an high immortal?" he asked. "That's... that's me. But how could I sleep for a thousand years?" she wondered and suddenly felt something draw into her into the lake. She screamed but someone carried her. "Who are you? Water spirit?" she asked as she put her hands around her neck so that she wouldn't fall."How can a spirit hold you with both hands?" he said. "You are?" she asked. "Yunij Ria", he said. Half of his body was in top of the water. Well,the rest..... wait where are the rest? She stylishly, with a smile imprinted on her face, used her hands to into the water to feel like the rest part of his body but it was just water. She screamed rather childishly. "What's wrong?" Yunij Ria and Xiao Ling asked altogether. "Where's the rest of you?" Snowdrop asked."Oh Yunij said in realization and a blue aura was seen around him and in the water and the rest of him was seen. "You really are a water spirit", Snowdrop commented as he carried her out of the water. "So, you were missing. Won't you go back now? To keep the goddess of peace", her said. "I think I'll make the most of the ment before I go", she said. The sand gathered like n hailstorm or tornado rather and was spinning.

"Woah", Snowdrop said surprised and a beautiful girl appeared. "Yunij, are you still flirting as always?" the girl asked. "Flirting?" Snowdrop wondered. She looked up at him and realized that she was carried. "Well, I ...fell into the water and he saved me", she said. "Oh, I see. You did a good deed", she said smiling. " You are?" Snowdrop asked. "Sanji. Sand spirit", she introduced herself. "So, l, let me get this straight.... you're sand spirit, he is stone spirit and Yunij is water spirit", she said pointing at each of them.. "Smart", Sanji commented, "I heard them say you were the lost Snowdrop". "Yes", Snowdrop nodded. "Come on, we'll be roasted if we don't get you back", Sanji said holding her to go. Snowdrop removed her hand from her. "What?" Don't you want to go home?" Sanji asked. Snowdrop nodded and then shaked her head as 'no'. "