
A Tale of Thousand Stars - by Bacteria

A volunteer teacher dies in a tragic accident, in which her heart is transplanted to Tian. Through a series of diary entries Tian learns about her life; her secrets and interests. Including her promise to military officer Phupha, about counting a thousand stars with him. Tian then decides to follow in her footsteps and complete her dream. With Tian a new volunteer teacher, he attempts to befriend Phupha. Yet, Phupha gives off a cold exterior. Slowly the two grow close, but Tian's heart beats fast around the military officer. As he starts to fall for him, much like its previous owner did. But with the area being war-ridden and dangerous, can they keep their thousand-star promise?

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25 Chs

Special Chapter : Follow You Wherever You Go

The loud recitation of English vocabulary from the "Stargazing." of the trip came from the school in the border area, built simply of bamboo and a roof covered with broad-leaved white thatch, a daily event known to the scouts for almost three months.

Inside, the young volunteer teacher is holding a vocabulary board for the students to imitate each other, laughter echoes off the silent cliffs.

Although it should be commonplace, there are big smiles on the handsome faces, including a tall man in Akha mountain clothes, which make them stare and stare in unison.

The volunteer teacher had first travelled over 800 kilometres from the distant capital two years ago and they still remember the bravery he left behind before returning.

A large number of Siasakda men, the capitalist who had been illegally logging was arrested, while his accomplices and all the stolen goods were seized and the more the investigation expanded, the more it revealed that other illegal activities were involved, leaving the remaining helpless small fish to survive.

But the incident was too dangerous, so dangerous that... The impulsive teacher had to leave the mountain early for safety.

From then on, no one expected the young man who had spent his teenage years returning to this part of Phabandao, far from the bustle of the city. If it wasn't for a strong determination, it must have meant that there was probably something here that 'held him in its grip'.

While contemplating what was being lightly horned by slender fingers, a scout was taken completely by surprise. As soon as he turned around he saw the volunteer teacher standing behind him smiling with his arm wrapped around the student's homework book.

"Won't the teacher be sitting here checking homework today?"

He asked a question to ease the embarrassment of having just said something short.

The young man the mountain children call "Teacher Crayon." stammered a little and then scratches the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"I've got an appointment, if I don't get back soon, he'll be angry." he said and the two scouts standing there couldn't help but laugh. Although not named, everyone in the area who wasn't deaf and blind would know who the teacher Crayon was talking about.

"Let's get going then, we don't want to be punished for running around Base Hill because we're late getting to the teacher."

The young man from the capital rolled his eyes helplessly, he didn't know how much the villagers knew about the intimacy of the months of sleepovers at home but until today no one had said anything unpleasant for them to hear, so they had lived happily ever after. He had to cross the ridge overlooking the lush green forest.

He took a deep breath and grabbed his chest, proud to have been part of protecting this valuable asset of the land for a time.

There is no need for words of good resolve, given the chance, just two small hands of ordinary people, no matter where they are, can make a difference.

The sun begins to set, the last orange light spills over the horizon, the temperature around him drops sharply, the cold wind from the mountains stretches as a natural wall against the skin until one shivers and as the roof of the small hut at the end of the village appears in front of him, the two scouts protecting him say goodbye and leave.

Before the young teacher could wave goodbye, out of the corner of his eye he saw white smoke billowing out from beneath a house that had not been occupied during the day, a smile appeared on the handsome face of the young master from Bangkok, even his eyes shone with happiness, he tried to restrain his legs from darting in at a run but he could not seem to.

The loud sound of running came closer and closer, causing the tall man to remove his hands from the polishing of the pots and pans and reveal his face to look, the last rays of sunlight coming in made the sharp eyes almost blurred but as a habit of discipline, he could not help but be fierce.

"Running like a child, you'll fall over later--" even though the tone of his voice was harsh and harsh, the other man did not look sad.

