
A Summoner In Apocalypse

One day, mayhem descended on earth as dimensional gates transporting monsters appeared all over the worlds and along with them crystals that brought unknown powers. Cities fell with millions of deaths all over the world. Those who survived would try to survive in their own way. Some would try to continue society and build back. Others would try to build their own utopia. But this was only the beginning as new civilizations came on the new battlefield. Hao Kennen was in vacation in the Bahamas with his friends when hell came down upon them but power was also given. Kennen received the power of summoning creatures. Vacation ruined, danger at every corner and the power of summons, Kennen and his friend will have to navigate through the dangerous situations in order to survive in this new apocalyptic world.

Bailin · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

Chapter 25: School Threat

They all looked toward the opening door to see a soldier slowly coming out, the only problem was he had an AR and it was aimed at them.

Kennen and his teammates instantly lifted their hands in surrender.

They may have very cool powers now but it didn't mean they couldn't be hurt by bullets.

They ain't supermans.

"Ayo, chill mate!"

"We're friendlies!"

"Don't shoot!"

Kennen's friends immediately showed their surrender and tried to avoid any one-sided shootout.

"Who're you people?" The soldier asked.

"Huh… Tourists?" Frank answered with hesitation.

It was hard to describe them as anything other than tourists or apocalypse survivors.

"What's up with those goblins and lizardman?" The soldier continued his interrogation.

The fact that he was able to name Kennen's summons' race correctly, proved he was a man of culture and that would make explanation easier.

"Familiars! They're my familiars." Kennen answered him.

"Where are the orcs?" Another question.

"They're dead, we took care of them." Frank said.

"Really? Can you tell me more about how you did it?" A middle aged man walked out of the room and asked in wonder.

He gave an authorative aura.

"Mr. Ambassador, you shouldn't come out!" The soldier immediately advised him.

"Stand down soldier, we're in the company of fellow citizens." The ambassador ordered.

"We have to be careful, sir! These are dangerous times!" The soldier seemed to be overly cautious.

He probably watched too many zombie flicks.

"It's fine, Corporal McDermott." The ambassador patted his shoulder and then turned toward Kennen and his friends, "Can I ask you guys, how did you do it?"

Frank was in charge of explaining to him.

"I'm not sure if you guys know but red crystals that monsters' drop give superpowers."

"We are aware, Corporal McDermott and I have… hum, taken such crystals," The ambassador said, "But the powers that come with it aren't strong enough and certainly not as powerful as fire weapons."

"We got automatic rifles but we still got run over. John even…" Corporal McDermott started to get emotional.

"Excuse the corporal, private Matthews was a dear friend of ours, who sadly fell during the invasion." The ambassador said.

"No, no,, it's fine, we're sorry for your loss."

"An AR is certainly more deadly but with enough people that have developed their powers, it becomes easier to beat orcs." Kennen joined in the conversation.

"What do you mean by developing powers?" The ambassador asked.

"By absorbing more crystals." Frank honestly told him.

Frank went on how the crystals worked and how the situation was outside.

He was probably excited that they discovered survivors outside of those in the hotel.

From that, Kennen also learned that it was ambassador Colin Rogers and there were in total fourteen survivors that made it to the safe room before the monsters caught up to them.

That room was just the security rooms where they could view the security cameras around the building and where the weapons were stocked as well as the safe but as a small embassy in a country where international politics weren't involved, there was nothing crazy in there.

He also learned what powers the two received.

Corporal McDermott could duplicate an item of his choice and the clone would only last for 20 minutes. He could only have one duplicate at the same time.

Ambassador Rogers was a fire mage and he could only shoot a fireball.

"What about you guys? Have any plans?" Frank asked the ambassador.

"We were able to contact the country at the beginning but lost contact not long ago. Help won't come here as their hands are full back in the states and the local military can barely keep itself alive on the main island, let alone Nassau here."

"Honestly, food was running low so we were planning to make a last stand in trying to wipe the monsters here before you guys came."

"Now, first we have to get some food and I would also like to ask for assistance from you in helping us secure the area."

The ambassador asked for their help and they agreed to help.

The fact that the embassy had a generator running that provided them with electricity was a huge reason to help them.

Moreover, they had nothing to do except for more grinding so helping them out secure the area was nothing.

