
A Setback Beauty

"Just one I Love You...I'll fight for you." As CC slowly let her guard down, she just woke up one day that she starts chasing this stranger. She's not used of being the second best but she settled for it....for him. However, can she sacrifice her dignity and image loved by everyone in exchange for this man's heart that turned back to someone? And now she's torn between truth and pretense. Will she be her true self for this man because she wants to be loved for who she really is or she'll stay being CC that people love?

Yoj_Lolita · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
30 Chs


I FOLLOWED MY GAZE until the SUV passed the inner gate.

I sighed. I don't know how to spend the time without the two. I was embarrassed to walk around because I might run into Nay Ester, since she welcomed me here with a cold shoulder. I am also shy to talk to the maids and I might disturb them in their work.

I just sat on a long wooden chair on the veranda. From there, I could see the wide garden in front of the mansion.

I couldn't help but smile. The view for me is freshly breathtaking. Bright orange or sunny yellow is the color of the daisy I usually see. I rarely see white, blue, or even light purple daisies. I don't know if they're natural or they're just genetically modified.

"Do you think...could the one he brought today be Sir Kade's girlfriend?"

"Maybe. It's impossible for him to bring her here if she isn't..."

My brows slowly furrowed when I heard murmuring from the side of the mansion.

"It's not good to talk about your Sir Kade's personal life." said the serious voice—from Nay Ester.

I stood up and peeked at the edge of the mansion. It's indeed her. She was facing two housemaids who couldn't face her directly.

"I-I'm sorry, Nay Ester..." said one of the housemaids, who was reiterated by another.

"I don't want to hear you talking about the personal lives of the people who pay you. Do we understand each other, Rita and Ingka?"

The two nodded sheepishly at the same time.

"Good then. Finish your work so you can have lunch."

Nay Ester left the two and entered a hallway there. It could be the maid's quarters.

I gulped hard. I feel like... Nay Ester is scolding me. She's actually terrifying. She has some aura of Ms. Minchin, that when she stares at you seriously, you'll just pray for the ground to swallow you up.

The two housemaids continued their work. One is sweeping around the—my lips parted when I realized something! They're cleaning around the 2.4m satellite dish!

Though I have an idea what the use of this is, still...

"What was that for?" is the question that forms in my head.


I jumped in shock when I heard Nay Ester's voice behind me.

With a critical smile, I turned to her. "N-Nay Ester..."

"What are you doing there?" Her thin eyebrows greeted me as she observed my position—with my stomach resting on the veranda's railing as I leaned against it.

I fixed my position and stood upright. "Ahm... nothing... just getting some air..." I politely replied as I hid my two arms behind my back.

"You're looking for the wind on the side of the mansion when the wind is stronger coming from here in front." She implied, staring at me doubtfully.

"W-Well..." I couldn't stare straight at her as if I had committed a grave sin.

I started nibbling my lower lip in distress. I last felt this feeling when Grandpa was still alive. The goosebumps...the lump in my throat and the sweat coming out from my palms...

"Where are you from, young woman?" Nay Ester asked, pulling me back from my deep thoughts.

"I'm from Santi Tierra." I tried to stare at her directly, but she gave me a blank expression.

She stared blankly at me for a while, as if examining my expression before she spoke again. "If you're from here... I'm sure you came from a rich family too. That town is on par with La Versailles if the people's wealth is to be spoken of."

"But not everyone who lives there is rich." I forced a smile. I don't know why I felt heavy while saying that.

I feel sad for those unfortunates and myself, too. While we rich people have plenty to eat, there are families whose blood, sweat and tears just to have three meals a day.

Just like the others...Santi Tierra is known to be one of the places in Luzon, booming with tourism and prosperous resources. However, if there's a boon, there's a bane. Santi Tierra is a picture of both progressive and hard life, striving but struggling.

"Well, you're partly right. Not everyone there lives in luxury because of the exploitation of the rich and businessmen"


I pressed my lips hard. I don't know if she just said that because that was her opinion or if she was really saying that to direct her sentiments towards me.

