
Chapter 16 - Family

(Gold Galore Comic Book Store - Clarkson Avenue Haitian Kings Drug Den - 28th January 2020)

Butcher sat there, frozen.

The note might have looked to everyone else like the scribblings of a madman. The semi-faded paper from Tony Cicero's stared at him as if it was a mocking puzzle that, if only he could solve it, if only he were smart enough to put the pieces together, he could get his life back. Becca, his dearest Becca, was out somewhere being held hostage by that cunt Homelander with…with a kid.

The thought almost made him tense too hard and tear the precious lifeline, but he took a deep breath and calmed his nerves. He looked over the crayon-scrawled list for the millionth time searching for anything he had overlooked or a connection between the mad scribbles. However, as he looked at the list there was only one gleaming ray of hope amongst the quagmire of meaninglessness he had written, the very last item on the list.


The whole event was hazy, if he hadn't seen Becca and gotten the bruises to prove that it had happened, he could have mistaken the whole thing for a dream. But it was real, his Becca was alive, and there was one person on the planet that could tell him where the monster was holding her.

Clark Kent, the Superman.

Butcher felt his hands nearly clench again, but he took another deep breath. All of his training all of his experience, years of plotting, following, diving headfirst into a pile of shit, everything he had done…and now he was totally reliant on a fucking Supe. The mere thought alone made his blood boil, the actual fact was enough to make him want to kill someone, well several dozen people but he needed control.

His eyes shifted over to where Lois was sitting with the rest of the Boys, she looked so out of place amongst the drug den and heavily armed guards around them all. There she was, a noticeable baby bump, feet up on another chair with her shoes off, drinking some sort of herbal tea that MM had got her. Frenchie was next to her cleaning his assault rifle, while Kimiko sat next to him constantly writing on cards that read Boy and Girl, tapping the latter as she tried to convey something that the other man just didn't get. His eyes then moved to the other occupant of the table, MM was on his laptop with the screen open to the news article and obituary of Susan Raynor.

Looking at the screen Butcher couldn't help but sigh he knew he should feel more at her passing but in truth, Raynor's death was more of a complication for him rather than a source of sorrow. With her gone, both his actions and the world they inhabited were a lot more dangerous for everyone in it. She would never have admitted it but Raynor's effort and presence on the board had kept the scales balanced, she had taken over from the Colonel as the broker keeping everyone in their boxes. The Boys, Vought, US Military, the Supes and even Sam Lane all kept, well mostly, in their lanes because Raynor had wielded the CIA's big stick to keep it that way.

However, with her dead, the board was not only in chaos but also open.

That thought was the one worming the way into his head, the possibilities now that the status quo was gone. That status quo had been an uneasy and at times volatile peace enforced by mutual fear on everyone's part, but whilst others were afraid of what would happen now that peace was gone, Butcher wasn't. The so-called peace that Raynor had been busy enforcing was merely fear, fear of pulling the trigger, of rolling the dice on Vought and had been a peace that they had been slowly losing.

So fuck peace, fuck the status quo, fuck keeping everyone in their lane. Vought wanted to play without rules? He was fine with that.

However, if he was going to do anything he needed back in or at least needed someone with enough juice to make what he was doing tolerable if not approved by the powers at be. With Raynor gone there were only two people on earth that could fit the role. Neither was exactly a great option for Butcher and if he had a third option he would have taken it but you had to play the cards you were dealt.

Mallory hated his guts and never wanted to see him again, but that was a moveable feast seeing as her protege had just been murdered. She also hated supes as much as he did and like him had very little to lose now, and there was a chance she would want back in. Especially after years of being on the sidelines, Mallory would never admit it but he knew she missed it, the rush, the power she once held.

She was his first and best choice, the other was…Sam Lane.

Although he would never say it out loud, he liked Lois and even better admired her a little, she was very good at what she did, even if she had an annoying moral streak. Her dad however was a very different kettle of fish, and by a different kettle of fish, he meant, a white shark with as much of a conscience as one. Sam Lane had a hatred of supes that even eclipsed his own, he had no idea where it came from but everyone that was aware of it knew that Sam Lane would burn down a building full of orphans if meant offing a Supe.

Mallory had once called Sam Lane the only true patriot she ever met and she had meant it both as praise and warning. He was the only person that Butcher could remember that scared her, he was also aware that the two had a history together, he wasn't privy to it but the way Mallory had talked it had been pretty.

He released a deep sigh as he stood up carefully placing the precious piece of paper into his pocket before standing up. Mallory, get her on board get things running again and then crave out a straight line to Becca. He just prayed to god that this worked otherwise he would have to find a way to get Lois to contact her father, and he was sure it would be safer for him to go fight Homelander naked with a spoon than have that conversation.

"Okay, I'm off," Butcher announced as he redonned his classic black trench coat making sure to grab a pistol that holstered underneath his right shoulder.

"Where are you going?" Hughie's annoyed voice sounded out from behind him, the youngest member of the team was barely containing his anger at the situation he was in.

"Going to meet a contact," Butcher grunted, moving towards the exit only to find his path blocked by Hughie.

"Who?" Hughie pushed, although Butcher was not in the mood to be challenged he was secretly impressed with Hughie's attempt. The lad had grown a spine, bless his heart.

"Someone who can help us nail this Supe terrorist cunt," Butcher brushed Hughie aside and picked up a pack of cigarettes that Frenchie had left out.

