
Chapter 36 Hidden Fears

"There she is."

And there she was. My wife.

She stood in the distance, standing in the middle of the flowery field with another sustainer until she caught sight of me and I watched as the once idle expression fell off her face to be replaced with surprise.

Before I knew it, she had grabbed her skirt and was running towards me and on instinct, my legs picked up their pace. She was really here. My Aria.

After all this time, I finally found her.

"Aria!" I called. With teary eyes, she outstretched her arms just as I reached her and without a moment of hesitation, I picked her up in my arms, spinning us around and showering her with a million kisses as she hugged me around the neck tightly.

"I missed you. I missed you so much," I whispered into her neck, inhaling her scent. "I was going crazy without you. Do you know how painful it was to go on without you?" I squeezed my eyes shut, willing the tears back.