
Chapter 37 To Be Someone's Someone

"-Rose... Ambrose, darling..." I woke up with a start, opening my eyes to the beautiful sight of my wife staring down at me with a concerned look.

"Are you alright?" She asked, placing a hand on my cheek.

"I remember," I grumbled out, closing my eyes for another few seconds to wait for the ringing in my head to subside. "You do?" She asked as I opened my eyes once more and sat up, she shuffled back but remained sitting on the grass beside me.

"Yes," I glared at the empty space in front of me.

"So... What are we going to do now? Our children are waiting in heaven," she leaned in to whisper the last part in my ear and I turned to look at her.

"Children. Right, Cassius and Romulus," I remembered my two boys from my first life. Both of them had grown up to be good men but Cassius died at the age of 20 due to disease and not long after, his younger brother, Romulus died in battle at the age of 22.