"Who is the contact?" Hughie pressed moving to Butcher's side to glare at the man, his breathing becoming heavier as did so. "What is their actual name?"

Butcher fixed Hughie with a stare. A year ago this would have sent the boy running, but now Hughie just returned it, causing Butcher to change tact and just smile slyly at him. "You'll love it."

"No, I won't. I never love it." Hughie grimaced as Butcher moved away from him heading for the exit again, the casual dismal caused Hughie to finally snap. "I NEVER fucking love it."

"Noted." Butcher shrugged and kept going.

"Not a word from him." Hughie turned his attention to the group sitting at the table. "He left us for fucking dead, and now he's back. And what? It's like nothing happened?"

The table stayed silent, as everyone exchanged quick glances with each other. Frenchie looked a little abashed but unapologetic whilst both MM and Lois had the same look of resignation on their faces. The two had already discussed the Butcher situation last night in private and whilst it wasn't ideal, they still needed Butcher and his skills. However, there was one person that reacted to Hughie's outburst. Butcher just released a deep breath and decided to stomp out this little rebellion before Hughie said or did something that needed more of a response

"Yeah, you know what I am sorry." Butcher whirled around his voice, and demeanour shifting into one the Boys knew well as he fixed his gaze on Hughie. "Sorry that I trusted this lot was smart enough to save themselves like they've done a hundred times before."

"Okay, then where the hell have you been?" Hughie stepped forward, evidently trying to assert his dominance but coming off more like a puppy than a pit bull.

"Well, technically. I called him back." Frenchie spoke up, trying to be casual and end the argument all of which earned him a sharp kick and glare from Lois.

"He blew up Madelyn Stillwell!" Hughie shot back, laughing without any sense of humour in his tone.

"I told you. She was already dead when I blew her up. Homelander offed the slag." Butcher calmly replied his tone was shifting now and the look that was forming on his face was not one Lois liked to see.

"Oh great. Okay. Totally.'' Hughie scoffed in disbelief looking to the table for support but finding that everyone was just remaining quiet. "We're just gonna pretend this is normal! What, like we're a bunch of lemmings?"

The room went silent as Butcher moved forward, closing the distance so swiftly that Hughie could do nothing but flinch, freezing in place as the taller man leaned in towards him. Hughie fought every natural instinct he had to show fear but even then the look in Butcher's eye and their close proximity caused him to gulp.

"Well, who else are they going to follow?" Butcher snarled, looking more like a wolf marking his territory than a man at that moment.

"That's enough you two, unless you want to get them out and start measuring them? I'm sure Frenchie won't mind helping?"

Lois' distraction allowed Hughie to step back without losing face. Butcher's snarl disappeared as he glanced from Lois to Hughie, then shook his head and scoffed. Satisfied, he briskly turned and left. The room was silent for a moment..

"Hughie, learn to pick your fights, or next time I'll just let him kill you." Lois' tone was casual as she looked away from the door Butcher had left by and continued drinking her tea.

"I can't believe it, you're okay with this?" Hughie turned back to Lois who had for him been the sole voice of reason in the entire group, the anger rising in him again. "He's an arrogant, crazy psychopath."

Lois just looked at Hughie for a moment, her gaze caused the fight to go right out of him, and he shifted under her steady gaze. Lois' eyes had a piercing quilty that no matter how often Hughie was exposed to it, it still sent shivers up his spine. Her gaze shifted to MM the two shared a brief look before MM sighed and stood up quickly followed by everyone else leaving her and Hughie along.

"Sit," Lois gestured to the chair that MM had just been sitting in Hughie just glanced at it which earned him another piercing gaze from Lois as she now pointed to the chair. "Sit, now."

Hughie took the seat quickly feeling like a schoolboy being reprimanded by a teacher again or that he was back with his mom before she left being mad that he broke a plate or something. The situation was made even more bizarre in Hughie's mind by the very visible sight of Lois' baby bump. He couldn't help but pity the kid a little, powers or not, with Lois as a mother that kid was not going to get away with much if anything.

"Hughie, you need to stop pushing Butcher" Lois sighed Hughie opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Lois' steely gaze and raised hand. "I get it, I really do understand but like it or not, where we currently are, we need him."

"No, we don't, we have options," Hughie had the look of a man that thought himself the only sane man in a world of crazy people. "Annie, Clark, YOU! Literally, anyone else who hates Vought,"

Lois just looked at Hughie for a moment her eyes searching for something until a look of understanding crossed her face, she released a deep sigh and shook her head. She paused for a moment as she collected her thoughts and finished off her tea before speaking again.

"Hughie, we are in a very different world now, one that me, Butcher or in fact never been in before. Vought took off the gloves, there are no more rules anymore. Supes in the Military, that's was just a warm-up, Raynor's death that's….that's the first shot."

"The first shot in what?" Hughie asked carefully.

"A war Hughie, a war. Everything up until now has been clandestine even if you didn't think it was. There were rules, lines both sides didn't cross, but that's gone now." Lois paused as she shifted in her seat Hughie wasn't sure if it was the topic or the baby making her uncomfortable. "Whilst I'm flattered, by your faith in me but even if I wasn't currently…eating for two, I can't do what Butcher does. Oh don't get me wrong I could do some damage but in the end, we'd lose"

"Why? Because what Butcher's more deranged and violent than you?" Hughie scoffed out of the two of them Lois seemed much more suited to leading and planning than Butcher

He has more drive than me Hughie, more relentless focus, more…more zeal. I may hate the man, think he is an asshole and god have I wanted at times to shoot him but I have never not respected him."

