
New Family Members

Reagan was looking at the six litter of pups that Fenris had birthed a few minutes ago. Looking at the pups, Reagan smiled as he was happy to see new members coming into his family 'Well I did change the genetics of Fenris similar to Fenrir, and now I'm looking at the first natural born pups of Fenrir, the Great Wolf. Heh, the stories from the last hero are almost similar to Ragnarok, the only difference being that Hel is fighting against Fenrir and Jörmungandr. Well, it's not my problem as I will die before that day arrives, but I can strengthen the realm of men before I bite the dust.'

He was brought out of his thoughts, when Fenrir came to him with a snow white pup holding it by the neck and dumped it on his lap. Taking the pup in his hands, Reagan asked "Are you sure? Won't Fenris get mad at you?"

"Woof" Fenris barked from where she was laying down then looked at the Alys resting in the hands of Sarra.

Shaking his head, he picked up the pup and walked towards where his mother and sister were seated. As he reached there, Reagan tenderly placed the pup on Alys after having a silent conversation with his mother. When Alys felt the soft furs of the pup, she hurriedly hugged it while making some noises in content.

Mother and son pair just watched as the pup started licking the cheeks of Alys. Creasing her head, Sarra said "You two will watch out for each other from now on, okay?"

"Awoo." "Yip." Both babies responded as if they understood what she said.

Smiling at their reactions, Sarra looked at Reagan and asked "So, what are we going to do with the rest?"

"I wanted to build them a den for themselves, the den should be near us and the only people who could enter the den will be Starks." Reagan told his mother.

"Mmmm, so you want the future generations to have their own dire wolves?" Sarra asked.

"Yeah. It's our sigil after all. And they will only get a dire wolf if they can form a connection with them similar to what I have." Reagan said as he tickled his sister under her foot.

"Okay. But, won't it be dangerous if there are wild ones?" Sarra asked with a little bit of caution.

"It will be, but I'll make sure that won't happen." Reagan replied with conviction that does not belong to a two year old.

"Sigh..... and how are you going to do that?" Sarra asked him after releasing a sigh.

"You know the book that you gave me right? The answer lies there. But that will only happen in the future, right now I'm making sure that Fenrir and his children won't produce new pups in the coming years."

"Growlllll" As soon as Reagan said that, Fenrir and Fenris growled at him, but one look from him made them calm down quickly. Kissing his mother, he asked her "Mother, can I go on a journey through the North?"

Tilting her head she asked "Why?"

"Well when I was passing through the coast of the bay of seals, I saw how the small folks live in small villages. I want to know how the small folks are living in other regions too." Reagan told her, but his main objective was something else.

Creasing his cheek, Sarra said "You can, but only after you turn twelve. Until then learn how to read the runes as you wanted, train yourself in what weapon you want to take, work with your father to know how a kingdom is run. After all that is done and you give me a satisfactory result, I'll allow you to travel through the North."

"How about the south and beyond the wall?" Reagan asked, knowing full well that he will be rejected because of safety reasons.

Squinting her eyes, she told him "You can go south of the neck with some of the guards, but you can't bring Fenrir and Fenris with you. And about going beyond the wall, I will only allow it if you are able to defeat the twenty Wolf Guards that were newly formed and fight your father one on one. Think you can do that?"

"I don't know, but I will try my best. Thanks for giving me permission, mother!" Saying that to her, he ran straight to the library in the castle to use his power on every book that is stored in there.

Sarra just sighed and looking at Alys, she asked "Will you also go with your brother for an adventure?"

"Goo goo ga ga" Alys spat out as she pointed to where Reagan had left.

Chuckling at her daughter, Sarra muttered to herself "It seems like my children got their sense of adventure from an early age."

Inside the library, Reagan used psychometry on every book available and took out the most important ones he thought he should have. The books were about agriculture, domestication of animals, basic understanding of herbs and similar books. After spending almost half a day inside the library, he left to find the castle smith in the smithy which is located near the south gate.

Barging into the smithy, he called out "Who is the master here?"

*Clang* *Bang* *Clang* No one heard what he asked and no one noticed his entry as they were concentrating on their work. So Reagan climbed over a stool that was near him and sat down on it, waiting for their work to be finished.

He observed the smithy and noticed that there were ten blacksmiths and twenty helpers. Two helpers for each blacksmith and he also noticed that they were creating farming tools that his father had ordered them to make. Watching them work in a rhythmic manner, Reagan started to compare the Valyrian steel working method with normal steel working that was happening in front of him.

Suddenly one of the helpers noticed Reagan sitting on the stool near the entrance and widening his eyes he mumbled out "Prince Reagan."

Right as he said the name, a gruff man who was beating away the metal near the man who mumbled Reagan's name stopped his work and looked in the same direction where the helper was looking. Seeing that it was really the Prince, he ran towards Reagan by carefully navigating through the ten smiths. When he reached in front of Reagan, he knelt on one knee and asked "Why are you here, my Prince?"

Smiling at the man, Reagan asked "Are you the master of this smithy?"

"Yes my Prince. My name is Artos, master black smith of Winterfell." Artos replied instantly.

Nodding his head, Reagan said "Then master Artos, I have a request."

"What would that be my Prince?" Artos asked back as he was confused as to why the Prince had come to see him for a simple request.

"Can you make a single handed ax and a round shield?" Reagan asked Artos as he looked straight at Artos.

Artos nodded in agreement and replied to Reagan "I can make the axe and shield, no problem my Prince. Let me show you the designs I have with me."

"No need for that, I have drawn the design of the axe and shield. All you have to do is make it for me and for your information, the shield should be fully metallic. I don't want any wooden shield." Reagan told Artos as he handed the design over to Artos.

Looking at the design by the Prince, Artos said "I'll make them for you my prince. The size of the axe and shield should be something you can hold now right?"

"No, make it big enough for a ten year old to wield it. And when can I get them?" Reagan asked him.

"In six months or so, my Prince. There is already an order given to us by the King, so I can only work on your weapons after I finish the farming tools." Artos told him as he scratched his head.

"It's alright. Finish that first, and only then start creating my weapons. Now, thanks for your time, I am eagerly waiting for the finished product." Artos bowed to Reagan as he said that and he left the smithy to the Keep where his family is. 'I'll make sure to complete all the conditions mother had put forward and I am going to make this Kingdom prosper like never before. I should join the Citadel and scrouge through their books and learn everything that they have stored in there. If I can find evidence that they are withholding some information from the Lords of the Relam then I can convince father from giving permission to appoint Maesters in every Lordly houses in North.'