
A Setback Beauty

"Just one I Love You...I'll fight for you." As CC slowly let her guard down, she just woke up one day that she starts chasing this stranger. She's not used of being the second best but she settled for it....for him. However, can she sacrifice her dignity and image loved by everyone in exchange for this man's heart that turned back to someone? And now she's torn between truth and pretense. Will she be her true self for this man because she wants to be loved for who she really is or she'll stay being CC that people love?

Yoj_Lolita · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
30 Chs


AFTER Lars showed me the guest room, we went downstairs.

That guest room is the same as Larissa's. The only difference was the dark gray drapes. In contrast with Lars' bright room, it was somewhat dark due to the long curtain covering the sliding window. It prevents the scorching sun's rays from spreading on the adjacent terrace.

"By the way..." I broke into the silence that surrounded Lars and me as we went down the stairs.

"What will you say?" Lars asked as she turned to me with her arched eyebrows.

"Nay Esther mentioned your grandfather earlier. Where is he? Why didn't he come with us before?" I asked.

"Are you sure you want him to eat with you?"

My lips pressed together. I don't know how to answer her question. If I say "Yes", I'll look too interested in their family... otherwise, if I say "No" I'll sound rude because I don't want to face one of the owners of the mansion I'm walking in.

Larissa paused from walking down and turned to me with her serious face. "Grandpa Cads died a long time ago...it's been eight years since he died in a fire." pain and sadness registered on her face.

"I-I'm really sorry." I muttered. I deeply regret having asked that question.

"You're sorry for what? For asking about him?"

I nodded. I know that even though it's been a while...the pain won't go away when you remember the important person who passed away.

"You don't have to. That happened eight years ago and we have accepted what happened to him. That's the way it really is, isn't it? Even if you don't want to accept it, you still have to do it. Life is too short, you know. We all go through it. It's just a matter of race, whether who'll go first and who'll go next…"

"Yeah...I know..." my voice became frantic and I almost sniffed when mom, dad and Lolo's smiling faces flashed in my mind...including him...

I restrained my little tears. I can't do it right now...not please...

"Hey...are you okay?" 

I quickly stared at Lars. Her brows were slightly furrowed as she surveyed me. She probably noticed that my eyes were slightly watery.

"I-I'm okay." I forced a smile. I can't let her see my vulnerable side. 

Lars even stared at me dubiously before she continued on.

* * * 

WE FOUND Kade in the living room sitting on the couch. He's wearing a white V-neck shirt and black shorts that reached his knees.

"What took you so long to come down?" Frowning, he rose from the couch and walked towards us but Lars blocked him.

"You're overreacting, King. You just haven't seen Clarity in less than an hour, and your expression is already soured."

Kade gave Lars a dull stare. "Mind your own business, Laura Marissa. I'm the one who brought her here, as much as possible...I should never lose her to my sight."

Kade's intense gaze passed through from his cousin darting to me. He surveyed me from my makeup-free face down to my feet in flip-flops.

He darted his eyes back to my face and slowly lifted one corner of his lips.

"You look like a teenager with your white dress..." he mouthed.

My jaw dropped as I heard him even chuckled.

I just recovered from being dumbfounded when Lars' phone rang. She excused herself, leaving me with Kade who was standing in front of me.

I glanced sideways when I noticed he was staring at me. "To have a spotless face, you really take care of your skin…"

I swallowed hard especially when I felt him slightly approaching me.

"K-Kade!" I hissed, without glancing at him but I can still hear his footsteps towards me.

His every step forward is my step backward until he cornered me at the staircase' post.

"You're beautiful even without makeup, but I like the natural color of your lips the most. You look more beautiful now—"

"H-Hey! You two!"

Kade and I both jolted when we heard Lars' loud voice behind him.

"What do you think the two of you are doing?"

I saw the mischievous smile played on his lips before he turned to Lars. "Playing Rock Paper Scissors," he answered sarcastically.

Lars' narrowed her eyes on him. "Dimwit!" Lars hissed at Kade before she turned to me.

She would have stared at me longer if she hadn't noticed the flushing of my face and the fact that I can't look directly at her. 

"Did you try to harass her?" She stared sharply at Kade.

Immediately, Kade's forehead twitched. "What! No!"

"I don't believe you. You liar, dimwit!" 

"I'm not doing anything wrong." Irritated, Kade returned to the couch.

Lars followed him.

"What now?" Kade asked Larissa as he slouched on the couch.

"Don't go anywhere else. Ariella just called me...she wants us to pick her up at the airport."


Lars rolled her eyes. "Duh! As if they can get their car on the plane from France."

The two continued to squabble with each other until I approached them.

"You're both leaving?" I asked.

"Yes. We will pick up Ariella," Lars answered. 

I stared at them puzzlingly. "A-Ahm... who's Ariella?" 

No one dared to answer me. They just gave me that unpleasant expression.


