
A Single Mother's Farm of the Gods

Elaina never anticipated discovering that her husband, the reigning emperor of the Kingdom of Luminiera, was unfaithful. To make matters worse, the one seemingly attempting to undermine their marriage was none other than her sister! Unable to confront this harsh reality, Elaina resolved to plan her escape and distance herself from her husband. However, a significant complication emerged while she was plotting her departure—she was pregnant with the emperor's child. Determined not to subject her child to the consequences of her husband's infidelity, she chose to flee with her child and embark on a fresh start in the neighboring kingdom of Darcero, utilizing her expertise in farming while also planning on raising the child that she will give birth soon all on her own without the need and support of a father. As fortune would have it, the gods appeared to favor her resolve. "Because the gods are impressed by your dedication, we reward you with a helper that will allow you to flourish in this land. In exchange, you help us grow plants that are not yet present in this world and spread them all over the world. Activating the Farm Helper. Welcome, host!" Now faced with the prospect of an entirely new life and the responsibility of her unborn child, Elaina must navigate the challenges that lie ahead. What trials and tribulations will she encounter as she endeavors to build a life for herself and her child in this unfamiliar territory?

Kyosei · Fantaisie
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259 Chs

Brother's Concerns

After leaving Fey's clinic, Elaina, Julia, and Troy headed to Elaina's farm to discuss the situation and explain everything to Troy. Although Troy seemed distracted earlier, his composure and demeanor returned to normal after they left the clinic.

"Elaina, is it true? That you are pregnant right now?" Troy asked as they were on the way to the farm.

"Sorry Sis, your brother asked me what we are doing at the clinic and I don't have a better alibi that would make him believe," Julia felt guilty.

"Don't worry, Julia. I am not planning on keeping this matter a secret from my brother anyway," Elaina patted her head before nodding to Troy. "Yes, brother. I won't hide it. I am pregnant which is why I visited the doctor today to ask for findings and to see if I am going to have complications later which is thankfully not present as I am going to have a normal delivery."

"I see. But if you are indeed pregnant, then why would you run away from the castle and instead flee to the farthest kingdom? I am quite sure the Emperor hasn't even considered that you would be here in the first place," Troy is confused about Elaina's actions.

"The matter is quite delicate to discuss out in the open so we should instead discuss it back home. We are close, we should continue our conversation there instead."

Troy nodded and the three soon arrived at the farm. Troy was a bit surprised that Elaina decided to become a farmer but because he knew Elaina had some capabilities as one, he wasn't going to judge her for it, and seeing the results even just by his first visit, it is clear that his sister is doing a lot of good work.

The three entered the old house. Troy is once again surprised that the house that Elaina and Julia living in is not that good nor even grand. It is just a shabby house that is pretty much enough to be protected from the elements of the weather.

"I apologize brother that we still didn't have a cozy house. My funds are kind of limited at the moment and I was going to use it for repairs in the future," Elaina said as she offered Troy to have a seat.

"The house is fine and I think it will look great once it is refurbished and repaired. You don't have to be sorry at all. Anyways, what is the main reason you wanted this to be private?"

"Well, first of all, I am indeed pregnant but I am carrying twins. This is one of the main reasons I am not going to openly say this to anyone."

Hearing that, Troy was shocked. After all, even though he is very much buried in his work, he still knows how being pregnant is considered a big taboo by the church.

"What? Is that why you left the Luminiera Kingdom because you are carrying twins?!"

"Unfortunately, that was not the main case, brother and that is also not the main reason why I left since I only found out that I have twins when I arrived here. I have other reasons why I left the kingdom and never told anyone including you."

"Tell me then. Don't worry, I won't tell our parents and everyone else. Just tell me why."

"Brother...have you talked with the Emperor or with Selena?" Elaina asked.

"I spoke to them the other day but I didn't get any concrete answer from them. The emperor is useless and Selena has no idea why you left so here I am."

