
A Spyce Ninja's Multiversal Journey

Dying and getting reincarnated is something a lot of weebs want. Though, being someone who is a weeb, Faye didn't want that. Yet, that is what she got. Dying during surgery after being pushed down the stair by your brother is not even a good way to go either. Now she was reincarnated as Momo Minamoto, now here she was looking around only to see where she was only to hear a voice ring out in her head. "Welcome to the training world host! Shall we begin your training?" " Eh? EH!? WHAT!?"

YuriNeko · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs


Previous Name: Faye

Current Name: Momo Minamoto

New Looks:




Blood Type: O negative

Likes: Animals, Traveling, Sleeping, Racing, Demon Slayer, Naruto, Fighting

Dislikes: Dresses, Tomatoes, Strong Smells, Pedophiles



Titles: None

Level: 5

(All goes up by 5 every time Momo levels up)

Strength: 25

Agility: 25

Luck: 25

Intelligence: 20

Endurance: 20]