Lois swung her feet down from the chair opposite her so that she could with some effort lean forward to look Hughie square in the eye.

"I'm someone Hughie if chained to a pipe in a cell with my execution was about to happen, I would plan, pull at the pipe, try to bend it, pick the lock, batter with the guards and when they came try to resist. Buchter…..Butcher is the man who would just cut off his own arm and then beat the guards to death with it. And with what we are facing we need someone capable of doing that."

Hughie went silent at Lois' words, he heard them but wasn't sure he fully accepted them. It was like there were these three worlds he was existing in. The first was Butcher's world where everything was shit and extreme violence seemed to be the only thing that worked. The second was Annie's world where all they needed to do was push some people out of the way and Clark could then swoop in and save everyone. Then there was this sort of strange real world where everyone else was ignorant of the other two and just went about their daily lives with not a care in the world.

"Hughie," His name caused him to look back up at Lois who was just smiling at him, it was that type of warm friendly smile that just made everything if not better more manageable. "I do understand what you are saying, but now isn't the time for it. However, right now we need to -"

"All pull together?" Hughie finished her sentence with a look of resignation on his face.

"Well yes, but I was actually going to say we to help stand me up my feet are swelling, my back kills, and I need to pee." Lois chuckled patting her baby bump and shooting Hughie a mischievous smile.

"Oh shit of course," Hughie scrambled to his feet and helped Lois up, she clung to his arm as they started to walk, as she tried to stretch her back. As they moved Hughie's eyes went to the bump again and he just couldn't but ask one of the many questions that had been on his mind "Sooooooo…. Boy or a girl?"

Lois just looked at Hughie with raised eyebrows a mixture of humour that it had taken him so long to broach the subject and genuinely impressed he had. "It's a girl, thank you for asking."

Hughie smiled at the new piece of information, his head already trying to determine what the girl was going to look like with Lois' and Clark's good loo-…..Clark, the stray thought caused him to wince as he looked at Lois, the other question that he had been burning to ask but had yet to dare even to think too loud. He wasn't sure if it was courage or just his usual lack of survival instincts but he found his mouth forming the words before his brain could shut him down.

"Lois does…..does Clark know?" Hughie asked the question it rolled off his tongue awkwardly but came out before he could stop it

There was silence in the air as both of them froze, Hughie was sure he was about to see the darker side of Lois again. However, to his shock he saw something that he never thought he would, Lois was biting her lip and looked unsure of herself. When she spoke again, her voice lacked its usual confidence.

"He doesn't and believe me I know this isn't ideal," She then looked up at Hughie and she could see the uncertainty on her face, like she voicing an argument or conversation she had had in her head a hundred times already. "Everything just happened so quickly, I had to go into hiding but keep up appearances, making remote interviews, it all….got away from me. And when I found out, I was already deep underground and Clark was overseas, even when he's not he's surrounded by Vought these days. And I can't let Vought find out about this."

"Why?" Hughie asked the question on instinct, sure Vought was evil but Supes had kids all the time, in fact, there was all section of the entertainment industry about children of Supes, so Clark having a kid couldn't be that dangerous knowledge.

"Hughie, you've seen the glow. My baby is a Supe, a natural superpowered baby, no V, no enhancements, the very thing Vought has been presenting their heroes as, for decades." Lois looked genuinely scared, a rare emotion on the usually steely reporter, her hands going instinctively to her stomach as if to protect it from the mere concept of harm. "If they find out, there is nothing they won't do to get a hold of her….and I can't imagine what they would do if they succeed."

(Vought Security Estate - Five Ponds Wilderness Area New York State)

"Okay, you've got this just aim right here," Homelander's voice seemed genuinely content and happy to a child's ear but to an adult, it was clear he was struggling to maintain the facade. "Just try your best,"

John watched. Ryan, his own flesh and blood, picked up the large baseball and threw it towards him. He braced, ready to catch the ball that was going to break the sound barrier. However, instead, Ryan's arm just flailed about and the ball barely reached in between them. It took every inch of his control to keep the encouraging smile on his face as he walked over to the ball.

'How is he so bad at this? When I was his age I was lifting cars above my head.' John's thoughts raced through his head, as the picture of the All-American father-son bonding exercise didn't seem to be going how it should.

However, as his brain failed to come up with anything else to do but keep going, he picked up the ball and walked back over to his spot. He gave Ryan a wide smile and threw the ball a little more gently than he did last time, but again Ryan's coordination was a mess and he missed the ball by a mile. As Ryan turned around and went after the stray baseball, John couldn't help but let a flash of anger cross his face.

Meanwhile, Becca was just standing at the kitchen window staring out at the two. Her heart hammered away, and she bit her nails as she looked at the phone in her hands. Homelander had his back to her, and she could see Ryan, but her son wouldn't easily be able to see her unless he was specifically looking for her. Her mind was racing. Vought had lied to her, they had promised to keep the two of them safe and instead, they had just let the monster back into their lives.

No, it was worse than that, he was free to come and go whenever he wanted. He was an animal that had abused her, hurt her, who had disregarded every protest she had made and then rap-

Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong!

The sound of the generic doorbell caused Becca's mind to both stop down the dark path it had been headed and become confused. No one ever rang the doorbell, mainly because no one ever visited, the entire 'neighbourhood', was made up of either people like her that Vought was hiding or paid actors to help sell the illusion this was all real.

