
A Tale of the Called

In a world of magic and sword, a young sorceress whose family was exiled by the king 200 years ago is now the first in generations who can return and live in the capital. However, the road is long and dangerous, and deadly encounter forces her to use one of her great-grandfather's old scrolls. The scroll, to her surprise, summons a warrior, and the bond is created between the two.

TheDarkestDark · Fantaisie
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12 Chs


Katarina woke up in a small, but warm chamber, laying on a comfortable bedding. Even with all that care, her whole body still hurt and she had a terrible headache - no wonder such thing happened given she made a bet resulting in a magic exhaustion, which is a dangerous state for any mage, no matter the magic capacity they have.

In order to look around, Kat lifted her body, causing the quilt to fall down. Once this happened, the sorceress felt a slight call down her spine, only now noticing she was laying completely naked underneath, so she quickly pulled the quilt back up.

Now, with her back rested against a headboard, she could focus on the surroundings. Walls made of stone, a big fireplace and small windows - a fort or a castle, she thought. It was likely they have reached the guard's outpost.

Based on the fact light was falling through the glass, there should be a daytime already. When the sorceress focused more on sounds, she could actually hear birds' chirping and people's voices.

Being alone in a big chamber, recalling mana exhaustion, Katarina could not help, but worry what happened next. She was especially concerned about Zahn, who just got to this world and did not know its ways, history.

There was no time to waste, therefore she slowly moved on the bed, putting her legs on a pelt lying on the floor. Now, for clothes.

As she was trying to find her robe, something creaked and the door opened. Kat quickly wrapped herself in the quilt tightly. Expecting a guard or a doctor, she was surprised to see a young woman, most likely in early twenties, enter the room.

- You are awake - the woman spoke - Do you feel numb anywhere? Do you have a headache?

Katarina could see her better as she moved closer. Robe this woman was wearing was no other than one of military magician. Sorcerers around the world had various specializations, and every mage in the military was awarded a class for each type of magic they could use. If Kat remembered everything correctly, and nothing has changed, the woman had water and wind affiliation based on her insignia, so she was likely a healer.

- So your name is Alyssa? - Katarina said, seeing the name on the woman's uniform - I don't feel numb, more like everything in my body hurts, including the head.

The mage healer nodded, performing a chant on the water pot. A moment later, she put a compress on Kat's forehead.

- You should stay in bed - Alyssa gently put a hand on Katarina's shoulder - Magic exhaustion is a serious matter, better not underestimate aftereffects.

- Easier said than done. I'm worried about others.

- Nobody's seriously wounded, everyone is already on their feet, including sir Zack.

- Sir Zack? Did he already become a knight?

Alyssa looked at her, confused, after hearing these questions.

- Wasn't he a knight? I thought that's the case as Captain Serj keeps him by his side since the morning. They've already done some mock fights.

"Good. It seems this guy is not a blockhead," Kat thought to herself "he seems to be doing well without me. At least for now."

- Zack is my escort. We come from highlands.

- Yes, he already told me that.

"It looked like Zahn was pretty talkative when I was out," Katarina continued her internal monologue.

- You are a healer, correct? When can I go out?

Alyssa mixed something in mortar and was about to feed it to Kat.

- Not today, for sure. Energy flow is crucial for mages. If you don't take care of yourself properly, you may no longer be able to continue as mage. I went through magic exhaustion myself only recently, so I know how you feel.

- What did they make you do for a healer to go through that?

Alyssa smiled.

- Asks the girl who went with a spell over her capacity. I know my insignia suggest I'm a healer, but I'm also a battlemage. You met captain Serj's unit, so you saw they went on a patrol without a single sorcerer. I'm usually the one to travel with them. The thing is we are overburdened with all the duties and they didn't take me because I've just recently recovered.

- Still, you didn't tell me what happened.

- Because it's not much to brag about. You used a spell despite being low on energy to begin with, during a battle, and I simply got overworked.

Alyssa looked the other way, focusing on the window.

- There's so many good people here - she continued - I'd like to help everyone, but it's simply too much work.

Kat understood why captain Serj was like that when they have met. She lived her whole life until now in a remote area of the country, interacting with limited number of people, of whom only several knew a bit more about the recent events in the country. Most of those living in highlands learned about important events the last.

- Having said that, I have way too much to do, so that's enough chitchat for me - Alyssa stood up, and walked towards the door - I'll let captain and Zack know you woke up.

