
Business trip

The business trip went well for Ella, and she had been making small progress on the designs she'd been working on for her brand. On her last day in Country M, she was finishing her morning workout session when she heard laughter and barking from the Villa closest to hers. She had not noticed the neighbouring Villa had been occupied, with children at that but she thought nothing more of it. Ella finished her workout; it was when she was walking into the villa when a disc flew over her yard and she heard a familiar voice say, "Now, why would you throw it so high when you know he's just a pup. he can't jump that high" the voice sighed. 

Ella picked up the disc and walked up to the fence, "Excuse me, does this belong to you?" she asked. 

"OMG, I know that voice." squealed Hannah, Ella sighed softly with a gentle smile at recognising the young lady's voice. 

"How do you know that voice?" asked a more mature voice.