
A story of multiverse travels.

Seemingly getting a second chance after death along with some benefits, he isn't planning to waste his chance. Read as our protagonist Ken travels to different worlds in the search for power, fun, and perhaps even love. ------------ Worlds planned for now: - Danmachi - HighSchool DxD ------------ -Feel free to support me if you want; patreon.com/MunirSM -Here my discord server: https://discord.gg/NgbvfZp9Hk. -Cover is not mine. Contact me if you wish for me to remove it.

MunirSM · Anime et bandes dessinées
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74 Chs

Reunion and going forward.

"Ophis, can I ask you for a favour?" I asked the —no longer Loli— dragon god as she spent another day observing me in silence, stopping only to deliver to me another beating in the name of training.

"Hmm." the floating Ophis didn't take long, if at all, to nod positively to my inquiry. It seems she didn't even need to hear the nature of my request.

"I want to bring some people here with my magic. I need you to check if it is going to malfunction."

Needless to say, Ophis didn't seem that pleased with it. The silence that she likes would be disturbed, after all. She even looked down on me to showcase her disapproval.

Using a bit of wind magic to get on her eye level, I patted her head and begged, "Please? They are very important to me."

While I had a certain degree of confidence that I could do it without her help, eventually, I wouldn't want an accident to happen. I wouldn't want to receive their heads or something as a cruel joke... There were four people I had marked with my space magic for protection.

I snorted, 'Some protection that was...'

I debated whether I should try to summon Riveria in or not... I guess our date will have to continue in another world.

[Divine Spacial temporal magic: Lv2]

I could feel some connection, but it would get interrupted when I feel like I can teleport them to me.

There was only one thing or person that might have something to do with it. Gaia…

Only after another round of head pat bribing did Ophis relent. The infinity dragon put her hand on my back and 'blessed' me, some strength magically entered me.

My knee slightly failed me as the sudden strain took me by surprise. Nonetheless, I was close. I could almost feel them in front of me.

[Haruhime Sanjouno-Lv1]

HP: 280

MP: 120

"Ken-Sama? Your hair…" Haruhime, the little fox, asked confusedly, registering my changed appearance, and tilted her head after she put away the short sword in its scarab. She was in her dungeon-delving gear, the same silver armour that I made, although I gave her weapon an upgrade. She seemed to be looking around and was ready to start firing off some questions.

"Can you give me a moment? I will be explaining everything in a moment. I promise." I asked her, my concentration couldn't be broken at the moment.

"Of course, Ken-Sama." smiled Haruhime. She gracefully sat down, and her eyes were naturally drawn to the new environment.

The weaker ones appear to be easier to summon… The next one in line should be Tsubaki.

[Tsubaki Collbrande- Lv5]

HP: 5320

MP: 1960

My dark-skinned friend was not as casual as the little fox. Her position was entirely different, and her eyes looked puffy with fresh tears on her face.

I widened my eyes, 'Tsubaki, crying?'

She was on her knees with both arms extended in front of her. Tsubaki almost fell face first with the sudden change, but I intercepted her.

"Easy there."

Her puffy eyes widened seeing me," Impossible…" she muttered.

...That seemed like an overblown reaction, for sure. A foreboding feeling was growing deep inside me.

"Hephaestus said you…." she didn't complete the sentence, and I didn't need to hear the rest to understand where she was going with it. Something happened...

"Tsubaki, just trust me here. OK? I will explain everything in due time. I still need to grab Riveria and Hephie."

I looked seriously at her, " We can talk later…" Tsubaki nodded at that.

[Riveria Ljos Alf-Lvl6]

HP: 3280

MP: 4150

"Ken? Huh?" Riveria got teleported while she was standing up. Luckily, Riveria seemed to be perfectly able to read the mood, looking at the grim expressions of the two of us— mostly Tsubaki.

Unlike the three other times, it wasn't nearly as easy to teleport Hephie. But eventually, she appeared in front of me.


HP: 180000

MP: 95000

In the same position as Tsubaki, yet admittedly more shaken, Hephie was sitting in a fetal position. She looked as if the life was sapped out of her.

'What?' confusedly thought the crimson-haired goddess. Hephie looked at her slightly glowing arms.

'Why can I use my divinity?'

I could see her taking looks around until her eyes met mine. Her lips quivered in disbelief. She didn't make any sounds, other than silently treading toward me. Her eyes, palpitating, never left mine the entire process, almost as if to make sure that I wouldn't disappear again.

"... Ken." Hephie slowly raised her trembling hands and put them on my face as her crimson head met my chest.

She didn't speak for a while, "... Please. Don't do that again." Hephie muttered with a low voice.

Sighing, I rubbed her head. "My bad."

I looked at the awkwardly standing other three people in this vast place and gestured for them to join in. Hugs are free, after all.

In the background, Ophis looked at the entire interaction with question marks above her head.

We were linked in a hug for a while now. Although, the happy mood seemed to shatter once I asked about what happened on their side.

" I think Hephaestus should be the one to tell it," said Tsubaki, tone uneven.




I gritted my teeth in frustration as I went through what Hephie told me in my mind for the second time. Ouranos. I trusted you...

I felt a hand grab mine, I looked at Hephie, and she shook her head. " Can I also get stronger?" she asked. "I want to deal with it myself."

"The situation in your world?"


Perhaps sensing my strange gaze directed towards her, "Ken, you don't understand... I watched as you broke every bone in your body, I've seen your flesh get reformed more times than I can count... And I COULDN'T even join you because of that bastard." Hephie squeezed her hand until it turned white from the pressure.

"It was not fun... I don't care what reasons he had— I will kill him. And that's a promise."

The way Hephie's crimson dilated and 'sweetly' looked at me after that statement was... honestly hot. She was definitely on her way to becoming a full-fledged Yandere.