She did not even ask Katarina about her opinion on this matter. If Zahn was doing fine right now, Kat saw no point in worrying too much and discussing the plan for future at this very moment. Both of them earned right to rest a bit. And being escorted by guards on horseback saved them at least two days - they still had a lot of time.

Nevertheless, despite what she thought, Kat could not simply sleep now she woke up. And forced to stay in bed, without anything else to focus on, she continued thinking about what happened so far. Only start of the journey, and so many things already.

Originally, upon receiving a letter from capital, including academy admission, everyone at home felt relieved, while Katarina herself was full of hope. After so many years, after this long exile, a chance appeared for them to reclaim their former glory. Living through all these hardships, she simply wanted to change her life, but it looked like the way will not be easy.

Hearing captain St'Etoile speak about the overall state of military, and now Alyssa tell her a bit about mages' situation, Kat realized this whole return to favor had much more to it. This country simply needed mages, hence the letter. She had to learn more.

Only a moment after Alyssa left, someone knocked to the door and captain Serj appeared in the chamber, using the same chair as Alyssa to sit down. To be honest, Kat expected to see Zahn first, and St'Etoile must have guessed it.

- I'm sorry it's me who visited you before Zack - he said - However, I had to talk to you, the sooner the better.

Katarina raised her eyebrows, seeing this older knight getting all serious.

- I guess this is must be important. Why is the captain of the guard visiting me then?

Serj seemed serious, but also excited. He could not keep sitting calmly, and stood up, approaching the window and looking through it.

- Zack is a good warrior, he could make a good soldier - the old knight looked at his men practicing with Zahn in the courtyard - With all due respect, he cannot waste this talent being your guard.

Kat felt confused by his words. Straightforward as he sounded, Serj misunderstood a lot, so she had to explain it a bit.

- I've never intended to force him to do anything. We have agreement for traveling together to capital, nothing more.

Captain turned out to face her.

- Did you know Zack is a swordmage?

"Where did this question come from so sudden? Zahn was a swordmage? How in hell could she know?"

Kat only just recently met Zahn, literally forced him into this world, and had no idea about who he was and what he was capable of. The only thing she could be sure about was his loyalty as summoning techniques create a specific contract between the summonet and the summoned. Other than that, there was not enough time to learn more concerning Zahn's abilities.

Of course, telling Serj about Zahn being the Called was not an option. Even though letter and academy admission seemed fishy to Kat now, the opportuninty for the whole family to regain their honor and position were worth trying. She could not throw it away by letting anyone know the heiress broke the state's law by performing summoning technique. It did not matter she did not know everything about scroll's contents. For sure, some would say it proves she had the magical provess, but sentient summons were prohibited for a reason - and the reason was a threat those beings posed. The best course of action right now was to lay low and keep everything a secret. However, having Zahn being discovered as a swordmage meant more people will take interest in him. Kat had to talk this through carefully, and possibly not let the rumor spread more.

Truthfully speaking, she was really surprised by this find, and did not have to try looking all surprised by hearing the news.

- I had no idea, but how do you know about that? Did anything happen?

Captain returned to the chair again. He gave her a look so piercing he felt a chill going down her spine. After a moment, he asked:

- So he didn't tell you about this? - Serj smiled - So he really had no idea. It's crazy for someone who was taught swordmanship from the young age.

Katarina's curiosity grew even more.

- Can you tell me how exactly did you learn that? What happened?

- Your comrade somehow used broken blade as a medium. It was a light attack, gnorial was annihilated, literally. And the sword returned to normal after that, after being broken in two.

Based on Serj's story, it really sounded like swordmage technique. Every Called in the history - or at least those Kat knew about - had special skills, abilities often far exceeding those of prodigies of this world. It seemed being a swordmage was his talent.

- If that's the truth, it's very likely he is a swordmage - she confirmed - But, as a knight, you should know how rare is the magic affiliated with metal manipulation. I hope people are not going around talking about Zack now. This could cause a lot of trouble for him.

- You don't need to tell me. Still, the whole unit saw. I told them to not spread this information, but let's be honest, more people will know in time.

- It would have been better, but he must've had a reason to do that.

Captain stared at her for a moment, then he smiled.

- You are this reason. And some of my men could also end up bad. I'm actually grateful he acted that way. Though it looks like it was the first time for him, an impulse of the sort - Sej sighed - Still, I hope he becomes a knight. We need people like him. But it's time for me to go. Get better soon.