Tian stared at the angular face he hasn't seen for days as he goes on patrol along the border, because the press reports that drug traffickers are smuggled in from neighbouring countries , so he has to go on patrol along the border and then runs his eyes along the khaki camouflage sleeves of his exposed body.

New bruises and stitches show how dangerously this brave man has just been shot at, which causes his heart to seize up and his delicate hands place the pupils' workbooks on the stretcher next to him, before he threw himself with open arms into a tight embrace of the man who is fulfilling his duty as a national defence force.

When held in a loving embrace, the commander of the infantry regiment of the 3307 Pha Phraphirun base of operations, took a step back, the young officer smiled at the thought of his good brother's tart remark a short time ago.

Name Phupha but a little cry from the young master and he melts like water, so damn sad!

Strong arms jerked around in response, the tip of his high nose buried cherishing in a mass of loose hair... What could I do? Just fall in love.

"I've always been a man of my word, you know that…. Tian."

Tian shuddered at the sound of this, his arms embracing the tall body even harder, as if to thank him for not forgetting what he had said even after all this time.

Major Phupha Viriyanon volunteered to go forward to defend Thai soil on the front line, because there was nothing behind him to miss but one night under the stars, he promised to meet without knowing when they would but remembering the volunteer teacher, in a way that he had never given to anyone before.

"But if you're worried, I promise to take better care of myself."

"Thank you, thank you for coming back to me...", Tian closed his eyes, listening for a moment to the beating of his heart under his robust chest before he would withdraw, as if he had just realised he had inadvertently done something shy, he pretended to smell the smell of cooked rice in the air.

"It smells so good, I'm getting hungry."

"Then get the children's notebooks and put them away, then come down and help me fry the vegetables."

"Yes, Captain!" Tian saluted solemnly and jokingly, then ran up the stairs with the notebooks on the stretcher and disappeared into the house, leaving the officer below shaking his head with affection and helplessness.

By now, Phupha had been promoted to Major but in any case, he still preferred his lover to call him by his former title.

For this is proof, that even if his rank or physical status changes, he will always be the original captain of Teacher Crayon.

Not far away, a motorbike came down a gravel road until it stopped under a large tree near the volunteer teacher's hut in Phabandao village.

The young man who had just arrived took a bag of food from the basket in front of the vehicle and hurried inside at a quicker pace. The aroma of rice and the smell of fish sauce in the stir-fried vegetables wafts out of the basement and makes the mouth water, the oil in the new frying pan is fizzing, the volunteer teacher standing in front of the charcoal stove slowly pours in the raw eggs for the omelette, then leaps to avoid the oil being sent.

Suddenly, the tall officer standing next to him opening the lid of the rice pan turned around and pulled his slender arm up to examine it worriedly.

There were three red spots on the skin, then the Major's face immediately turned into a rakshasa and although he wanted to speak out against the man, he rushed to get water to rinse his arm, while the rich boy, who was becoming more and more of a grassroots man as the days passed, cried out and tried to struggle back, for fear that the fried egg would burn first. The doctor laughed in a not so soft voice at the happy atmosphere emanating from the two men.

"I suspect that eggs are sweeter than caramel."

The familiar low voice made Tian's eyes light up and then greeted: "Dr. Nam is here!" With that he shoved the spatula into his lover's hand and immediately rushed to the new visitor.

"Are you glad I'm here, or are you glad something you like is here? Aaah?" Dr Wasan joked, handing him a bag of roast duck and crispy pork at the same time, he had to go to the Palace for a few days for his training, so assured the naughty young master that he would buy him some good food on his way back.

Tian glanced at the tentative white face with the flicker of a disgusting smile and replied impatiently that he was happy to eat the duck and the man who brought it was a gift!

"Ouch! Heartache, Nong Tian doesn't know how to love the heart of a married man like Phii." The medic deliberately clutched his left breast, as if his heart had been badly wounded and then turned to his best mate who was filling his plate with a spatula of golden omelette.

"See. Your wife is not gentle with me at all."

"Bastard nm, are you going to sit and wait to eat or do I get a kick in the ass?" Phupha gave a threatening look that he would do it if the base doctor didn't stop shouting about it.

