
Chapter 24 Suffering Souls

"Aria!" I called, swimming towards her desperately and as fast as the ocean would allow me. Unlike last time, in that other world, she wasn't drifting further away as I approached her.

"Aria!" I called.

She turned her head up, our eyes meeting and just as they did, a smile made its way onto her face, this time without the tears.

"Rose," she called and I almost cried at being able to hear her voice again.

She pushed forward, outstretching her arm for me and when I got close enough, I did the same, grabbing hold of her before crushing her to me, hugging her so tight that I wouldn't have been surprised if I accidentally broke something.

"Aria," I whispered, hugging her tightly and showering her with kisses.

"I missed you," she sobbed into my chest, clutching onto my shirt which the ocean had already succeeded in soaking as her tears were swallowed by the ocean's current.