
Classes and Cat

I managed to come in classroom almost on time even with my peak human level you can't outclass or reverse the time right so, here i am standing at the door away of transmigration class upon some pondering, with no way to escape my situation.

I entered the class the sight which greet my eyes was normal other students doing their things some were busy learning, writing notes, some were taking to each other silently, afterall who dares to talk at Minerva Mcgonagall at class who right now staring at me with a blank look at me but i can see annoyance and bit of anger which turned to shock and a bit sadness then back to blank again , if there was a normal person they will not be able to see that but when i was normal while suppressing a chuckle,students who were doing their things followed her gaze and their eyes sat at me.

For some time no one spoke which felt very long to me. Ms. rosier she said after a moment spoke again saying i knew you some injury, but madam pomfrey let you out and you also look in good shape So, mind telling me why are you late and not carrying any books with you she asked me ,her voice was stern but held some curiousity in it.

The only thought coming in mind was pretty simple i looked at my hand and thought.

SHIT I forgot my books.

While having no time to think what to say i unconsciously said one of the most famous quotes "Sorry I'm late I'm afraid I got lost on the path of life".

Which got me an amused look from i can even see her lips curving upwards which see hide quickly.

Is that so, she questioned me again with the same blank look, Having no idea how to respond I just say, YES confidently which got me an amused look from her. Are you okay Mr. rosier is your injury alright she asked me concern showing in her voice.

Yes, i am alright professor no worries I said with an innocent bright smile , her face shows a shock expression which was mimicked by most of class,

I recommend you to go to madam pomfrey now,

she said me after covering her expression of shock in a slightly concerned voice , man these is the first time I seen her showing so many emotions in not even 5 minutes.

Thank you professor but I am alright i said , but her stand was firm and with a slightly more stern voice I can clearly see you have some after effects caused by your injury go to madam pomfrey now she ordered.

Thank you professor I appreciate your concern but

I am alright really i knew myself the best i said, it with the most confident voice and charismatic smile i can master. Her expression didn't change but toughen up more which told me go or else,

knowing i have no chance against her, I go after classes again okay professor i said, She look with hawk like eyes and i stare back at her with a smile

in my face after an unknown amount of time she finally sighed okay then look at lily Ms. evans please take him to the inframary after classes she said.

Lily don't know what to say just stare at her then at me and back to her , yes professor i will she said with uncertainty in her voice clearly not pleased with the suitation but comply nor the less.

The cat animagus looks at me sternly giving no room to say yes or not but expecting an answer.

Not liking to drag these mess longer i silently nod at her, she still look uncertain but , very well then not wasting the time any further lets go back to study class and Mr. rosier take a seat with Ms.evans from now on my class and professor slughorn potion class and i here both of you picked rune elective so, try to get along in that as well she said.

But profe i tried to say not liking the suitation at all in the slightest but her look, like an angry mother lioness started to all my danger senses giving me goose bumps like an angry mother lioness . Knowing my fate so, i just gave her a small okay, upon hearing my answer she slightly smile and told me to sit.

Lily's partner give me a glare and change her seat at the back of class I just sighed and sat down on my seat with lily who for some reason didn't glare at me but shot a curious look at me. Me and her almost never talk besides one time when we were bickering with each other over an issue which my past self ignored casually. So, as fellow prefects and classmates, i can say that our relationship is like two strangers who are used to each other presence but never talk with each other at the same time.

Hey, what are we learning today i asked her,

vanishing charm she answered quicker than expected. Do you mind if, i ask her while looking at her book ,she just sigh and slide the book pass me exactly in the middle of desk so both of us can see its contents.

After sometime, what happened to you she asked me quietly, well i just got scolded as you can see my reply earned me a glare from her , that's not what I meant....ugh.. nevermind. she said frustrated. I couldn't help but gave her a smirk in return.hmph she turns are face away from me, i couldn't help chuckle at her reaction.

huh cute i unconsciously said to her apparently she heard me and lookes with her green eyes who held an odd emotion in them, you have to go to madam pomfrey for sure she said with absolutely certainty in her voice.

To me she looks rather cute like small kitten trying to act big and tough i couldn't help chuckle at her

cute display, my response to her came as an angry look.

Mr. rosier , Ms.evans don't talk during class professor Mcgonagall said.

sorry we both at the same time.

to be continued ~

at morning everyone was sleeping so no pay attention to his eyes but when he entered his class

professor Mcgonagall take a notice of it but didn't say anything trusting poppy for it and lily asked this when she said what happened to you. people will notice it more and ask questions in future about it.

arazels_gambit6759creators' thoughts