Becca cast a quick glance at Ryan and Homelander before quickly scurrying towards the door. There was no peephole, owing to there never being any visitors, so she was forced just to open the door. The sight that greeted her brought instant relief she saw the emblazoned golden S-crest and then looked up to meet the warm blue eyes above it.

"Mrs Butcher, I got your text. May I come in?" Clark stood politely at the door and offered a comforting smile.

He had already scanned the house and knew where Homelander was, so he elected to be more diplomatic in his approach this time than he was guessing Homelander had been. Becca's eyes widened in surprise at the request, more so at the politeness of it than it itself and then gestured for Clark to come in. As he walked in he couldn't help but notice the thin veneer of normalcy that barely hung over the house. It was obvious even to someone without x-ray vision.

Artificial, fabricated…..fake.

Everything about the house, the neighbourhood, and the entire community was concocted to create the illusion of normalcy. Clark couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the fake photos on the wall or the school report in Ryan's name from the 'online' homeschool program he was on. Vought had gone to great lengths to try to create the illusion of an ordinary childhood so much so that it was almost believable….almost.

'What will happen when Ryan finds out that it isn't?' That question stuck in Clark's mind as walked into the fake home.

"They're out back, in the garden playing catch" Beeca moved through the house ducking her head slightly trying to look through the hallway to the garden, when she was sure Homelander was still playing catch she turned back to Clark. "Thank you for coming."

"It's okay, I wouldn't have been here sooner but there was a tenement fire en route." Clark apologised, he had dealt with the fire quickly but still felt horrible that he hadn't been able to arrive as quickly as he promised he would.

Becca was silent for a few moments as she looked over her shoulder to the garden again, then back to Clark, fear and hesitation in her eyes. He didn't push her, sensing that what she needed most of all was the control and safety that had been taken from her family.

"Can he… is he listening?" she asked. Clark glanced at the garden, reading Homelander's vital signs. The other superhero was completely engrossed in the game of catch and had tuned out the rest of the world.

"No, he's not listening, we just need to be careful."

"I ne-need to know, are you…." Becca trailed off, her hands shaking by her side. She pushed down the fear and the doubt then took a calming breath. "I need to know, you're not like him, are you? You're actually good, right?"

"I am not like Homelander, you can trust me," Clark spoke slowly, putting every ounce of honesty he had in his body into those words.

Becca let out a sigh of relief and felt herself almost cry as well, she knew it might be naive to take a Supe or anyone at their word, and maybe it was her last desperate hope talking, but seeing Superman in front of her was different. He didn't carry himself like he was invincible, or that she was beneath him, he felt like a protector whose entire existence was about saving whoever was in front of him.

"Thank god. I need you to help me, please. I need him to leave." Becca was trying to steady herself and felt tears that she managed to force away. "You need to make him leave."

Clark just looked at the woman and then nodded, speaking slowly. "Okay, okay. I need you to get Ryan inside and then get in the basement."

"The basement? Wh-" Becca asked confused until everything clicked. In her mind, there was only one-way Homelander would leave, and it wouldn't be by choice.

"I'll get him away, you just keep Ryan safe," Clark's tone turned serious. If the worst happened, he was ready.

He gave her a small smile and then a nod before heading toward the garden. Becca froze for a moment, and then she moved. Clark on his part had only got a few steps before she suddenly passed him and placed her hands on his chest.

"Wait, wait. Just wait, a second," Clark complied with Becca's request and could see the unease and disbelief on her face. "You're willing to go fight Homelander, just like that? Fight the most dangerous man in the world, without a second thought?"

"Yes," Clark responded without hesitation, his honesty so intense that Becca's fear and suspicion just melted away.

"Why?" Becca's voice was a mixture of awe and just shock

She couldn't believe her ears. Vought's propaganda was one thing, company rumours of him being the only decent superhero were another, but this was a whole other level. This was pure suicide, all for a nobody like her

It was Clark's turn to look confused at the question, but he answered with the truth. "Because you're afraid, and you're scared for your son."

Becca just searched his eyes for any hint of deception but found none causing her to stumble back slightly in shock. The man in front of her was serious, he was willing to go out there and fight Homelander, a fight between the two of them would be devastating, just to keep her and Ryan safe. There was a part of her, well actually a really large part of her that wanted to just step aside and let him do it, to go out there and fight, but that part was drowned out by the more rational, the more controlled side of her that knew she couldn't ask for that, where it would lead was something she didn't, couldn't be responsible for.

"No, just…. I need to keep Ryan safe." Becca was trembling for a moment before she took a deep steadying breath. "I'm not going to lie, I am terrified of him but I can't ask you to do this, knowing where it will lead."

Clark looked at her, she was putting on a brave front but the woman was clearly terrified more than terrified in fact. He wanted to press the issue, every fibre of his upbringing was telling him to act to help this woman, but the look in her eye stopped him. She needed help, desired it even but at this moment she didn't want it, for the same reason Maeve or Annie hadn't asked him to do it, what it would unleash.

"Okay, I understand but know if he ever hurts you or Ryan I will stop him," Clark stated a scowl flashing across his face as he hated not being able to act.

"Thank you, come on let's get this over with" Becca took a deep steady breath composing herself as forced a motherly smile on her face as she turned around and walked into the garden.

Clark followed close behind, easily visible not only because of his bright costume but also the fact he was easily a good head and half taller than Becca. As they went out on the small porch area the scene that greeted them was almost idyllic, a boy and father playing catch if it was not for Homelander's growing frustration.

