
A tale of FURY & DESIRE

[MATURE CONTENT WARNING!!!] In the kingdom of Wisteria, where wyverns soar the skies and magic courses through the land, Cielle receives an extraordinary gift from her uncle: a magnificent dragon, with a demand to tame it. Enthralled by the creature's majestic presence, Cielle embarks on the daunting task, unaware of the perilous secrets concealed within the dragon's heart. As Cielle forms a deep bond with her draconic companion, she finds herself inexplicably drawn to him, captivated by his strength and allure. Little does she know, the dragon she cherishes is actually a powerful enemy, concealing his true identity to carry out a nefarious plot against Wisteria. Blinded by love and oblivious to the danger lurking in the shadows, Cielle becomes entangled in a web of deception and betrayal. With her heart torn between loyalty and desire, she must uncover the truth before it's too late. Can Cielle tame the dragon's heart and thwart the impending threat, or will her love lead to the downfall of everything she holds dear?

cherriex · Fantaisie
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24 Chs


As the sun begins to rise over the dense forest, Cielle eagerly prepares for the day's hunt. She adjusts the straps of her leather hunting gear, ensuring her bow is securely fastened to her back and her quiver filled with arrows.

The crisp morning air fills her lungs as she joins the hunting party, a group of skilled trackers and hunters, each with their own weapons and supplies.

Among the group, Cielle's eyes are immediately drawn to Liam, a seasoned hunter whose rugged features and confident stride catch her attention.

"Your Highness," He walks to her, eyes twinkling as he presents her with a blinding smile, "What a pleasure to have you with us."

Cielle's cheeks burn at his flirty tone. Nodding, she greeted him back with a "Oh, the pleasure is mine."

Liam stays at her side as their journey begins at a steady pace, the forest alive with the sounds of birds chirping and leaves rustling.

Cielle's senses are heightened as she scans the surroundings, her keen eyes searching for any sign of movement or game trails. The earthy scent of damp soil mingles with the fragrant aroma of pine, creating an intoxicating atmosphere.

As they venture deeper into the woods, the terrain becomes more challenging, with steep inclines and tangled undergrowth. Cielle navigates with trouble, her inexperience in the wilderness hardening her every step.

The hunting party moves in silence, communicating through subtle gestures and signals, their focus unwavering as they track their elusive prey.

Hours pass, and the sun climbs higher in the sky, casting dappled shadows through the thick canopy above.

Suddenly, a twig snaps underfoot, breaking the silence of the forest. Cielle freezes, her heart pounding in anticipation as she raises a hand, signaling for the group to halt. They crouch low, blending into the underbrush as they wait with bated breath.

Minutes stretch into eternity before a rustling sound echoes through the trees, drawing closer with each passing moment.

Cielle's pulse quickens as she notches an arrow, her muscles tensing in anticipation. And then, emerging from the foliage, a majestic stag appears, its antlers gleaming in the sunlight.

Cielle might have no experience in hunting but her mastery over her chosen weapon is evident in the confident way she carries herself. She is too good with the arrows and aims.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Cielle takes aim, her steady hand releasing the arrow with precision.

Time seems to slow as the arrow soars through the air, finding its mark with deadly accuracy. The stag staggers, its eyes wide with shock before collapsing to the forest floor.

A wave of exhilaration washes over Cielle as she approaches her prize, her companions gathering around to offer congratulations

"Oh, Princess! That was so fast and right on the mark!" Liam shouts enthusiastically. "You are too good."

"Yes, Your Highness, you did really great for a person who has never gone hunting." Another one says and others agree.

The warmth of their compliments envelops her, filling her heart with a sense of accomplishment unlike any she has felt before.

In that moment, Cielle's doubts and insecurities melt away, replaced by a profound sense of satisfaction and happiness.

She can't help but smile, her eyes sparkling with gratitude as she basks in the glow of their praise. And as she looks upon the stag she has felled with her arrow, a sense of pride swells within her, knowing that her skill and determination have earned her a place among the esteemed hunters of the group.

Her aunt would be proud.


"Does any word come from the hunting party?" The queen asks as her maids undress her for a warm bath.

"No, your grace." Maid Liha says, "Nothing came. It's only a few hours, my lady."

The queen's eyes narrowed with displeasure as she listened to the maid's report. "Nothing?" she repeated, her voice tinged with frustration. "I had hoped for more fruitful news."

Her gaze hardened as she considered the implications. "I hope she gets into some serious trouble," the queen declared, her tone laced with thinly veiled disdain.

The thought of Cielle not falling into any traps even though it is her first time in the wild makes the queen angry. She had hoped maybe this would bring her some good news.

But as the maid stood before her, her words confirming the absence of any such opportunity, the queen's frustration grew.

Maybe the good news would find her soon. Like Liha said, it has only been some hours. Maybe when the sky turns dark, and spirits come crawling back, Cielle would meet her end.

She hopes for it. But if it doesn't work, she would have to find another way to deal with Cielle, to remind her of her place in the hierarchy of the kingdom.

And as she pondered her next move, a cold determination settled over her, fueling her resolve to assert her dominance and maintain control over her kingdom.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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