
A Story of a Random Person

A story of a random person's life.

Linso · Politique et sciences sociales
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 Beginning of Memories

"Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing here?''

A 4 year old boy suddenly questioned his existence out of nowhere as he suddenly became aware of his surroundings.

Not too long ago, he was playing with his toys all alone enjoying himself and while he was playing—a sudden awareness struck him. That sudden awareness that struck him made him question a bit about his existence, just as he was contemplating and reminiscing about his memories, the call of his mother calling him disrupted his thoughts.

"Siden, it's time to eat!" His mother said.

Siden—the 4 year old boy—quickly hurried to the dining room where his mother was waiting and quickly climbed up the chair and sat down, instantly forgetting what he was thinking earlier.

In the table, the food that they were having was pork adobo and also a cucumber in the side as a side dish.

Looking at the food in the table made Siden's mouth drool. Pork adobo was his favorite food. Not being able to wait any longer he reached out to the Pork adobo to grab a piece of meat with his hands, but unfortunately for him—his mother slapped his hand and did a praying gesture.

"Siden, pray first before eating." His mother said.

Siden did what he was told and followed his mother's actions. After that they recited a prayer to give thanks to the food that they are about to eat.

After they were done with praying, his mother grab a bowl of rice and scoop him a fresh hot steaming rice along with the sauce of the pork adobo and a handful of pork.

Siden grabbed his spoon and started digging in with gusto.

Before he placed it in his mouth, he blowed on it first so that it would cool down a bit and be easier to be eaten and then after doing that a couple of times he finally placed it in his mouth.

When he chewed down the meat, juices of the meat that was full of umami instantly gushed out and surrounded the tongue by the savory of the adobo and embraced it.

What's more was that the pork belly that was used for the pork adobo was perfect as the fat was not too big and also not too small. It was the perfect size and ratio as it leans more on having more meat than fat and pair it with a fresh steaming hot rice, it was amazing as it could get.

Siden's eyes lightened up as he ate more with double the gusto.

His mother smiled with satisfaction as she also fill up her plate with rice and adobo and ate.


Siden and his mother finished eating with their plates wiped clean.

"Was it delicious?" Said Siden's mother.

He nodded and said, "mhm." The look in his face and his full stomach signifying it was really delicious and satisfying.

Siden's mother smiled and stood up, took the plates to the sink and grabbed a towel to wipe the table.

He watched his mother wiping the table for a moment before he got out of his seat and ran to the living room to continue playing. While his mother was washing the dishes, there was someone knocking outside on their gate.

his mother quickly finished what she was doing so as to not wait the person and walked outside to check and see who it was.

She peeked through the gate's gap and after confirming that it is someone she knows she opened the gate.

It was Siden's father.

Siden seeing that his father was already home quickly checked what he bought.

His father was carrying a brown paper bag with a box inside. He did not know what it was and was curious. It did not take long before he knew what it was.

"I'm back." Said Siden's father with a smile as he patted Siden's head.