Captain left, leaving Katarina alone again. They have focused so much on Zahn, she completely forgot to ask the knight about state of affairs in the country. Fortunately, it seemed Serj was on the same page in terms of keeping Zahn's special ability a secret among the guards. Though he already let them practice together...

When Zahn finally appeared in the room, the sun was already high in the sky.

As soon as he appeared, Kat immediately scolded him.

- Remember what I told you before? Summoning humans has been prohibited for years now. Avoid being a center of attention. It's serious, for both of us.

Hearing her words, Zahn frowned.

- I didn't ask that before in all of this confusion, but had some time to think about it today. Why should I worry? It's not like I broke the law here. It's you, you got me here, and it's all your fault. It's your responsibility. Maybe it's about time you give me a proper explanation.

Kat moved a bit up, to rest her back. He was obviously right.

- I won't deny it. It's all my fault, and the only thing I can offer you at this point is an honest apology. As you said, it's my responsibility, so please, bear with me and do what I say, for now. It may be not your fault, you didn't do anything wrong here, but that's not the problem. You must know that the Called are special, they are often strong individuals and there were big incidents caused by them in the history. What I'm trying to say, they may not call you a criminal, however, it's likely you will be imprisoned and investigated for the ruler to decide if you are a threat.

Zahn moved closer and looked into her eyes.

- So you are saying they may kill me?

Katarina shrugged.

- They have many options. That's only one of them. In other scenario, you may become a part of army. It's not like I can foresee what happens, but it's better to be careful, don't you think?

She could not tell what goes in this man's head. Looking at his face, it was unlikely to read anything. To her surprise, Zahn actually smiled.

- Ok, I agree. I will do as you say.

That went easier than she thought. It seemed way too easy to be honest.

- Just like that? What's the catch? Just a moment ago, you were straightforward blaming me for everything... I can't read you at all.

Zahn raised his eyebrows, hearing these words.

- Would it be better if I was easy to read, like a scroll? Don't you think it would have been hard to make my origin a secret then? - he smiled at her - It doesn't matter, I'll play along - Kat gave him a look full of suspicion - Really now, you are the only person I can trust here. You just confirmed you won't sell me to anyone, that's why I want to talk to you about something I heard from Serj.

Katarina instantly felt curious.

- So, what could this knight tell you?

- He told me he met a person whom I resemble. Supposedly, the man was called Zehn.

- Wait, but that's similar...

- Yes, to my name. And the only person I know about having this name was my grandfather's brother, who disappeared without a trace a long time before I was born.

This information came as a shock to Kat. Zahn obviously did not understand how big news it was, given the person captain mentioned was actually Zahn's relative.

- Zahn, if what you say is true - her face looked really serious now - If this man is really your family, you may have an aptitude for traveling between worlds. It may be that you were not really summoned, but used rupture caused by the spell to break into this world. That would explain how your body feels the same and why you have your equipment... I might've been wrong back when I told you what happened.

Zahn looked confused.

- What's the difference then? I still ended up in another world.

This was crazy. Kat had trouble to comprehend everything, to process all of this in her head. Technically, summoning was opening a hole through which a being can emerge in another world, so even someone taking advantage of existing passage would still be considered the same? No, it was not like that...

- It may seem the same, but it's not. I mean, I'm still an adept and not a specialist, but summoning is complex, there's a set of rules for moving a being from another realm. From what I understood when studying knowledge of my ancestors, summoning moves information body, and not a physical body - meaning your soul would have to leave the body. In other words, you might have came here in flesh, and not as an information body, so this is...

- Wait, I'm lost here. So, you say I was like transported? My body, I mean... So, everyone saw me disappearing? Does it mean I can return to my world?

Katarina scratched her head, trying to understand.

- I can't give you a proper answer. Or rather, I'm not capable enough to do that. Maybe some more experienced mage would know better.

Zahn crossed his arms and tilted his head.

- Long story short, this means finding a correct person will let me know if I can go back?

- I don't want to give you a false hope.

- That's enough for me. Even if it's false, it's enough to keep me going. I may still have a chance to help everyone.

- Can you tell me what happened before you appeared in this world? - Kat felt it was a good moment to ask - It may give us some clues.

- It's a long story.

- And I still have time before I'm fully recovered.