With those mischievous smiles, I'm certain that... they're thinking that I'm jealous!


Of course I am not!


"Don't worry, Clari. She's with her fiancé. Besides, Ariella is our youngest cousin and is getting married three days from now here in Aurora." Lars explained as she smiled even wider.


My jaw dropped. Meanwhile, Lars confusedly stared at Kade, who was silent while watching my little movements. I noticed him in my peripheral vision while I was talking to his cousin earlier.


"You didn't tell her?" Lars asked.


I heard him sigh. "Not yet."


Lars gasped beside me. "Don't tell me, King. You brought her here without letting her know."


My brows furrowed. "Wait! What do you mean? What did she mean?" I butted in as I looked back and forth between Larissa and Kade. I'm puzzled about what's going on right now.


My gaze stopped at Kade, but he stealthily averted his eyes from me.


"Kade..." I sighed calmly, giving him a serious expression. "Would you mind explaining this to me?"


"Uh! Uh! I can smell trouble." Lars is chanting as she steps back.


I stood in front of Kade, who even pretended he didn't hear me.


"What's your exact reason why you brought me here, and how were you able to convince Aunt Roma to take me here?" I gazed at him intently. However, this was the first time he couldn't look directly at me.


I don't know if he's just too embarrassed to explain his side or if he's just thinking of a freaking good alibi.


"Actually... the reason why he brought you here is to be one of the bridesmaids and to be his partner... otherwise, he'll be really doomed! Right, King?"


Kade just stared at Larissa coldly.

"C'mon! Don't give that kind of look, cousin." Lars is chuckling as she turns to me. "That's true, Clari. That man just looks like a hoodlum, but sometimes he's really a coward."


"Laura Marissa!"


* * *

"YOU SAID the plane would arrive at 2:00 in the afternoon?" Nay Ester made sure she heard correctly what Kade said as she served the cooked dishes on the table.


Kade nodded and immediately scooped up some food. We were now in the kitchen since Nay Ester called us for lunch.


It's already past eleven. I didn't realize how long we'd been in the living room. While the two had their argument, I was just sitting silently next to them, wondering what would happen at the resort while I was gone.


Is Star really doing her work while I'm not there? Did Raki attend her school today since I wasn't there to monitor her?


"Then it's only right to have lunch before you leave. You will be traveling a long way, so you might starve on the way." Nay Ester's voice jolted me back to the present.


"Young woman..."


I quickly swallowed my food when she stared at me seriously.


"Y-Yes?" I stammered. I don't know, but the way she stared at me terrified me. 


"Eat a lot."


My eyes dilated when Nay Ester offered the bowl of rice in front of me. She even placed the plate with "Relyenong Bangus" in front of me, causing its tantalizing aroma to fill my nose.


"As a guest here... you are obligated to taste everything served for you."


Since my full attention was on Nay Ester, I didn't notice Kade and Larissa shaking their heads at the woman's actions as if they're used to what she does now. Perhaps not only to me, but to every visitor to this mansion.


 "Nay, maybe Clarity doesn't eat like that." I heard Kade say I'm not sure, but he sounded concerned.


I noticed Nay Ester's sigh. She was about to take the "Relyenong Bangus" away from me when I gently reached for the plate from her and took a slice from it.

"Relyenong Bangus is my favorite." I smiled at Nay Ester, who was a bit surprised by what I did.

Maybe... she's not expecting what I've just said.

Although reluctant, I still grabbed chili from the small basket in the middle of the table.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Lars' amazement as I divided the three labuyo peppers into the saucer with soy sauce.

I can't help but smile in satisfaction as the spicy aroma lingered into my nostrils. 

I could feel their gaze when I started to dip in the sauce I made. It was very spicy, but it tasted normal to my tongue.

"My gosh! Are you really serious, Clari?" Lars exclaimed after drinking more water.

Meanwhile, Nay Ester just shook her head. 

Based on their expressions, they seemed to be more worried that it's too spicy for me than I am.

About him...

I have no idea of his reactions since I didn't even bother to glance at him even for a second.

I gave the two women a reassuring smile, telling them I'm really okay. I'm used to spicy food. I can even eat two to three chilies without drinking water.

I was about to put rice on my plate when Kade suddenly grabbed the serving spoon, causing his palm to accidentally touch my hand.

"Are you trying to impress me, Clarity?" he whispered while putting rice on my plate.

I didn't answer him. I just watched the movement of his hand holding the serving spoon.

He smiled even though he didn't get an answer from me. He must have sensed that I'm still mad at him.

"I'm impressed with you, Clarity, even though you're being surly to me again."  he muttered.


After lunch, Larissa went up to her room to change her clothes.

Kade and I were left in the living room, waiting for her. We sat next to each other since there was only one couch available. There were large boxes on the other couches.

My forehead gradually furrowed when the couch we were sitting on shook because of his movements.

"Clarity..." he muttered beside me, but I continued to ignore him.