"When you are angry at each other I'm the listener and when you make up, I become a mad dog." Wasan complained while sitting on the stretcher and soon, the new couple arrived one by one with their dinner.1

Hot rice, golden fried eggs and stir-fried vegetables with fish sauce and chillies and roast duck and crispy pork from the city.

Even though nothing was new but it was possible to go back in a circle and chat with close people like yesterday, these simple dishes were better than any meal in the world.

Tian spooned and chewed the cold duck that had travelled for an hour, while watching hilariously as two close young friends argued over three words and five and when the food had been swallowed, his casual remark made the officer cough, as the rice nearly got stuck in his throat.

"I used to think you two were a couple."

"Hey, I still don't want to die three times a day, Nong Tian, this insensitive bastard Phupha kick will kill you!" cried the doctor, who had been married a few months before, while moving away from his fierce, tall friend who was glaring at him.

A smile crosses the lips of the troublemaker, then drops another bombshell: "Not necessarily, living together, experiencing sadness and happiness together over the years, if Dr. Wasan hadn't had a girlfriend first, he might not have been able to stand the charm of the captain's cool halo."

Wasan glanced at the grim and serious face of the man next to him and rolled his eyes." Bite me or compliment your lover, Nong Tian choose one."

The young master from the capital laughed fearlessly and then settled down when he was swept up by his lover.

Laughing as he ate, for a moment the rice was stuck in his throat. Phupha stir-fries the vegetables onto the plate of the naughty volunteer teacher who has been ordered to concentrate on her meal. Suddenly, a smile spreads across the always taut thick lips, "My charm, for you alone is enough."

"Oh shit, I'm going to throw up!" The medic made a disgusted face, "Can you two get out of here before you show your love? I've got ducks in my stomach."

Finally, the laughter-filled dinner is over, Tian helped clear the plates to be cleaned in the back of the house at the waterworks, as for Phupha he walked out to see his friend off to the motorbike parked outside.

Wasan puts his leg over the seat of the motorbike and asks, "So, when will you tell your brother?"

The tall figure stood still for a moment, then took a long, slow breath, he turned his head to look at the dark sky lit by the faintest of stars, time never stopped, no matter how long he wanted to stay happy here, life was going to follow his path after all.

"I'll tell him as soon as I can."

The young doctor nodded and said nothing more, as if he understood how his good brother felt. He twisted the lock to start the engine and immediately the headlights of the motorbike came on and the car drove off down the gravel road. The Major is soon back in the basement, he sat next to Tian who is skilfully washing the dish sponge, completely different from the people who first came here and Phupha took his lover's slender hands covered in white bubbles and rinsed them off with water, while saying.

"Your hands are cold, I'll wash them later, you should take a shower, it's been a long day."

Although his tone was low, as silent as his face, Tian knew better than anyone that the officer was very warm and kind, he leaned in close to the man's arms and wiped his wet hands on his clothes.

"Thank you." Then he bounced back, for fear of shouting at himself.

But Phupha called out to him in a calm voice, "Tian."

Tian turned around in surprise and raised his eyebrows in confusion, when he heard the next words.

"This weekend, have you agreed to do anything with the students?"

"No, what's up captain?"

"My friend works at the Mon Phiang Fah Royal Project in the nearby area, he told us that the flowers of the foreign varieties planted on trial are in beautiful bloom and would like to invite us on a trip to see them."

At the word 'trip', Tian's eyes lit up, "I want to go but Captain, right, don't you have no duty?"

"I was injured during the mission, the doctor gave me a few days off."

"So it's decided!" The mischievous young master responded happily and then duang duang ran off to get his things and take a shower, leaving the officer alone in depressed silence with a heavy hearted truth.

