
A Story of a Random Person

A story of a random person's life.

Linso · Politique et sciences sociales
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 PSP

Hello everyone, this is the author.

Happy Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you readers! 😁

I decided to publish a chapter even though it is incomplete but i'll be posting the other half soon since it's not finished yet. But do not worry because I will definitely finish this chapter! Even though I am lazy and have no motivation at all!

Also I forgot my novel and also since it's christmas I should publish one but remembered it late and couldn't post it at exactly 12:00 am at my timezone and even december 25 😭

Oh right! Since I don't have an editor, all the grammar and sentences are made by me so expect it to be rough!

Well that's all! Have a Happy Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you guys! 😁


This is Siden's father, Sid O. Latar. He works as a service contractor for the government and other clients.

"Welcome back" Said Siden's mother while smiling.

"How was work today?"

"It was okay. Right i bought Siden a console."

"Oh? You bought him a console?" Said Siden's mother in surprise.

Siden's father came to the living room then placed down the paper bag containing the console in it.

As he placed it on the table, Siden looked at it with curiousity.

"Oh right, I made pork adobo, are you hungry?"

"Of course! Even if i am full i would still eat it Because you made it!" Said Siden's father with a smile and energetic voice.

Siden's mother smiled at him, satisfied with his response, she turned around to go to the kitchen to prepare food and utensils for Siden's father.

Meanwhile, Siden was taking out his console from the paper bag that his dad bought for him.

"What is this?" Siden thought.

In Siden's hand was a package of a portable sony playstation console or PSP for short.

Siden looked at it and placed it on the table.

"Woah" Siden thought.

Even though he did not know what it was, he felt like it was something wonderful and fun to play with.

While Siden was fiddling with the package his dad sat in the dinner table waiting for his food to arrive. He noticed Siden fiddling with the package but he did not do anything or stop him as he merely smiled watching what Siden was doing.


Unknowingly his food had already arrived at the table, still fresh and steaming hot.

"Mhm, smells delicious! as expected of my dear, thanks for the food!" Said Siden's father.

Siden's father then prayed for his food in a shortcut and fast way. (Author's notes: it's very common here and the action is just a sign of the cross and with the prayer being done with just saying thanks or nothing at all. There is a saying after all that, faith in God comes from the heart not in prayers or rituals.)

After he was finished with his prayer he then quickly picked up his spoon and fork to take a spoonful of rice paired alongside with pork adobo all in one go.

He ate it in one mouthful and his eyes lit up as the taste and umami of the pork adobo gushed out and to make it more wonderful the rice complemented the pork adobo as it evened the saltiness of it.

"So delicious!" Siden's father said in excitement.

Siden's mother smiled.

After a couple of mouthful, Siden's mother asked Siden's father.

"Why did you bought Siden a PSP console?"

"Why not? I just wanted to." Said Siden's father while he was simultaneously eating.

Siden's mother—who was speechless—looks at him for a moment and sighed. She then looked at Siden who was fiddling with the package of the console in surprise because Siden was fiddling with it.

"Ah! Siden don't touch it! You might break it!"

Siden's mother hurriedly moved to Siden's side and carefully took the package.

Siden looked at his mother who snatched his PSP but rather than crying he was more curious on the PSP as he continued staring at it.

Siden's mother inspected the package for a while before opening it to see the console. She carefully proceeded opening the package and there the PSP console was seen. Its color was blue which was Siden's favorite color as well.