"Well, the main reason why I ran away was due to my husband cheating on me with Selena. I have seen them make out together one day and overheard that they have had this kind of relationship for quite a while without my knowledge. And knowing my husband, he will try to glorify his cheating ways and perhaps even try to persuade me alongside my sister. I know I sound shallow but I hated it. I am his wife, and I make sure that his needs are always a priority of mine. If he wanted to bed me, I complied, if he wanted me to do some of the business process and other documents to be processed, I also did it without even complaining. I made sure that I was with him on his side whenever he needed it, but who would have thought that even I was not enough."

Getting to know the main reason for Elaina's departure and hiding made Troy really angry, not at Elaina but at the emperor and his sister. He never expected that the one who would cause Elaina to be upset and leave was none other than his sister. Troy can't even blame Elaina for it. It was not a good thing to cheat on your wife or husband no matter what their reason is. And Elaina doesn't like to know that she will be sharing her husband with other girls. This will just make her feel inferior to the man to look for other women.

"I will beat that Motherf*cking bastard..." Troy stood up and was ready to go back to Luminiera Kingdom to beat the emperor but Elaina stopped him.

"No, Brother. I know you are angry for my sake but please, don't do it and don't tell anyone else that you have seen me. I don't want to meet any of them and even if I am pregnant, I don't want them to think I needed to need a husband to sustain myself. Please, just don't reveal my location as I am quite sure he will just come here and beg for forgiveness and try to drag me away from here."

"No, don't worry sister. I am still sane and I don't want to ruin your efforts of your escape. I would just be giving a peace of my mind to them."

"No. If you tell them about the cheating event that I witnessed, they will immediately know that you have met with me, My husband might look dull for a bit, but he has some sharp intuition, It's better if you just keep it quiet and just leave it be. There will come a day that we will meet again but not today and not soon enough just yet."

Troy sighed and patted Elaina on the head. "Hah...honestly...I am surprised that you managed to escape without even giving any hints to him about where you will be going. Even now, he still has no idea where you are and is still limited in searching the kingdom for your whereabouts."

"I made enough preparations to ensure that he will be deluded that I am still in the Luminiera Kingdom and just in hiding to ensure that he will be stuck there for a few days or even months. I am just not ready to do anything to come back to him. And I can't file a divorce against him. With him in power in the Luminiera Kingdom, he will just try to bribe the court and even make sure I lose the case. This is the only viable option for me at the moment," Elaina explained.

"I can see him doing that. So yes, I won't be doing anything related to that f*cker even if I am so angry. However, now that I know why you are here, I can't just ignore you this time. And with your pregnancy to my future nieces or nephews, there is no way I would just leave you like this with only Julia as the one who will be helping. I will be deploying a teleporter pad that I use to travel around so that I can respond to you anytime."

"A teleporter?" Elaina was surprised. "Isn't that one of your projects back then? Does that mean it was completed?"

"Yes. I completed it. I planned to use this technology to help move around and jump from country to continent to transport materials but right now, I think I will use this chance to jump here and to my house near my workplace. I am worried about you sis, so don't hesitate to ask me for help. And besides, I think I also found one more reason to remain here, aside from you sis. I like to come back here."

Elaina grinned. After all, she knows his brother too much that this little remark he just made is something that he had noticed earlier.

"Hehe, brother. Didn't think that stone heart of yours would soon become soft enough for someone to grab it."

"What do you mean, Sis? My heart is still solid, it's just that it finally made some progress to work this time around."

"Yes, yes. Big bro, I know. Don't worry, I will fully support you. And don't worry, I will help you on this one."

The two siblings laugh at one another. Behind them is Julia who is happy for Elaina. Looks like she will not be the only ally that Elaina can trust right now. With Troy's help, perhaps this will allow Elaina to finally move away from her past and continue with the future. After all, based on what she can predict, this is the best path that Elaina can take in this life and she does not want anyone to just casually ruin it. Not even if it was Elaina's own family.