
A Slut's Guide To Staying Married

It’s all pranks and constant bickering until one of them decides to step up and save their marriage. Lakeisha Corrigan is just your regular fed up wife who’s had enough and wants to fix things. Being a wife can be overwhelming, but then she stumbles upon this YouTube channel called ‘staying married’ and sees a glimmer of hope that things can actually work out between her and Baby. Join Lakeisha and Baby Corrigan on this wild adventure to save their marriage. With enough twists and turns to make even the most thrill-seeking daredevil dizzy, it’s a journey you won’t want to miss.

Church_Heathen · Urbain
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67 Chs

Chapter 34: Fighting Tooth And Nail

I joined this marriage counseling group because I had the same motivation that prevented me from losing control with my husband during our nighttime arguments: love. I truly cared for him and wanted to make every effort possible to salvage our marriage.

There's nothing worse than the cold grip of uncertainty that wraps around your heart when you encounter issues with the person you love. The once-solid ground beneath your feet trembles, and the world you built together seems to crumble with each passing moment. It's a suffocating ache, a deep wound that gnaws at the very core of your being.

But amidst the pain and the chaos, there is a glimmer of hope, a fragile ember that refuses to be extinguished. It's the flickering flame of determination, urging you to fight, to refuse surrender. For what could be more devastating than standing idle, watching as the love you hold dear slips through your fingers like sand?

In the depths of my being, I couldn't bear the thought of complacency, of simply accepting defeat. The very essence of my love demanded that I give it my all, that I summon every ounce of strength and courage to fight for what we had built together. For to surrender without a fight would be an unforgivable betrayal, a betrayal of the sacred vows we had once sworn to uphold.

The path ahead was uncertain, fraught with obstacles and doubt. But I was willing to traverse those treacherous terrains, even if it meant facing the darkest corners of our relationship. Because the prospect of not giving it my all, of not leaving a single stone unturned, was far more terrifying than the trials that lay ahead.

Love, in its raw and unyielding form, is a force that defies logic and transcends the boundaries of reason. It compels us to summon our deepest reserves of courage, to confront the demons within ourselves and within our relationships. It demands that we rise above our fears and insecurities, to face the uncomfortable truths that threaten to tear us apart.

With a resolute spirit and a heart overflowing with love, I stepped onto the battlefield of reconciliation. Every fiber of my being was committed to salvaging what remained of our once-glorious union. I would fight tooth and nail, with every breath in my lungs, to rebuild the foundations that had been shaken, to reignite the flame that had flickered in the face of adversity.

For there was nothing worse than the haunting regret that would accompany a half-hearted effort. The regret of not fighting with all my might, of not exhausting every avenue of possibility, of not leaving any stone unturned. I couldn't bear the weight of that regret, the burden of wondering what could have been if only I had given it my all.

And so, with determination etched upon my brow and love coursing through my veins, I embarked on this daunting journey. The path ahead would be arduous, the obstacles formidable, but I was resolved to meet them head-on. For when it comes to love, there is no room for half-measures. It demands everything, and I was prepared to give it all.

At around 11:30 am, the couples were instructed to retrieve a questionnaire and work together to answer a set of questions. As the other couples went to pick up their questionnaires, I discreetly acted as if I was taking something out of my bag.

"I'll go pick up our questionnaire. Do you want me to get you any snacks when I come back?"

"No, I'm fine," I muttered. The bag I held was large and bulky, but it was surprisingly light as it contained almost nothing. I continued my search for a non-existent item, intentionally avoiding eye contact with my husband.

I felt my heart quicken its pace, the familiar rhythm disrupted by the swirling storm of uncertainty. The pending arrival of the questionnaire, a seemingly innocuous stack of papers, now held the power to unravel the delicate threads holding our marriage together. What if the questions pierced through the carefully constructed façade we had built around our struggles? What if they exposed the deep-rooted cracks we had tried so hard to conceal?

In an attempt to steady my racing thoughts, I delved into the depths of my bag, my fingers searching amidst the jumble of everyday essentials. The act of rummaging became a lifeline, a tangible distraction from the waves of nervousness threatening to consume me. Each item I touched, the soft touch of fabric and the cool touch of metal, offered a fleeting respite, grounding me in the present moment.

The weight of the bag seemed inconsequential, its burden pale in comparison to the weight of my apprehension. Yet, I clung to this tangible anchor, finding solace in the ordinary. The familiar objects nestled within, remnants of our shared life, offered a brief respite from the sea of doubts and fears that threatened to drown me.

As I continued to sift through the contents of the bag, a sense of calm began to settle over me. The familiar touch of a worn notebook, the faint scent of a forgotten lipstick, each item held a story, a memory that connected me to a past and a future intertwined with my husband's. In this quiet moment, surrounded by the everyday artifacts of our life, I found solace and strength.

The act of searching became a metaphorical journey, a quest for clarity amidst the chaos. With each item I set aside, I released a fragment of doubt, creating space for renewed hope to blossom. It was as if my hands were sorting through the intangible, navigating the labyrinth of emotions that had clouded my mind.

Finally, with a steadying breath, I emerged from the depths of my bag, my nerves somewhat tamed, my thoughts more aligned. The impending arrival of the questionnaire no longer held the same paralyzing power over me. I had gathered my thoughts, fortified my resolve, and found the strength to face whatever revelations lay ahead.

Ready to confront the questions that lay in wait, I straightened my posture, a glimmer of determination shining through my eyes.

"Actually, why don't I grab you a slice of pie and a soda?" my husband suggested as he walked towards the questionnaire pickup area.

"Sure, whatever you want," I replied.

"Hang in there!" he said, walking away without looking back.

I kept my head bowed, a shield against the outside world, protecting me from the anxious flutters that threatened to escape my chest. The room buzzed with anticipation, couples whispering and shuffling around, their energy palpable. To keep my composure intact, I sought solace in the hidden corners of my bag, my fingers tracing the familiar contours of a folded note tucked away in its inner depths.

Unfolding the delicate parchment, I held my breath as my eyes scanned the words penned upon its surface. Each stroke of ink whispered secrets, memories, and unspoken desires. The lines blurred as my mind absorbed the sentiments etched upon the paper, carrying me back to moments of tender affection and profound connection.

Lost in this private reverie, I read the note silently, its words reverberating in the quiet recesses of my mind. Sentences danced before my eyes, forming a delicate tapestry of emotions, woven intricately through the inked script. It was a cherished relic, a keepsake of love and vulnerability that I had carried with me, hidden away, a token of hope amidst the turmoil.

With a deep inhale, I lifted my gaze, allowing my eyes to meet the world once more.

Someone kissed my forehead, and to my surprise, it was my husband. Normally, he wasn't one for public displays of affection, so I couldn't help but wonder what had brought about this sudden change. Who was this person and what had he done to my husband? As he took a seat, holding the questionnaire in one hand, his other hand gently stroked my cheeks while maintaining unwavering eye contact.

I felt a slight shudder, not accustomed to being touched this way by my husband in public. I was unsure how to respond, feeling a mix of confusion and surprise. He continued to gaze at me, as if trying to convey something through his eyes alone. His eyes held a multitude of emotions that I struggled to decipher, causing me to break into a nervous sweat in my attempt to understand them.

Furthermore, his expression was tender and soft, as if I were the only person in the room. My husband seemed unaffected by the curious glances and murmurs from other couples, who appeared both amused and intrigued by our interaction.

I felt like a young girl being asked to dance by her prom date—overwhelmed with excitement yet shy at the same time. Who was this man and what was he doing to me? How was he able to make me feel like a teenager again?