
A Summoner In Apocalypse

One day, mayhem descended on earth as dimensional gates transporting monsters appeared all over the worlds and along with them crystals that brought unknown powers. Cities fell with millions of deaths all over the world. Those who survived would try to survive in their own way. Some would try to continue society and build back. Others would try to build their own utopia. But this was only the beginning as new civilizations came on the new battlefield. Hao Kennen was in vacation in the Bahamas with his friends when hell came down upon them but power was also given. Kennen received the power of summoning creatures. Vacation ruined, danger at every corner and the power of summons, Kennen and his friend will have to navigate through the dangerous situations in order to survive in this new apocalyptic world.

Bailin · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

Chapter 31: Rock, Paper, Scissors.

The entire battle took around fifteen minutes before the monsters stopped pouring in and they were done with the fight.

"Huff.. huff. That was quite the workout." Evan said while panting.

Many of them were quite tired and although it was a short fight, it was quite intense.

"Yeah, I'm beat too." Enzo expressed his tiredness.

Enzo didn't move much as he stood still like a turret shooting arrows but creating arrows and embedding them with his skills needed stamina.

"Let's collect the crystals and call it a day." Frank suggested.

"Plus one." Kennen agreed.

Oxyotl spamming invisibility also took a toll on his stamina.

Everyone went to collect crystals before coming together to count it.

The loot for this battle was 31 crystals.

"That's more than enough to get me to 100 crystals! How about I boost to 100 crystals now?" Evan said.

"It's enough for any of us here to get to the 100 crystals mark." Kennen knew Evan was trying to finesse them.

"Nice try but you will have to play this time, just like everyone." Rafael sneered at Evan.

"Come on! I'm the closest to 100!" Evan didn't give it up yet.

"I'm about the same as you, how about you let your bro go first this one time? You already did it last few times." Enzo wrapped his head around Evan's head and wriggled his eyebrow at him.

"How about you guys be gentlemen and let the ladies go first?" Amelia also came up with a suggestion.

"Knighthood is dead so tough luck!" Evan laughed.

"It's because of women too!" Rafael joined.

"Hehe, false! There's a gentleman right with us, Frank is quite a gentleman, don't you think?" Amelia looked at Frank.

Kennen had to agree with her as Frank had always been a pretty nice guy.

"Hehe, I'm an exception, and was raised right by my mom, which is rare. As for my brothers here, they are hopeless." Frank laughed as he roasted his friends.

"Well, knighthood should be brought back, especially with society reversing due to what happened." Brandi added.

"Should we also bring the 1960's energy where husbands knock the shit out of their wife for no reason?" Rafael said.

The girls were flabbergasted for a second before everyone laughed.

"How are we going to do this?" Kennen asked after everyone got their laugh.

"I think we should do it like last time." Frank said and looked around for everyone's opinion.

Everyone agreed to it and saw no need to change the game so they huddled together into a circle and prepared themselves.

"Rock… paper… scissors!"

Everyone revealed their hands,

Frank, Kennen and Brandi had scissors.

Amelia had rock.

Enzo and Rafael had papers.

When three possible hands were present in the faceoff, it would end up in a tie and they would have to replay.

That was why the first few rounds would take quite a bit of time.

It wasn't until the seventh hands that they could separate themselves.

Amelia, Kennen, Brandi and Frank showed paper while the rest had papers.

The winners and losers separated to form their own group as well as started another round.

The losers played a couple rounds until Enzo and Evan won with scissors while Rafael had paper.

"F*ck!!! I'm last!!!" Rafael pulled his hair as he raged.

"Lul, imagine being last, couldn't be me." Evan mocked him before he had another against Enzo and lost, which cemented him to be second last and Enzo to fifth place.

Then it was the winner's turn and for Kennen, he didn't overthink this and luck decided it all since he didn't really care who got 100 crystals first.

He didn't even know what he was going to play until the last second.

His fist was unopened at the end and formed a rock along with Amelia while Frank and Brandi had scissors.

He was assured to be in the top two now.

Frank and Brandi had their showdown and Brandi came out on top after three rounds with her paper against Frank's rock.

Now, only the final remained, Amelia versus Kennen.

Amelia hid her fist behind her hand and was in full stance, she seemed to take this very seriously as she was mean mugging him.

Kennen gave a dry chuckle as their seriousness made the atmosphere quite heavy and he started to feel the pressure.

"Rock, paper, scissors!" Kennen said as he tapped his fist to his palm before revealing paper at the end of the chant.

Too bad it was against a scissor.

"Yes! I win!" Amelia jumped and threw her fist into the air.

Even Brandi came and the both of them squealed in joy.

Kennen just chuckled, second place was already good enough for him.

"Man… Is there a need to be so hyped? Every one of us will get to 100 sooner or later." Rafael said.

"You're just salty you ended up last." Evan said.

Kennen took the bag filled with crystals from the goblin's hand and handed it over to Amelia, "Here you go."


Amelia started to take in the crystal and stopped after the 28th as that was all she needed to reach the one hundred crystals mark.

The other three went to Kennen.

The process of for the one hundredth crystal was as usual with the crystal turning to dust and entering her but this time, she spread her hands wide with her head facing the sky as if she was ascending to the sky.

A wave of red energy exploded out of her soon after.

Kennen put his hand up and braced for impact but that wave of energy just felt like a brush of wind on his skin.

Amelia seemed to be in a trance for a little bit as her eyes turned wholly black but it turned to normal shortly after.

Such a strong reaction when reaching one hundred crystals must mean that there was a serious power up behind it.

At least that was what Kennen thought.

Brandi ran up to her friend and checked whether she was fine.

"Amelia, how is it?"

"I feel… I feel powerful…" Amelia muttered as she stared at her hands.

Amelia then suddenly put her hands on Brandi's armpits and lifted her off with ease.

Well, Amelia realized that Brandi wasn't someone heavy and probably everyone there could have lifted her up so she went near a car in the parking lot and started to push it from the side.

The car didn't budge a single bit.

It seemed that she didn't get as strong as she thought.

If Kennen had to put where her strength was after seeing that, it would be far below Frank and Evan or even Brandi but a bit higher than the likes of Rafael and himself so around the level of Enzo.

Enzo actually got physically stronger as he consumed more crystals but this didn't apply to the other backliner like Rafael, Kennen and Amelia before this.

Honestly, Amelia was probably still stronger than Rafael and Kennen at the beginning as the two didn't work out at all so ended up having stick line limbs.

However, it would be a lie to say that the two didn't get stronger since everyone had been 'working out' a lot in the past two weeks as some a bit of muscle had been built out of that.

Amelia hummed and stared blankly in front of her.

"What did you get?" Brandi asked curiously.

"I didn't get anything new but my two skills received a powerup." Amelia answered.

"My Mind Disorientation can be casted in a ten meter radius of the target and Mind Push pushes everything fifteen meters in front of me."

That was indeed a big boost.

"A ten meter radius is huge." Kennen muttered.

If she had that during the previous fight, they would have wiped everything in the parking lot before the other monsters could have even come out of the buildings.

"Damn son, she can probably knock us all out." Evan whistled in amazement.

"Better not be grouped together then." Frank laughed.

The group decided to go back and didn't even try to find monsters so they could test Amelia's powers.

They would probably spend a bunch of time just to find nothing anyway so it was better if they just went back.

Moreover, tiredness was creeping up on them.