
A Tale From The Abyss

On the abyss lies a place where no one should go, but unfortunately for everyone, it's also the place where they need to go because it's the place where the final boss of the abyss lies.

PogLoser · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

The Abyss

As Axel walked through the seemingly endless valley of fog, he thought that maybe venturing this far into The Abyss was not a good idea, though too late to regret it he continued to make his way through until he reached something that resembled a shack.

Considering that it was getting late and the gates of The Abyss would be closed for the night, he thought of nothing to pass through the circular wooden door.

As he entered the shack, Axel swiftly grabbed a flare from his backpack and lit it up, illuminating the surrounding area, but afraid that he might have alerted something he immediately threw it as far as possible.

"Just 10 more hours, I hope." He quietly said to calm himself down.

While he was searching for a place to comfortably set camp, he saw a mangled mess of what resembled a vaguely human figure. It was a torso covered in scars with arms that were barely glued to the torso by a thin line of muscle, and the head was missing the upper half.

Horrified by the sight, Axel ran as fast as he could back into the fog, until he collided with a huge entity.

It was massive, and the only way to describe it was a flat face with some human-like characteristics, though it mainly looked like a worm, it had a torso resembling a decaying corpse, and legs that were like a spider's, this creature was known as the living contradiction and was one that should never be encountered for nothing was known about it.

Petrified in fear, Axel could not even move a finger to even try to flee.

"Maybe it's blind or something." He thought to himself as the creature lowered its head to meet his eyes, but before it could take a good look at him, an explosion was heard from meters away.

As the creature chased the origin of the loud sound, Axel took that opportunity to run even further into the depths of The Abyss.

As he was sprinting through the thick fog, Axel tripped in the root of a tree native to the Abyss called a Conet. It was 100 meters tall, 50 meters thick, and its leaves were of reflective blue color.

As he fell, Axel could feel himself disappearing into what seemed to look like the fabled place known as The Void.

In there he saw something that could only be described as indescribable, It might have been the creation of the universe, or maybe it's destruction by what could only be seen as a deity, with ten heads each of which was of overwhelming beauty, a shape that looked akin to an exaggeration of a human being with 1000 eyes and 500 mouths, and its wings looked like a hawk's wings, but they were coated in a color that was not in human range to see.

Struggling to keep awake, Axel tried to slap himself but could not feel his hands, and legs, and torso, unable to feel fear, he could only feel himself drifting asleep into a permanent slumber.