
A stranger's step by step guide to immortality

A great person once said that in the world of humans, it is impossible to achieve eternal life...and I took that personally... . . This is not a fantasy book. It's a scientific book, since science is the closest thing to magic we have in our universe. . . It is a simple depiction of the research made by a person striving for perpetual improvement. Themes such as Oncology, Epigenetics, Robotics and Philosophy will be the main ingredients. . Now, whether such a lofty goal is even possible in the first place...who cares? After all...one must imagine Sisyphus happy...

FangYuan1234 · Politique et sciences sociales
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7 Chs

Step one - Mindset

"And so, by looking at yourself and diligently striving for success, you would find the only enemies and obstacles that prevent you from maintaining your existence: your laziness, your ignorance, your unnecessary desires, and your limits. 

When you strived and dedicated yourself to triumphing against these enemies, you would find your heart finally at peace." - Negary, Soul of Negary.

Some might agree with the statement made above and some might not, but it is hard to argue against working towards one's dreams. 

There are unfortunately many distractions and obstacles, be they real or imagined that act as chains for our minds, preventing us from freely pursuing our dreams.

In my admittedly short experience, I have identified a few such factors which seem to have a big impact on one's ability to concentrate, those being :

1-fear or lack of belief in one's abilities 


3-gluttony or hunger


For each person there are different weights dragging them down, such as anger, pride, envy or sloth, but since I myself am not suffering from these ailments as much as from the others, I can not claim to be an expert in removing such emotions.

Speaking of removing them, there are countless ways of dealing with obstacles of the mind, so many in fact that I doubt anybody, no matter how knowledgeable on the human psyche could claim to know them all. As such I can only speak from experience and present a few rules that I have distilled from the 20 or so self improvement books I have read thus far. These laws will be tweaked and modified as I find new ways to improve my mindset.

- Lay down thy pride ( This is related more to the one's ability to ignore insults from others rather than abandon one's pride in one's abilities, but it also means that one should never think that they are the best, the strongest, the smartest etc)

-Forget attention (People are social creatures, our brains are hardwired to seek the approval of those around us -will be explained in the neurology chapters- . In today's society, attempting to make unimportant people think highly of you is mostly unimportant, save for a few notable exceptions)

-Slay your unnecessary desires , don't do things that do not serve you (read : anything that doesn't bring you closer to your goal)

-Remain calm in any situation ( no matter how dire that situation might be)

-Remember who you are (or who you wish to become)

-And that you can always get back up ( the only way you can lose is if you quit)

These are some rules that would most likely help the person reading them to at least vaguely think about what their next following actions should be, make them contemplate the true value of what they choose next.

This marks the beginning of the first volume, the one without which all the others are completely useless.