
A sign of curse or power

A child was born into the Steelguard family Born with a curse mark near his left eye, he was disliked by his family, even his own father. Even though he was born into a prestigious family, he has almost no physical abilities or athletic build, he is rather small for a child born into his family, and he cannot even use magic for long. Met with endless despair, he locks himself in his room, his mother (Elsya Steelguard) comes and hugs him. While stroking her head, he said softly, "It must be... difficult, isn't it?..." Hearing those words, tears fell and wet the clothes his mother was wearing. Her room, which always seemed quiet, suddenly became noisy because of her crying. Thus begins a fantasy depicting Fritz's struggle. Someone who struggled to live up to his family's expectations and failed?! Now determined to stand alone. can he do it if he is determined!?

SwordArt · Fantaisie
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2 Chs


The world always feels unfair to me.

I was born into a famous noble family in the Armsheim Empire.

Steelguard Family.

The Steelguard Family, has served as commanders of the Empire for ten thousand years. The Steelguard family lineage is famous for its sword and magic techniques that have been recorded in the history of the empire. In fact, my own mother was one of the Imperial commanders known as the Flower Queen who led her unique command for four years.

After all, all irrationality starts from there.

I am very different from my family lineage. Born with a curse near my left eye, my physique and mana are below average. But my family members kept suing me.

"One day you will definitely become a great commander..."

Hah? What are you talking about....

"...And one day, he will rule the entire kingdom."

"Hahahahhh!" They laughed loudly.

I am very different from the war maniacs in my family lineage.

In the beginning, I really tried my best to live up to everyone's expectations of me, but I soon gave up.

I just don't have what it takes, you know?

In the first place, I don't have a large mana capacity. Maybe, one or two fire throws have made me exhausted from running out of mana.

Second, my physical abilities are weak

Third, I got a curse near my left eye.

About My Curse? According to curse experts, this curse is an ancient curse that rarely occurs.

And it's quite clear how I carry out my destiny...


Steelguard Residence, Dining Hall.

If only... If only I was born without shortcomings, maybe my life would be better.

I couldn't stop myself from saying that.

I was born an unwanted child.

I was born as the third of five children. Two older brothers (half-brothers), one younger sister (half-brother), and one younger brother (half-brother).

Doesn't that mean your father has many wives?!

My father had three wives...

First wife, Seria Steelguard.

"How was your training going, kids?"

"Everything went smoothly, Mom…" Deon Steelguard (First Child), Seven years old.

"...Right! Mother..."

He glanced at me "...Not like someone" Kart Steelguard (Second Child), six years old.

I didn't return his gaze, I was still eating my food. "Yum, delicious..."

"...Tch, boring" Looks like he's a little annoyed with me now...

Second wife, Elsya Steeguard (my mother).

"Ara~ Ara~ Very good."


Third wife, Ireena Steelguard

"Sis~, please get that!" Pointing to the round plate, it was a haburg steak. Reenie Steelguard (Fifth Child), Four years old.

"You can't point at food like that!! You name it, I'll get it." Lydia Steelguard (Fourth Child), Six years old.

"Eh~ But I forgot what it's called~" His expression looked like a squirrel holding a nut in its mouth.

"You always forget things so quickly... They're called hamburger sticks!!" Placing a Hamburg steak on his brother's plate.

"Thank you Sis~, Mm~ Delicious~"


"In one month, the three of you will enter elementary school..." A firm and calm voice came from the middle seat, he was my father.

"...And, before entering school. You will train independently, so as not to embarrass this family, understand?!"

We answered in the affirmative.


"Good... Grey!!..." Suddenly everyone was shocked when my name was called.

I was shocked too, you know? "...."

"Tomorrow morning you will be trained by the instructor, so get up early."

"... Ay-" Cutting me off.

It seemed that Kart didn't agree with father's decision.

"-Wait a minute. Why is he the only one being trained by the instructor?"

That's right!! Why only me?

Actually, I also rejected it.

But why?! Why only now do you seem to care about me!!

"Hah!... That's because he's weaker than the two of you. I don't want him to bring shame to our family... That's all."

Ahh... So, that's all. If that's what he wants, right... Then.

"Okay, I will follow the instructor's teachings"

I will prove it to you all. That, the people you look down on will stand on top!! And see you from up there later.

So begins a fantasy that describes his struggle. He's the weakest, but he can really do it if he's determined!? Or because he was determined, he could do it?!