"Okay, Ryan buddy, just use your powers," Homelander sighed trying to keep the smile on his straining face.

"What do you mean?" Ryan asked, looking at the tall blonde man in confusion.

Homelander fought back at his frustration, how was the kid not getting it, it was simple, all you had to do was throw the ball hard, your body would do the rest. Maybe a little demonstration would help, show off what he could do and that might push Ryan forward. Homelander rolled the ball he had in his hand before twisting and launching it straight into the air, with such force Ryan was pushed back a little.

Ryan's eyes widened in amazement as he tried and failed to track the ball as it disappeared into the sky. "I can't do that!"

"Yes you can, all you have to do i-" Homelander moved over to Ryan, barely able to contain his excitement, before he was cut off.

"Clark!" Ryan's voice was accompanied by him rushing over to where Clark and his mom had appeared, the boy was evidently overjoyed to see the man.

"Hi Ryan, how are you doing?" Clark greeted the small blonde haired boy with a wide smile, his eyes briefly glancing at Homelander.

"I'm good, me and dad were just playing catch," Ryan stated with enthusiasm, although Clark could tell that Ryan was more excited telling him about it than the act itself.

"Can you believe he's never seen a real baseball game? Or ever thrown a fastball?" Homelander's voice caused everyone to look at the man, a disturbing possessive look in his eye as he looked at Ryan and Clark together.

Clark just looked at Ryan who seemed to have deflated at Homelander's blunt ignorant criticism, causing him to step in and help the young boy. "Well we will need to talk to your mother about a baseball game, but I can teach you how to throw a fastball. As long as your mother's okay with it."

Becca looked at Clark, then at Homenlander and then finally at her son who was almost in awe at the chance to learn from Clark. She had wanted to get Ryan back inside and away from Homelander, he needed to be doing his homeschooling and his piano lessons was coming up. However, looking at her son's wide hopeful eyes, she just gave a small nod.

"It has to be quick though, Ryan needs to get to his studies," Becca added in quickly eyeing Homelander who just smirked at her, like her attempt to establish authority was funny.

Clark moved Ryan back over to where he had been standing and then spent a few minutes quietly talking to the boy. The action caused memories to come flooding back to Clark, remembering his father had done the same thing, showing how to grip the ball, where his balance point was, to follow through the whole motion and to command the pitch, don't aim. Although, Clark also remembered with a smile on his face that his Pa had taught him in the middle of Evan's field, 5 miles out of town just after harvest and had worn full body armour as a precaution.

Homelander just stood there watching the interaction intently and resisting the urge to scoff at Clark's advice. He was about to step in and take charge when Clark suddenly stood up from his kneeling position, a smile on his face giving Ryan a nod, before turning to Homelander gesturing for him to get ready. Ryan looked nervous for a moment but that disappeared when he saw that Clark was still smiling at him, the young boy then squared his shoulders and then threw the ball.


Beeca's eyes widened as the sound reached her ears, it certainly was a far cry from the burst of sound that occurred when Homelander had thrown the ball. However, there was no denying that Ryan had thrown a fastball, the ball had perfectly snapped out of his hand and travelled at speeds belonging to the major leagues. Ryan just stood dumbfounded for a moment before looking over to his mom who just smiled at him with all the love a mother could, however as he turned to face his father, Ryan's face fell. Homelander just looked at the ball amused at the attempt he just witnessed and threw the ball back to Ryan who flinched but the ball didn't hit him as Clark caught it with ease.

"Good attempt, and a lot better son but you need to, to, to….." Homelander sighed as he tried to think of the words remembering how he'd been taught to harness his strength and the pain he endured. "To push past the weakness, and grab your strength, your power."

Becca moved forward ready to end this, not liking what Homelander was trying to teach or instil in her boy the whole reason she was here was to stop just that. However, she stopped herself partly because of the glare Homelander shot her but more because of the raised hand Clark gave her as he kneeled back down next to Ryan, handing the ball back to him. The boy was just staring at the ball clearly desiring to do what his father told him he could do but didn't know remotely how to do it, Clark let out a deep breath and looked Ryan straight in the eye.

"Ryan, you're different from other boys your age, and that is okay. Your strength doesn't come from your arms or legs, it comes from here and here" Clark stretched out his hand and with two fingers gently tapped Ryan's heart and then his head, the act caused Ryan to look at Clark cursorily. "Your strength is all about focus and control, my Pa he told me…..how did he say it?…. 'There's power inside of you, a strength that's yours and yours alone. Don't force it, it's part of you. Imagine instead there's…..lightning in you, coursing just underneath the surface, don't grab it, don't force it, just let it flow."

"Just let it flow," Ryan repeated, nodding his head, although it sounded strange everything Clark was saying seemed to make sense to him.

"Just let it flow, breath, focus, release, that's it." Clark responded, giving Ryan a pat on the back as he stood up and aimed the boy towards Homelander.

Ryan just stood for a moment and closed his eyes, trying to focus on what Clark had told him, muttering the words under his breath. "Just let it flow, breath, focus, release,"


Becca was forced to take a few steps back to steady herself as the air pressure from Ryan's throw hit her. The sound also cracked the kitchen window, as the ball broke the sound barrier the moment it left his hand. The ball itself had exploded when it struck Homelander's gloved hand, the force and speed upon impact reduced the baseball to mulch. Ryan was wide-eyed for a moment before he exploded into a massive grin and awe at what he had just done.

