
Chapter 43 The 21st Century

Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months and eventually, we went from talking to holding hands to kissing until she became my girlfriend.

Currently, I was stood in front of one of the university buildings, waiting for Aria to finish her lecture and come out so we could go on our date. Dressed in a white shirt which was rolled up to the elbows with my royal blue waistcoat, pants and dress shoes, I checked the time on my gold wristwatch. She should be finished by now.

"Look, isn't he so handsome?" I heard the whispers of some of the university students that were stood around me, pointing as if I were an animal in a zoo

"Go get his number," another whisper and then... a tap on the shoulder.

I turned to look at the stranger, a woman who looked to be the same age as Aria with a brown bob haircut and matching brown eyes, a shy look on her face. "Um, hello," she shyly started, fiddling with one of the strands of her hair.