
A Silver Sage In His Saga Days

The wondrous saga days of a boy destined to become the silver sage. After the death of his mother he got adopted and after defeating a demon class beast,he awakened his guardian system and received the title"silver sage". See what happens next The front cover isn't mine, I found it on the internet.

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9 Chs

A New Family

My name is June,I'm just a 9 years old kid,who loves to study about mana and acquire more knowledge,i live on a faraway island with my dad and mom,my dad isn't always around but he left his fascinating books about magic and martial arts which kept me company,i was nicknamed "silver" because of my silver hair and the silver fragment color in my eyes,despite that I had good friends and i was happy.

But my happiness didn't last long,a crack appeared on the island and horned beasts emerged from them,the entire island went on attack on the rampaging beasts but to no avail,my dad wasn't around then,I wanted to fight along with my mum,after all,I knew the basic concept of man's,I could perform magic but she stopped me.

I witnessed it all,the death of the villagers,my friends...my mum,as a last resort,my mum with every ounce of strength she had left,placed a protective barrier on me and pushed me off the island into the ocean tears rolled off my eyes as I saw my mother bid me "farewell".

* * * * *

I didn't know what happened,while I was unconscious,I was washed up to shore,I found myself in an unknown town,I couldn't bare it ,the pain of losing my mother,I sat still on the sand and cried some more,it was the only thing I could do now.

A warm hand touched me on my shoulder,it felt like my mother,as I turned to see who it was,I saw a man," it's okay,you don't have to cry anymore ",the man said,I crawled up to him and hugged him as if he were my father,at that moment I needed someone to comfort me.

He took me in after hearing my story,he was a kind and caring man his name was Sean Tempest,he had a daughter named Lisa who was a year younger than me,his wife died in a war and he had to struggle as an adventurer to make money to take care of his family,before me,he had adopted a little girl who was currently schooling at a magic academy. I wished to meet her to see if I could get into the academy ,I have always wanted to study more about mana and magic.

* * * * *

A year had passed,and I was glad to be a part of the Tempest family,I learnt new stuffs I couldn't learn on the island like the currency of the world,normally we would share our resources on the island but it seemed here you have to pay to get stuffs,I went to the town library and read all sorts of books about past legends,dragons,magic and so on. I wished to go to a magic academy to learn more about magic and explore the world even more. I still haven't forgotten about my family, someday,I'll figure out the cause for the appearance of the crack on the island and then I can fully move on,unlike my mother,my father is still alive,he was out of the island when the incident happened,I promised that the first thing I would do when I found him was to punch him in the face real hard for leaving mum and i.

. . . . .

I was looking forward to today,the magic academy where Pochie-the little girl Sean had adopted - would be going on a vacation,their year one has ended and I couldn't wait to ask Pochie lots of questions about the academy and the libraries there.

But all my expectation were broken,when I figured out that Pochie was actually a childish,annoying brat,she couldn't stop disturbing me,I thought i would be the one to endlessly disturb her but it ended up the other way around,she kept on telling me stuffs like how handsome I was,or how cool my silver hair is and how she will always be my sister or whatever....

Every time,we went out,she would make me carry her on my back and buy her treats,she was like an annoying puppy I had to care for. I guess after some months,Lisa was able to open up to me,we finally had noal siblings talk and she seemed like the younger sister I never had,unlike the puppy "Pochie".

I could really say I had a new family.