Homelander looked shocked as well evidently hadn't expected Clark's approach to work but quickly overcame that and smiled massively. He began to move towards Ryan ready to sweep the boy up into a massive hug and congratulate him on moving past his weakness but before he could Ryan rushed over to his mom.

"Mom, mom, did you see?! Did you see what I did?!" Ryan was bouncing and grinning like it was Christmas and his birthday at the same time.

"I sure did, buddy." Becca smiled at her son who she had never seen this happy. "Why don't you head in and I'll make you a sandwich to celebrate."

Ryan looked like he was about to protest, turning around to try and get support but before Homelander could say anything Clark spoke up. "Listen to your mother, we will do more later I promise."

That seemed to mollify Ryan who just nodded and raced inside before anyone could stop him. Homelander moved towards the house intent on spending more time with his son but found his path blocked by Clark. Becca looked at the two men but was prevented from intervening when Clark just gestured with his head to go inside, which he quickly did. Leaving the two most powerful men on the planet alone, the garden went quiet as the two men stared at each other.

"It's great seeing my sons getting along so well," Homelander spoke first a grin on his face.

"I am going to say this again and for the last time, I am not your son," Clark shook his head, the depths of John's self-delusions were fiercely alarming.

"You're still clinging to Vought's lies, I've already told you, you need need to let them go. Embrace who you are and what you can." Sighing, it was Homelander's turn to shake his head, looking disappointed at Clark's declaration,

"The only thing I am ever going to embrace is you staying away from here," Clark declared his face stern as he looked at Homelander, who just smirked.

"You'd keep a father from his son? Not very just or righteous is it son?" Homelander's tone went cold as he stared at Clark.

"A real father from his son, never." Clark conceded but then fixed with an equally icy glare " An abuser from his victims, however, that I will always do."

"He's mine" Homelander's face fell and all pretence of friendliness disappeared.

"He's a human being, not a thing" Clark shot back taking a step forward and closing the already small gap between them even further. "I am warning you to stay away,"

"You just keep making threats, and yet…I don't really see you doing anything." Homelander snarled stretching his arms out to his sides and gesturing around showing he was unconcerned about Clark's threat. "What if I were to do what I want, hmm? Even if you could stop me, you can't be here all the time."

"I don't threaten, I make promises, and I always keep my promises." Clark's hard stare caused the hairs on John's neck for the first time ever to stand up, but the superhero kept his composure. "And I may not be able to be here all the time, but I swear if you hurt that woman or that boy, I will stop you."

Homelander just looked at Clark his eyes void of any emotion as he searched the younger hero's face before a sly grin appeared on his face. "And how will you do that son? You can't be here all the time, and besides, do you really think you can take me?"

"I was about to ask you the same question?" Clark shot back, his answer caused John to freeze as it was likely the first time someone had ever pushed back when he went down this route, seeing him freeze Clark pushed on. "I may not be able to be here all the time, but anytime your here I will be too…..So what's it going to be? Are you going or do you want to see what happens if you want to stay?"

Clark's question hung in the air for a few moments as the world seemed to slow down, Clark tensed as he made the ultimatum largely because Homelander was tensing too. The sheer density of their muscles caused the very air pressure to shift making the area around them drop a few degrees. As he looked at Homelander, Clark was certain that this was about to be it, that the preverbal fire was about to be lit, or he was until Homelnader's face broke out into a sly smile.

"Progress, definitely progress. We'll get you there, son, oh we will get you there." Homelander smiled and chuckled at Clark like this was all a big inside joke only the two of them were in on, his smile stayed plastered on his face as he turned around and prepared to take off. "I'll be back later, you bond with Ryan, and if you want to have fun with Mommy, she's a real firecracker."

Clark was about to respond but was unable to as Homelander rocketed off into the sky leaving him alone on the ground. The man of steel stayed where he was for a few moments, mostly to make sure John actually left and also because he needed a moment to feel less dirty after the conversation he had just had. Once both were achieved Clark walked back inside the house, she shared a glance with Becca before moving to sit with Ryan and help the young man with his mathematics.

The rest of the day passed swiftly until Ryan finally went to his piano lesson with a neighbour leaving the two adults alone. The moment Ryan was gone, Becca's whole attitude and manner shifted, revealing what Clark had already seen, a very tired and exhausted woman under a mountain of stress. She walked over to the pot of coffee she had made, pouring herself a glass before going under the skin and taking out a flask and adding a large swig to her drink.

"He's coming back isn't he?" Becca asked turning to face Clark and taking a sip from her Irish coffee.

"Yes, as long as he knows where Ryan and you are he will come. I can't keep him away unless I take some…..drastic measures," Clark responded honestly, the look in Becca's eye told him she was close to asking for him to do that, but not yet. Seeing this Clark reached into his pockets and laid out two signal watches on the table.

"What are those?" Becca moved over looking at the brightly coloured superman style watches

"They're a way of contacting me quicker than a phone, the watches emits an ultrasonic sound that will alert me if you are in danger. I'll show you how they work," Clark picked up the watch and showed Becca the way to activate the signal, and how to take it off "If it is forcibly removed or damaged, it will emit the signal as well."

"Thanks," Becca just stared at the watch, her brain racing as she tried to piece together the series of events that had caused her life to become this, she released a deep almost mournful sigh "There isn't anywhere we can go, is there?"

Clark looked at the woman, he knew there was one place on Earth Becca and Ryan would be safe, a place that if Clark activated its defences, not even he could get into. However, there was a large issue with that plan, one that made it infeasible as a solution.