The weekend soon arrives, the captain borrows a small pick-up truck from an acquaintance and picked up Tian early in the morning, the young master, who previously only rode in air-conditioned limousines, has to get used to the fresh air smelling of sunshine and dew outside, so he opened the window to blow the air out, so that his hair, which has no styling gel, blows up as he heads 50 kilometres away to the outside world, The sound of country music from an old car mixed with the sound of road roller wheels, .

Through the narrow, winding uphill route, they finally see the entrance sign for the Mon Phiang Fah Royal Project and when they turn a short distance from the intersection they see the rooftops of the development centre offices built in rows on the high cliffs with vegetable plots below and endless terraces of calamus and rice.

"Is that a demonstration site?" Tian turned around and asked. Honestly, all his life, he had been going abroad with his friends or family on holiday to eat and drink in the way rich families do, so he had never known that in his own country, apart from the beauty of its nature, there were places of great value to the lives of the people that lurked.

"Yes, King Rama IX granted land to the Royal Project for agricultural experiments."

"In the past, I thought the tulips were the most beautiful sight in the world but now I think the green fields of our home are the most beautiful." the young man grins at Major Phupha, "because it produces delicious rice to fill my belly."

Phupha smiled in response, then took his left hand off the wheel and fucks his lover's head for a moment, Tian has the typical characteristics of a rich teenager, likes to use designer goods, speaks rudely, has a look of contempt in his eyes, because they think they are richer, have a higher education and he himself is a richer teenager. He thinks the other person is a piece of trash, can't do anything but likes to rush into things, whenever he can't solve a problem, he cried for his parents to come and help him.

In spite of how much his looks and figure suited his taste, if his temperament was not his cup of tea, he probably would have restrained his feelings from liking it but when the opportunity arose to get closer, he knew that this person was innocent and

had a heart that was purer than he seemed, stubbornness became the strength to overcome adversity, hardship became the motivation to help the poor.

Because he had more than anyone else, he wanted to give those things to others.

It was as if he saw the look of affection turn into a thousand meanings and for no reason his smooth face became hot, Tian brushed away the hand that touched his head and then stroked his arm back and forth to ease the embarrassment.

"What are you laughing at Captain, you are giving me goosebumps!"

Phupha laughs softly in his throat, ignoring the shy man muttering frantically next to him, he turned the steering wheel, accelerates up the slope and passes onto the road in front of the project's research station, the small pick-up truck is parked next to a flower pot on the side of the road.

The officer in casual clothes, polo shirt and jeans opens the door and steps out and he hears a muffled greeting from a distance.

"Captain! Are you here?"

It was a member of the Royal Project staff who had just poked his head in at the sound of the car, a young man of about 25 to 26 years of age, slender, northern white skin, wearing a woven jacket, who came over and greeted him cheerfully.

"I have invited you many times to come on this trip and you have not come, this time you have said yes, I suspect the sun has come out of the west."

"Hello, Mr Piral, long time no see, how are you doing?"

"I told you to call me simply Ran, don't pretend to be distant." Piral examined the angular face of a man who looks even more manly than before, a heart-warming sight after a long absence.

"You haven't answered me yet, what brought you here?"

"The wind of nostalgia, I suspect."

The researchers of the Royal Project turned to the direction of the voice they heard and of course, this two-pronged speech could not have come from the solemn man in front of them but from a young man standing next to the officer with a backpack, even in his ordinary T-shirt and trousers but at first glance it was clear that the fabric was expensive.

The handsome young face, soft dark brown hair covering his forehead, a smile that cannot be seen as deliberate or sincere, showing a row of perfectly white teeth Phupha coughs slightly, then rushed to introduce the stranger to him, "Mr. Ran. Tian is a volunteer teacher at Phabandao School."

Volunteer teacher, Piral looked in amazement at the teacher who looks like he's out of a teen magazine.

"Hello, Mr Tian, you came with the captain?" He asked softly with some disappointment creeping in.


t/n (translator's note) on wattpad:

Thank you for reading A Tale of a Thousand Stars!

Some parts are missing here. I will try to include them when I have free time for translating.

- Watch the adapted series on GMMTV OFFICIAL Youtube account