
Chapter no.61 Battle of Beasts part1

[ POV Change ]

The Dreamland array's island was once a haven for many virtual creatures, but now it was nothing more than a desolate wasteland as the curtain of light had swallowed most of it, leaving only a small town standing on the edge of the island. The town was quaint and old-fashioned, with small wooden buildings lining the dusty streets. The buildings were weathered and worn, with paint peeling off the walls and roofs sagging under the weight of time.

On the edge of the town stood Zhongli gazing out at the white void beyond the town, fascinated by the emptiness that stretched out before him. 

Suddenly, the air was filled with the sound of rushing wind and the crackle of energy. The brown-haired man turned just in time to see a barrage of arrows made of Spiritual Qi hurtling toward him.