"How strong would you say Ouranos is compared to me at this moment?"

Hephie breathed out, stopping her 'rant' for a second, and entered her god form. It was a glittering form with her shape, however, her voice turned an octave deeper. "I would say you are about as half as strong as him. This is crazy, you know… "

[Akagi Ken(Divine)- Lv2]

HP: 229500→280720

MP: 153300→172500

STR: 260→270

VIT: 245→260

DEX: 270→275

WIS: 280→285

That is good to know… But Ouranos is a joke compared to the big guns of this world. So I had a big road ahead of me, for sure. I looked at the three of them, and so did they.

But the same thought process couldn't be applied to the others."Is Ken-Sama a god now?" Haruhime asked enthusiastically. Her eyes glittered as her fox tails swooshed back and forth. Her ability to single out the information that she only wants to hear was as impressive as ever.

I ruffled her hair. "I guess... Well, I'm something else as well now. I'm also a dragon."

"Did it have something with the one-eyed dragon?" Riveria asked the good questions as usual, and I nodded at her inquiry. Somehow, she seemed to be guilty of it.

"Stop that, please. I am not particularly mad about this change. Also, I didn't do it to gain your gratitude or something, Riveria.

...Actually, it was kinda my fault that happened in the first place. It balances things out in the end." I sighed, "And I have a feeling that your father is going to capitalise on that for sure."

Riveria smiled wryly at me, grabbing her staff, indicating that was going to be the case for sure. "Please don't blame father too much. He has had a certain encounter with a god, and he's never been the same since... Naturally, he wasn't that pleased when he learned about Lady Hephaestus."

"Do you still have your Falna?" asked Hephie.

I shook my head, "No, I merged with it. That's why I gained actual divinity in the first place."

"Is that how the Falna works?" muttered Tsubaki on the side.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but no. That is not how it works. You won't become a god by simply reaching level10." evenly, answered the goddess of smithing.

"Then how did you become a god, then?" confusedly asked the mortal smith.

"I said that I merged with the Falna?"

"I heard that, yes. But how?"

I waved off her question, "Don't worry, it just works for me."

"Ken-Sama! Can you give me your blessing? You are a god now, right?" asked the little fox with glittering hopeful eyes, I couldn't possibly refuse her. Besides, maybe it would change something along the way.

After a crash course with Hephie, I managed to easily do it. It was just putting an insignificant amount of divinity.

[Haruhime Sanjouno]

Level: 1

-Strength: A-840

-Endurance: S-920

-Dexterity: S-940

-Agility: S-910

-Magic: A-860

Skills: -

Ji bun Yūji: To be your own hero. To resist your own fate. The skill holder's resolve directly influences the level of growth.

???: The stats can be raised to EX1499.


-Uchide no kozuchi: The blessing of the Kitsune. The user can buff the level of anything, other than the caster. The effectiveness, duration, and cooldown-recovery speed depend greatly on the Kitsune's strength.

-Kokonoe: A special enchant magic that can create up to a maximum of nine tails for the user. Each tail increases the duration, effectiveness, and cooldown-recovery speed of the Kitsune's blessing. The current limit is six tails.

"That's some BS alright," I muttered under my breath. "Did something go wrong, Ken-Sama?" asked Haruhime anxiously.

I smiled wryly at her, "Quite the opposite, actually."

"It's ok to tell them your status, right?" I asked, if only as a nice gesture. "Of course, Ken-Sama!"

I informed them about her status, and in particular the EX1499 part. Somehow, they didn't seem that surprised about it.

"Of course, they wouldn't be that surprised. It's going to take more than that... with all this." Hephie said the last part while having eye contact with Ophis.

"Give snakes?" the silent Ophis finally asked after a while on her part, tilting her head and sitting on my lap.

'That was not the best thing to do, you air-head...'

Such a clueless act must have looked strange in her adult form. I patted her head regardless.

I could feel some pointed gazes heading toward me. 'What is this about?'

Rubbing her head, I made sure to inform her. "No, Ophis. Stop handing out your snakes like they are candy... We already talked about it, right? If you want to get the dimension gap, I'm your best bet."

Sadly, she had already given a bunch of them to the Anti-Satan faction... Luckily, the Khaos brigade isn't as developed as we were fairly before the start of the 'story', at least from what I could understand. Not that I would let them take advantage of Ophis either way.

"Those are some big words, little dragon. Right in my presence too." the familiar voice of Great Red came in.

"Tsk. At least show your face. What are you? Some Tsundere?"

Huh? Why was there no response?

"What was that?!" asked Hephie. She was the only one that had an inkling of how strong the bearer of the voice was as she was in her godly form still.

"Do you need to go to your divine form to use your divinity?" I asked her.

"Not really... It just feels better." She must have noticed my attempt at redirecting the conservation.

I took out Fortis, my divine sword, from the inventory. "That's also another reason."

Hephie's silent gaze at Ophis dropped, and she almost salivated looking at the new Fortis. "DID IT GET STRONGER!" She took it out and examined it, but dropped it after a while as it lightly zapped her. Fortis didn't like being handled by people other than me.

"You rascal. I was there when you were born!" Hephie had a face full of betrayal, looking at the silver-edged divine construct like a mother hearing her child's first words were 'Daddy.'

"For now, we will just get stronger. I don't want you all to get a weakness. I will figure something out at the end."


Skills: GamersMind(Off) - GamersBody - Instinct - Mind'sEye(True) - Mage - Mystery- DivineSmith- Rejuvenation - Shapeshifting - Mixing- DivineTouch- Luck- EndlessLibido- Battlecontinuation- Mana Burst.

Magic:- Warlock - Divine Temporal Spacial mage- Divine Dark/Light mage.