This could also be another base for them to use as the people in the embassy rather stayed in that building than going to the hotel where Kennen lived.

So Kennen and his friends helped the embassy people drag the corpses outside and burn them and spent the day barricading the embassy.

At the end of day, they returned to the hotel.

They also promised Colin to visit them the next day as Colin wanted to gather some crystals up too but wanted them there to oversee their first battle in case anything happened.

In Kennen's opinion, they were more than fine as they still had an AR and a couple hand guns. It would be an easy hunt for them as long as they didn't overreach.


Amelia was babysitting the four person team from the embassy for their first outing along with Evan, Brandi and Rafael.

Kennen, Frank and Enzo went on their own little trip to get Enzo to fifty crystals.

Amelia was roaming around the embassy with the embassy's hunting team in quest for their first hunt.

Her thoughts started to wander to her current situation.

She was saving for a vacation for a long time and finally found the time to enjoy it with her best friend and boyfriend of two months.

It was a dream of hers to go on an adventure in a mysterious land but this wasn't what she envisioned.

What she wanted was an epic adventure, not a full blown apocalypse where people died at every turn.

Everything happened when they were having a nice meal over at a local restaurant.

People then started to die around them and Brandi was starting to panic as she yelled like a banshee.

Amelia knew she had to do something at that time as James was also panicking and didn't know what to do but a red crystal suddenly appeared under her and poked her exposed thigh.

That was how she got her powers and used it to lead her two friends out of that restaurant and back to the hotel they stayed in.

She had to take the lead and do her best to keep her little group safe even if she was panicking inside and was way over her head.

But she had always been the boldest of any people she knew as well as the most daring.

Amelia chose to take them to the locker room in the hotel's gym after seeing that pig looking monsters were blocking the stairs and killing people in the reception.

The three waited in fear for god knows how long but then Amelia heard something that resembled people fighting so peeked her head out to look at the gym.

That was when she saw guys that looked like nerds fighting some humanoid pigs.

She didn't see it but they won against them, she had never expected those guys to be that strong at that time.

Amelia and her friends ended up joining in as they seemed to know what to do and were level headed even in the current situation where the world collapsed.

There was also the fact it was easier to survive in a group than by themselves and they also took the burden of leading from her.

Many days went on and Amelia got to know those guys further and the dynamic in their relationship.

Amelia wasn't sure who was the leader of their little group but most decisions would defer to Kennen and Frank.

Frank looked like the leader with his optimism and overall friendliness but all decisions actually went through Kennen's check first.

Kennen was the more serious one among the five and also seemed to be the smarter one but Amelia sometimes noticed he seemed to hold his words quite often and was quite reserved.

Then there was Rafael who was the sarcastic one among the five as he tended to whine but was also quite knowledgeable.

Evan was a daring one and was borderline reckless sometimes but his courage certainly helped them many times.

All in all, Amelia felt lucky to have met this group of boys and joined their group, otherwise she would've died already even if she got superpowers like those characters she saw on the big screens.

Many things happened in just ten days and even with powers, her boyfriend James still died during an unexpected attack from the pig monsters in the middle of the night.

She felt a lot of sadness after losing a dear friend but moved on quickly. As her mother said, the deaths wanted her to smile and be happy.

Be happy, that was what she would try to do in this new world just like she tried to do in the last one.

And what made her happy was doing something she felt was meaningful and being surrounded by people she enjoyed the company of.

As Amelia was in her thoughts, thinking about whether she was happy currently.

"Goddamn, that's a waste of bullets…" Amelia heard Rafael mutter beside her.

They followed the embassy expedition's team and were watching them hunt a couple of pig monsters and a couple wolves.

Corporal McDermott took his time to shoot and his aim held true as each of his shots resulted in a kill.

That was the case for the two other civilians.

Their fear got the best of them as they emptied their clip on the charging monsters.

Yes, the monsters were dead before they could get close but some of the bullets went awry.

"Come on, don't be mean, they aren't soldiers, you wouldn't do any better either."

Amelia sympathized with those two, they were probably just office clerks previously and never really touched a gun before.

"Tsk, you didn't know but I used to go to the shooting range before and I was so good with a gun that I gained the title of school threat."

Rafael almost seemed proud when he said that.

Amelia was confused, wasn't school threat meant…