
A Slut's Guide To Staying Married

It’s all pranks and constant bickering until one of them decides to step up and save their marriage. Lakeisha Corrigan is just your regular fed up wife who’s had enough and wants to fix things. Being a wife can be overwhelming, but then she stumbles upon this YouTube channel called ‘staying married’ and sees a glimmer of hope that things can actually work out between her and Baby. Join Lakeisha and Baby Corrigan on this wild adventure to save their marriage. With enough twists and turns to make even the most thrill-seeking daredevil dizzy, it’s a journey you won’t want to miss.

Church_Heathen · Urbain
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67 Chs

Chapter 22: Persona Non Grata

I stood there, rooted to the spot, my gaze locked with his. It had been an eternity since we last saw each other, maybe even longer. Five years can stretch out like an abyss when you're waiting for answers that never come. We stood there, awkward and uncertain, both caught in the grip of the past.

His fingers played nervously with the hem of his shirt, a telltale sign of his shyness. It was a habit I remembered all too well. The silence between us stretched on, an invisible barrier refusing to yield. And then, finally, he broke it.

"Cookie," he whispered, using that damn nickname again. The same one he had reserved for me all those years ago. The sound of it falling from his lips sent a cascade of memories rushing back, crashing into the present with a force I wasn't prepared for.

"Eric," I breathed out, his name escaping me like a soft exhale. A whirlwind of emotions swirled within me, a garbage dump of unresolved questions and lingering hurt. I wanted to know why he had vanished, why he had abandoned me without any explanation. Why he had ignored my calls and left me drowning in uncertainty.

But there he stood, tall but not towering like my husband. Eric was 6 feet at best, his pale skin almost translucent. He had changed, his body now adorned with muscles, a testament to the time that had passed. A tattoo peeked out from beneath the collar of his shirt, snaking its way down his neck. Casual attire adorned his frame, a stark contrast to the formalities of the past.

But his eyes, oh goodness, his eyes were the same. They pierced through me with their icy blue depths, a color that held both tenderness and torment. They were the eyes I had fallen in love with, the eyes that had once promised forever.

After an eternity of awkwardness, he moved towards me, an attempt at a hug. But I held my ground, my hand extended for a handshake instead. He couldn't just waltz back into my life after five years of silence and expect everything to be okay. It wasn't.

A hint of disappointment flickered across his face as he sighed, reluctantly accepting my outstretched hand. His grip was firm, his hands calloused, evidence of a life I knew nothing about. The handshake lingered longer than I wished, the weight of unresolved emotions tugging at my heart.

I found myself gently pulling my hands away, breaking free from his hold. Words remained unsaid, questions left unanswered. We were both standing at the precipice of a chasm, teetering on the edge of what was lost and what remained. And in that moment, I knew that healing the wounds of the past would take more than just a handshake.

"You look beautiful," he said.

Really, that was the first complete sentence he could muster after five long years? I stared at him, disbelief etched across my face, watching as he nervously toyed with his trolley. A wave of anger threatened to consume me, to snap at him with the pent-up frustration that had built over the years. But my attention shifted momentarily as a middle-aged man brushed past me in the bustling grocery section of the mall, prompting me to offer a polite apology and make way for him. Then my gaze returned to Eric.

"I know you have a lot of questions," he said.

"I mean, I do. But are you willing to hear them?"

"Here?" he replied incredulously. "I don't think this is the right place for any of this."

I nodded in agreement. He reached into his pocket, retrieving a slip of paper with his phone number scribbled on it. "Let's meet somewhere secluded, where we can talk," he suggested.

A surge of mixed emotions swirled within me, and I felt compelled to disclose the truth. "I'm married," I confessed.

A cascade of expressions flickered across Eric's face: hurt, anger, betrayal. I couldn't pinpoint exactly what he was feeling, but his response was a subdued, "Oh."

Aware of the limited time I had left for my grocery shopping, I explained that I needed to hurry, citing another commitment in thirty minutes. I began rolling my trolley away, ready to put distance between us.

"Lakeisha, wait," he pleaded, desperation evident in his voice.

Stopping momentarily, I turned to face him, my voice tinged with a mix of frustration and determination. "I'm doing very well in my life without you in it, Eric. Do what you did five years ago and stay out of it."

The words escaped my lips with more volume than intended, attracting the attention of a few shoppers in our vicinity. Dismissing their curious gazes, I hurriedly made my way through the chaotic aisles. My shopping was in disarray, with items left uncollected in my cart. Descending the escalator, a group of enthusiastic teenagers suddenly surrounded me, clamoring for selfies and photographs. It wasn't the right time, considering the tumult of emotions within me, but I maintained professionalism, obliging their requests. They bombarded me with questions about my rise to supermodel status and how I managed to achieve success in such a short span of time. Reciting the usual tale of hard work and determination, I provided the clichéd answers that had always sufficed.

Exiting the mall, they shouted declarations of love, and I blew them kisses, trying to maintain a semblance of composure. The drive back home was a whirlwind, my thoughts in disarray. I couldn't comprehend how I managed to navigate the roads amidst the chaos raging inside me. The moment I stepped through the front door, my husband greeted me with concern etched on his face.

"What's wrong?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine worry.

The moment was charged with intensity as I stood there, frozen, trying to process the overwhelming flood of emotions that had engulfed me. His presence, his outstretched arms, beckoned me, offering solace and comfort in a time of need. I hesitated for a brief moment, unsure of whether to accept the invitation or retreat into my own thoughts. But something within me yearned for the warmth of his embrace, an instinctive desire to find solace in his arms.

With a sudden surge of determination, I took a step forward, closing the distance between us. The anticipation and nervousness mingled with a strange sense of relief, as if this act would bring temporary respite from the storm brewing inside me. In that fleeting moment, I surrendered to my vulnerability and sought refuge in his embrace.

As I moved into his waiting arms, I could feel his strength enveloping me, creating a protective shield against the tumultuous emotions raging within. The weight of my worries and fears seemed to lift, if only for a moment, as his presence anchored me in a sea of chaos. It was as if his arms were a sanctuary, a sanctuary where I could temporarily find shelter from the storm that had been brewing within me.

The sensation of being held provided a sense of security, a reminder that I was not alone in facing my inner turmoil. His touch, gentle yet firm, conveyed a silent reassurance that everything would be alright. In that embrace, I could sense his empathy, his understanding, as if he too had weathered similar storms in his own life.

Time seemed to stand still as we held each other, neither of us uttering a word. It was a wordless exchange of comfort, a language spoken through the language of touch. The tension within me gradually subsided, replaced by a profound sense of calm. In that moment, the storm of emotions that had consumed me began to dissipate, giving way to a temporary respite from the chaos.

But like all storms, the respite was only temporary. Eventually, we I have to confront the challenges that lay ahead. Yet, in that momentary reprieve, I found solace and strength. I drew upon the comfort he offered, using it as a beacon to guide me through the remaining tempest.

As I reluctantly withdrew from his embrace, a bittersweet mix of gratitude and longing filled my heart. Our connection had provided a brief respite from the overwhelming emotions that had threatened to consume me. With newfound determination and a renewed sense of courage, I faced the storm once more, knowing that I had experienced a moment of solace and comfort that would carry me through the darkest of times.