
A Story About Adolescence

Is it true that adolescence is the most fun period?, especially during school. Does this apply to Gita, Aulia and Dimas? High school students who have just fallen in love feel happy, sad, disappointed, mixed into one. What is their love story? This story is packaged in three volumes from the characters' points of view. Author: Lekha Raveena

lekharavee · Sports, voyage et activités
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Actually, I'm lazy like this all the time, I'm tired. I'm really tired of my feelings, I don't understand anymore. I like it, yes I do, but he doesn't. So what should I do? Since he and I are no longer in the same class, we have changed.

Hm, I made a mistake, not changed but different. It can't be helped, I feel like I'm tired of all this. Boys are the same! Yes, it's the same, you'd be lying if you said it was different. All my girl friends also admit it, whether they are cool, cold, spoiled, pretty, tomboyish and various other types. I would also say "boys are the same". It's up to you guys to agree or not, but I still say the SAME!

OK, I'm like this because I'm emotional, how can I not be emotional, just imagine if you were me, you had a guy friend from elementary school, you already know what his bad and good qualities are, and now that you're in high school and you're not in the same class. , he even enjoyed teasing girls in his class, I was annoyed. Try to imagine if you were in my position. I like him, but he likes other people, it's sick. Yes, it really hurts.

Argh... I'm getting more and more annoyed with myself for not being able to do anything like this. Unfortunately, even though I'm annoyed with this guy, I still like him. At first I thought it might be fun to have a fun guy friend, we could exchange ideas, see sides from different points of view. But unfortunately, I actually like him, but he likes the pretty girl in his class again.

She is beautiful. She's a quiet type of girl, who is sometimes fierce, according to her classmates. I know, that guy must be teasing her for that reason. I really know what his character is like. I already know his problem, he's really stupid, a stupid guy from school and there's no one who doesn't know his attitude. He's not a naughty guy who likes to play truant, he's also not a smart guy who's always the pride of the school. He's also not the guy that all girls dream of, like the student council students, basketball kids and other most wanted guys. He's just a mischievous guy who has a charming smile. I liked his smile, until now I always like it. And now I'm still annoyed with him, he's the one now walking towards me. He smiled and instantly my annoyance and anger just disappeared. I'm melting again.