A few moments later, I felt him pulling the sleeve of my dress, forcing me to stare back at him.

"What?" There's a trace of slight irritation in my cold voice.

"Are you still mad?"

"No." I answered roughly. I slowly distanced myself a few inches from where he was sitting.

"You are not angry... but you're avoiding me again." The couch shook again as he moved closer to me. "I'm sorry if you got angry—"

"Anyone... would be mad at what you did!"

"It wasn't on purpose."

I shut my eyes tightly in annoyance, especially when I realized he was rhyming with the lyrics of a song. 

"Hey..." I felt him pulling the hem of the dress' sleeve again. "Speak up, please. It's okay to be surly and rude towards me as long as you talk to me again."

His last words triggered me to glare at him quickly.

"How hard is it for you to tell the truth, Kade?" Annoyance began to rise in my chest again. "You could've told me about it, but you chose to lie. Why?"

He smiled critically as he raised one arm and put it on his nape. "If I told you... you'd just decline."

"If I decline... there's nothing you can do about it."

"That's it. I know there's nothing I can do, that's why I preempted you."

My jaw tightened. "That's what's wrong with you. You're always taking advantage of the situation for your own sake."


"Sorry is not applicable to everything, Kade. Sorry won't be enough when you almost put me in a conflict situation. What if I have an important appointment to go to?" I stared at him seriously, but he just stared back with his pursed lips. He didn't say a word, so I just continued.

"I'm a general manager...I carry the name of the resort I run. We're not that big like the other resorts in Santi Tierra. That's why we're working, because it's hard to compete with bigger resorts. Time, effort and careful decisions...we need those so we can keep up with them, but if you always drag me somewhere at any time, you're going to mess up my schedule, even my credibility as a responsible manager!"

I know it's too much to say those words, but I can't help but vent out my frustrations.

No matter how much I tried to hide it, but I really can't, especially when my work and the resort are involved. I've sacrificed too much for the development of the resort and I can barely accept that with one wrong decision or move, it will gradually fall apart.

"I just want to remind you, Mr. Montalvo...I'm not even your girlfriend. For me...you're still a stranger, so you don't have a right to interfere in my life. And not because you're okay with my aunt...I'm the same with you. The decision is still on me."

At this point, I'm being harsh to him. I may hurt him with my words since he's been vocal about his feelings for me, but it's just my way of letting him know that being in a romantic relationship, especially with him, isn't my priority right now...

But his reaction was the opposite of what I thought. My forehead wrinkled when I heard him laugh. 

"What's funny?" I asked.

He slowly turned to me, grinning like he wasn't affected by what I've said, "I haven't even been flirting with you for a long time...you've already turned me down."

My shoulders just fell. This man is really determined.

* * *

THE GRAY SUV parked in front of the mansion greeted us after we passed the main door.

From there, an aged man came out, who quickly approached Kade.

"Sir Kade, here it is." said the aged man as he handed the key to Kade.

"Thank you, Manong." Kade said before he left us and passed by the side of the mansion.

"Are you sure it's okay for you to stay here? You can come with us. The five of us can fit in King's SUV, especially if you sit in his lap." Larissa turned to me, grinning as she went down the stairs.

I ignored what she said. I just shook my head and forced a smile. "It's fine. I'll just wait here."

"Are you sure?" it was Kade's voice.

I turned to him. He was standing in front of the open driver's seat and was about to get into the car. I wanted to give him a surly expression, but because they had to hurry, I didn't.

Knowing him being delighted when he annoys me, I know we would have another long conversation.

"Maybe you want to buy something—"

"Nothing." I abruptly cut him off.

"Meanie..." I heard him whisper as he ran his fingers through his hair, then rested his elbow on the car's roof.

I narrowed my eyes at him when he glanced at me again. 

He snickered and shook his head. "Try smiling at me once in a while, Clarity, so that somehow my day will be complete—"

He didn't finish what he was going to say when Lars blocked his view by standing in front of me.

"You're still alive within the past 24 hrs...so it means you've just completed your day." Lars commented satirically.

His expression grimaced at what he heard. "I really don't know why you are so sarcastic. If I knew you would be like that, I would have led astray you in the woods a long time ago."

"What are you saying?" 

"Nothing. I mean, thank you because you lent my girlfriend a decent dress." His gaze searched for me but I just gave him a blank stare.

If it wasn't embarrassing for his cousin, I might have abruptly confronted him for claiming me as his girlfriend.

Meanwhile, the two continued to squabble with each other. They just stopped when Kade's phone rang.

I glanced at him when he pulled his phone out of his pocket.

Then I remembered my phone that I hadn't charged until now. I'm certain Raki and Janna have been calling me for a while now.

"Oh?" He started as he answered the call.

"Is that she?" His cousin asked, which he just nodded at.

"We're on our way. We'll be there, any minute." He even glanced at me while listening to the person on the other line.