
A Slice Of Payback

The story is about Robin, a man haunted by the pains of losing his family and neglect by the organisation he was committed to. He falls in love with Cara who also loves him but he is consumed with the passion for avenging his dead wife and child for that he closes his eyes to Cara’s love. He discovers more in his quest to bring down the killers of his wife and son, the people who betrayed him are quite much more than he expected. He is terribly shocked as he makes more discoveries, and there comes a flood of death that will shake the nation. He is so consumed with giving his family killers A SLICE OF PAYBACK, until he succeeds, he seeks for no peace of mind. Cara is a billionaire's daughter, she was groomed by her father after her mother past away, she grew to become her mother's replicate, she is kindhearted, brave, elegant and beautiful young woman, who owns her own business and saw the needs of working hard and surviving without her father's money or influence. Cara is engaged to Tom; the first son of a millionaire, without a soul. Tom never showed his character. Cara and Tom went touring in Nura Village, and discovered a body bag that was dump by Nura River bank; a forbidden place that was said to be cursed by the Nuru people, and forbidden to go close to nor, inhale the air that comes from it. Would Cara be so kindhearted to rescue the man in the bag, by going close to the forbidden river bank? How did the body bag get to Nura river bank, if the said river is cursed and forbidden? Will Robin ever allow himself to fall in love, even if he didn't avenge his wife and son's death. BETRAYAL go against TRUST. HATRED go against LOVE. You will feel the pains of being betrayed, and of love being neglected. Xplorewit_mimi

Xplorewit_Mimi · Urbain
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31 Chs


Who am I?

The colour on Cara's face changed, and she seemed worried at the news. She looked at the patient's face again and noticed that his eyes were now on her.

"So what's the implication of that?" Her eyes turned back to the doctor's face.

"He has amnesia," he replied.

"So he doesn't remember anything at all?" She asked the doctor, staring back into the eyes of the man who was staring at her.

"Well, it's retrograde amnesia. He's able to create new memories but may find it difficult to recall the past. He may only have flashes of episodic memories," the doctor replied in a sad tone.

There was silence for a moment until Cara heard a sigh from behind her, she turned to look at Tom.

"This was all a waste of time," he murmured with a sigh.

"You call this a waste of time?"

Cara raised her brows at him.

"Yes, I mean after all the troubles done to get him back alive, he doesn't have his memory intact. How would he go back to his life? Or would he continue to remain a liability after footing his medical bill?" Tom insisted.

Cara turned to the doctor, "Are there any chances he would regain his memory?"

"Well, the chances are very slim." The doctor stated. "But you two can help him in different ways…"

"How are we going to help him, doctor? We don't even know who he is," Tom argued.

"Doctor, please tell us ways we can help him." Cara asked the doctor, deciding to ignore Tom's negative remarks.

"Very simple techniques," the doctor replied. He allowed the nurse to walk past him and out of the ward before he continued in low tones. He glanced again at the patient briefly. "What he needs for now is care and attention. He needs to be helped to be confident, and he needs to trust you completely. He has greater chances of regaining his memory if he's exposed to things of the past and if you help him recreate some memories."

Cara closed her eyes and drew in the air deeply.

"It's a total waste of time, we don't even know him, we don't know his past, we only found him in a body bag and took him to a clinic before having to bring him here." Tom grated out, deciding not to hide his feelings in any way.

"Shhh…" The doctor hushed him and took a quick glance at the patient to see if he was listening to them. "You should not be saying such things in front of him," he cautioned, disappointed at Tom for speaking so harshly even when he could see the patient's eyes were focused on them.

"I ain't got time for all this, really," Tom replied nonchalantly. He turned to Cara, "I remember I promised that if he comes out of coma, I would pay off the medical bill. I'll stick to that promise and pay everything." He said with so much arrogance in his voice.

"I don't need your money, Tom," Cara replied to him angrily.

"I'm sticking to my promise," Tom insisted and patted her gently on the cheek with his right hand. "I'll be outside waiting for you."

Cara heaved a sigh of frustration and turned as she watched Tom walk out of the ward.

"Please, talk with him. He has to be patient. The sick man is just recovering and would need a lot of care to help him." The doctor whispered to Cara before he began to walk towards the door. He stopped and turned briefly to say something. "Some nurses would join you in a moment. They are coming to move him to the new ward."

Cara watched the doctor go until he got out and closed the door. She suddenly felt uneasy as she realised she was alone with the strange man whom they had found a few months ago. It wasn't her first time being with strangers or traumatised people, so she wondered why this felt so different.

What was she going to say to him? And would he respond to her well or with coldness? The look she had seen on his face when she stepped into the room was not encouraging. She turned to face him and met him staring at her.

He blinked as his eyes met hers. He didn't know who she was or how she knew him, but he was sure of one thing, and that was that she wanted him to be well. He couldn't even remember who he himself was, talk more of remembering someone else. He had watched the doctor discuss with her and the other man. He did not hear most of what was said, especially the doctor and the lady but he heard the other man's words and discovered that none of them also knew him, even though they were the ones footing his medical bill. Perhaps, they had found him somewhere and picked him up, he thought. He knew one thing for sure, the man who spoke out loud did not like him.

"Hi, how are you?" Cara put on a smile as pleasantly as she could and moved closer to him.

"I'm fine," he replied in a calm voice. A look of surprise appeared on his face, but it soon faded away, and his face became expressionless.

Cara noticed he was handsome, even with the scar on his forehead, his cuteness did not fade. The tubes and lines connected to his body were now all gone, and the machine by the side of the bed was no longer functioning for him.

"I'm glad you're fine now," Cara said. "My name is Cara. What's your name?"

"Ca…ra…" He muttered slowly and repeatedly under his breath for some seconds and looked down, a frown appeared on his face like that of a person who had just recalled a terrible nightmare. He looked up again and stared at Cara's face with confusion written all over his face.

"Oh!" Cara gasped, she realised that he was trying hard to remember his name and she felt sorry for asking him. "Don't…"

"Do I have a name?" He interrupted her statement.

"Never mind," she said with a pleasant smile. She reached for his hand and squeezed his palm in hers gently. She saw him staring at her hand as if to ask what she was doing with his hand. She felt he was uncomfortable and released his palm. He took a sharp look at her face, and there was an awkward silence for a moment. He reached slowly for her hand and took it in his, encouraging her to squeeze it again like she did before.

"I'll call you Henry," she said with a smile. "I'm your friend, and I'll be here for you every time you need me."

Henry did not know how to respond to her, but a faint smile appeared on his face."Henry…" He muttered. He didn't know what it meant, but it sounded nice to him. "I like Henry," he said, his smile broadened.

Cara smiled more pleasantly, and she stared at his face. He looked like a hard man with his well developed muscles and a tough body, but he looked soft and more handsome when he smiled.

His smile disappeared immediately as he remembered something. Henry was a new name given to him by Cara. If he was Henry now, who was he before? He thought to himself.

"Cara," he called softly, and she stared at his face, wondering what he wanted to talk about. " Who am I? ".