"Not that would be healthy for Ryan, no." Clark sighed before looking around at the house a grimace forming on his face. "In truth, this place isn't good for him either."

"He's safe here". Becca shot back instantly but her face fell as her mind reminded her of the reality she was in. "Or at least he was. Look he has a normal life, school work, boundaries, a mother, he will be fi-"

"Becca, it's fake, apart from you this is all fake." Clark gestured around him to the house, whose walls and shelves were covered in pictures of things that never happened. "Ryan's getting older and one day he's going to ask to do things he can't do here, go swim in the ocean, watch a baseball game, meet people."

"You don't think I KNOW THAT?!" she shot back, there wasn't a day that had gone by where her mind hadn't brought up these questions. "...What am I supposed to do?"

"I don't have an answer to that, but I know this isn't your fault. You've done amazing, and if you can hang in there a little longer I could try and see about changing this." Clark replied slowly, taking his time to show he wasn't there to demand anything.

"How?" Becca asked, a hint of hope in her voice.

"Well firstly I think we need to-" Clark began to talk before he stopped, as an alert from Kelex sounded out, forcing him to look at the screen that suddenly materialised on his suit's inner forearm, the message causing his face to fall. "I am so sorry, but I need to go, a friend of mine needs help."

"Oh, um, that's okay." Becca blinked at the abrupt declaration and was about to ask what was wrong but before she could Clark had disappeared the only sign where he had gone was the open door and the sound of a sonic boom overhead.

(Seven Tower - Annie's Apartment - Late 28th January 2020)

Annie was breathing in rapid breaths as she all but sprinted into her room. Today had not gone to plan, like at all. First Vought had her out doing this whole Girls Get It Done shit, then A-Train was back, not good at all, plus there was Stormfront, her new teammate who seemed to hate her for no reason, and to top it off Gecko had dropped several vials of V on her.

She had already managed to send a vial to one of her news contacts, she had had that set up to go at a moment's notice, what she wasn't ready for was to be left with the remaining pair of vials of V with no idea who to send it to. She felt like she was holding a tiger by the tail, and didn't know whether to hang on to it or run. No, the V was the dynamite that would bring Vought crashing to the ground. Then the board would be freed up and Clark could start fixing the shit they had created. Now, where to hide them…

She had put one vial in a false bottom of an ugly statue Vought had given her, while slipping the other one into her boot for the moment. She was just shooting off a text to Hughie when she felt the rush of cold air hit her. She turned on instinct, her hand raised ready to fight as she saw A-Train standing smugly in her apartment.

"Hey, there new girl, who you sexting?" A-Train asked, a smirk on his face as he looked at Annie who just lowered her arm knowing she wasn't fast enough to hit him.

"Get out!" Annie demanded, her eyes glaring at A-Train.

There was a rush of wind, that hit forcing her a few steps back, it took only a moment for her to realise what had happened. A-Train was standing in front of her holding the vial from her boot a sly ominous smirk on his face, however, it was defeated slightly by the visible layer of sweat that was dripping from his forehead. Clearly despite his claims of a full recovery A-Train was still nowhere near his old level.

"What are you doing with this?" A–Train asked holding the blue vial up, his hand shook a little as he held fighting the urge to just take the glorious substance right then.

"This is not how it looks. Okay?" Annie stayed calm as her mind raced through everything she could do or say to try and get out of this. "This is just a misunderstanding."

"Homelander should have charred your ass, the moment he found out you were fucking that pencil dicked whiteboy" A-Train spat back, resisting the urge to smash Annie's face in only because he knew Homelander would want to do it.

"I saved your life, me and Clark," Annie fired back, hoping the debt he owed them would be enough, but saw another path as A-Train shifted at Clark's name. "And I can tell you he won't be happy if I tell him you're threatening me."

"Doesn't matter, it doesn't matter what shit you think I owe you" A-Train just stared at her for a moment before a smirk appeared on his face. "Or who you're fucking to protect yourself. Messing with this burns all bridges around here."

A-Train lifted the vial of V, knowing that he held the Ace card in this fight, the bitch had fucked around with V and he was going to enjoy watching her pay the price. Messing with this stuff was a one-way ticket out of Vought's loving embrace and to a shallow grave it was why he and Popclaw had been so careful with it. He just held up the V as he walked to the door, a grin on his face but was stopped by Annie's voice.

"You're not gonna tell anyone anything," Annie stated bluntly, as A-Train turned round he was a little taken aback by the hard stare he was receiving.

Annie seemed to have changed into someone hard as nails in the time it had taken him to walk to the door. Her whole demeanour was different, gone was the happy friendly

"Why's that?" A-Train asked his tone clearly mocking her attempt to sound tough.

"'Cause you killed your fucking girlfriend." Annie stated calmly her heart was hammering but her face showed no sign of hesitation or worry. "That's what you told Hughie, right? That you killed Popclaw?"

"You can't prove anything." A-Train shot back his cold had gone cold and his grip on the vail almost caused it to shatter

"Did she suffer?" Annie asked, already knowing the answer and was a bit alarmed at how good she was doing and how great it was feeling. "Did you look into her big, sad eyes while you did it?"

"Fuck you." A-Train's response was weak as he felt himself trembling the memory flooding into him

"Yeah, see, I looked at the Vought forensics report, and…" Annie just exhaled shaking her head at the speedster in front of her. "Wow. All those needles jammed into her arm at the same time? I mean, one of them actually shattered the bone. Did you know that? Would someone really do that to themselves? I mean, doesn't look like an accident to me. I mean, Vought's happy to bury it, but, you know, say, if… Sports Illustrated found out…"

The threat hung in the air, as the two superheroes stared at each other. Annie's heart was pounding but she was fighting back a smile as she could see she had A-Train, who was just standing there frozen. She walked over to him and took the vial from his hand, and was about to demand he leave but he spoke first.

"There's only one problem with your threat." A-Train's voice cut her off guard and she looked at the Speedesters now blank face

"What's that?" Annie asked, it was her turn for her tone to be mocking.

"You can follow through if you're dead" A-Train stated before suddenly exploding forward his speed so fast that Annie couldn't think or react.

She suddenly found herself struggling for air as A-Train's hands were on her throat squeezing the life from her as he rushed her around the room slamming her into the walls. The lack of air, constant motion and pain from striking the walls with force meant she couldn't do anything. She was starting to black out when suddenly the constant motion stopped, Annie gasped for air and was greeted by the sight of A-Train hitting the wall on the far side of the room and Clark standing next to her.

"Ah shit, fuck," A-Train cursed as he stood back up rolling his shoulder as he felt his back was certainly bruised.

"Leave NOW!" Clark's voice boomed so loud that the windows cracked.

A-Train looked at Clark his face fixed in a glare was clearly about to keep pushing, but as soon as he saw Clark's eyes his resolve melted. The speedster just looked at Annie and then Clark before vanishing in a gust of wind. Clark took a moment to steady himself before he turned around back to Annie who was picking herself off of the ground offering her a hand which she took.

"H-how d-did you know, I was in trouble?" Annie managed to ask taking in deep breaths as she felt her body already starting to heal.

"I didn't exactly, Kelex warned me that A-Train was back and that you'd also spoken to Gecko today," Clark explained releasing his grip on Annie now that she was okay before giving her a quick scan and was thankful nothing was broken. "So I thought I'd talk to you before you did anything…..drastic."

"I can handle myself," Annie grunted as she moved over to her apartment's kitchen to grab some water, knowing where Clark was going with this.

"Clearly," Clark responded gesturing to the broken walls around the apartment before bending down and picking up the blue vial that Annie had dropped "And is this part of handling things?"

"Yes," Annie shot back, turning to face her friend, forgetting about the water for the moment and crossing her hands over her chest. "I have a plan, it is going to take Vought out, and you are not going to stop me"

Clark sighed closing his eyes for a moment, he just wanted to keep his friend safe, despite what she thought he did have a plan it just wasn't as brash as hers because he knew who delicate and volatile the situation really was. Annie was Annie however and was never going to just sit back as things went wrong, no she would and had would run through fire to save people. He released a deep breath and looked at her knowing he needed to bring her, trust her her with everything, put her in danger, in order to keep her safe.

"I'm not going to stop you Annie but this is…." Clark lifted up the blue vial of V, pointing at the dangerous subject before trailing off.

The room went quiet as Clark just stared at the pure, undiluted vial of V Gecko had gotten Annie. For Annie Clark just seemed to have frozen in place staring at the vial, with an expression that Annie had never seen before.

"Clark?" Annie moved forward, her anger and frustration as she just looked at her frozen friend with concern.

"What is this?" Clark asked his eyes still fixed on the vial.

"It's Compound V?" Annie replied, her voice unsure as she glanced at the undiluted substance.

"This is V? Your sure?" Clark's eyes snapped to Annie his voice had a urgency and alarm to it that just seemed out of place coming from the ever stalwart Clark Kent.

"Yeah, Gecko got it for me, straight from the lab as it was being delivered from wherever they make it, its a pure a sample," Annie shifted under Clark's gaze as he just looked back at the vial.

"This is impossible," Clark's whispered statement was clearly to himself, as he stared at the first vial of V he had ever encountered.

Clark had known about the substance for years and knew what it was used for both by Vought and heroes like A-Train. However, due to it being under tight Vought control and that he didn't want any part of the drug scene like A-Train, Clark had never had reason to be near the stuff, in fact he had actively avoided it. However, now that he had it in his hands, he wished he had taken a greater interest in the Vought drug as it sent a cold chill through his body.

"Clark, what's wrong?" Annie finally just decided to ask the question, as Clark was really starting to alarm her.

"V, the drug been slightly modified, engineered but its, its, its….. its Kryptonian blood" Clark's eyes widened as he kept scanning the vial in front of him.

However, no matter what spectrum his eyes examined or how deep he looked into the genetic structure of the substance before him, it just confirmed what he had first seen. The vial, compound V, the very thing that made supes, which had caused so much damage to the world, was Krypotain blood. Annie's voice then broke him out of the spell the vial had cast over him causing him to look at one of his oldest friends as she looked more confused than ever.

"Clark, what the hell is a Kryptonian?"

(Author's notes)

Okay, I am back!

Sorry for the delay, life has just decided to happen and throw thing after thing at me. And truthfully I have had little time to write so its messed up my old writing schedule. BUT never fear I am committed to my stories until they are finished, so I will keep updating them as long as I am able.

As always, thanks for reading, each view is a little piece of motivation for me to keep going.

Also shout out to Dracomancer1 my great beta reader, his help as always is invaluable to making these stories the best they can be.

Anyway, as always please, follow favourite and review as you desire!

Luke5921creators' thoughts