But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hurt by what I heard. Not because I'm guilty but I feel like she's judging my family too quickly. As part of a wealthy and business family it is painful for us to be accused of exploitation...

"But I'm not generalizing that everyone is like that. I still believe that there are rich people who have good intentions. Am I right, Clarity?"

Wearing a forced smile, I slowly nodded. "Y-Yes." 

Nay Ester again surveyed me with her blank expression. "And I'm sure your family is one of them."

I just faked a smile even though I didn't quite understand what she wanted to convey.

"It would take a long time for both of them to return. If you need something or are hungry...just tell the housemaids or just come see me at the back of the mansion." She added as if what she said earlier was nothing.

"U-Understood." I gently nodded as a sign of respect for her.

Nay Ester left me there and went back inside the mansion. I heaved a deep sigh. Nay Ester really despised my presence here in the mansion. If she was really related to Kade, she probably would have kicked me out earlier.

I took a harsh breath. I just walked inside the mansion and went straight to the kitchen to get some water. The conversation between Nay Ester and I made my throat dry. And I need water not just to quench my thirst but to calm myself.

Although it was just a brief conversation, I felt mixed emotions. I'm not even aware that I'm holding my breath the whole time we're facing each other.

I poured water into the glass and emptied it quickly.

"Gosh! I almost forgot!" I put the empty glass on the table when my drained phone came to my mind again.

I lightly hit my forehead. I really need to charge it.

I rinsed the glass I used first and put it back in the bag before I left the kitchen. I walked carefully towards the guest room because I didn't want to create noise in the now quiet mansion.

After entering the guest room, I went to the bedside cabinet to get my phone and charger from the bag I placed there. Good thing I brought the charger.

I looked for an outlet. I immediately found it next to the bedside cabinet. I charged my phone there, and I waited for at least fifteen minutes before I opened it while it was charging.

For a few seconds it rang non-stop because a series of text messages and notifications came in.

I took a deep sigh. Being a general manager, I should never leave my phone unattended.

My phone stopped ringing, so I unplugged it for a moment to call Janna. I wanted to check if there had been any problems throughout the day.

Since she was on break, she quickly answered my call.

"Ms. Clari...what can I do for you?" Her polite tone sounded surprised at my sudden call.

"I called to check if everything was okay since I'm not there." I sat on the edge of the bed.

I heard Janna's giggle on the other line. "No need to worry, Ms. Clari. Everything is fine here."

I nodded. "Good to hear. By the way...did Raki have her lunch there?"

"Yes, Ms. Clari. Ms. Star asked someone to pick her up earlier."

"Is she still there?"

"She already went back to school".

"I see...I'll leave the resort to you guys for a while. If there is even the slightest problem, just report it immediately to Star."

"Noted, Ms. Clari. But what about the reports you're asking for? I've already finished the others."

"Just submit those reports to me when I get back. I don't need that yet. Do the reports requested by Star first...if there are any." I instructed Janna.

"Copy. We'll take care of it. Just enjoy your vacation, Ma'am." Janna exclaimed.

I heaved a sigh of relief, "Thank you, Janna." I genuinely smiled even though she couldn't see it.

I ended my conversation with Janna because I knew that the break was over and that she was going back to work. 

From sitting up, I threw myself on the soft bed. Fortunately, the bed was wide enough to cover half of my body while my legs were hanging over the edge of the bed.

I shut my eyes as I felt the warmth of the soft mattress on my back, making me feel relaxed. It's a good thing that Janna didn't accept another appointment today even though the resort's peak season is almost over. At least…I'll be relieved because there's not too much work to do, especially when I get back.

* * *


"Are you telling us that you're having a hard time handling that woman, King?" I heard an unfamiliar man's voice followed by laughter again.

I rubbed my eyes and stared at the open window. My brows furrowed when I saw it was already dark.

How many hours did I sleep?

I gazed at the digital clock on the bedside cabinet. It's already 6:03 pm. I slept for almost five hours.

I got up and went to the window to see who the people were on the veranda. The veranda downstairs was just right below the guest room's window.

"Why don't you climb up to her upstairs? Brother. It's getting late, she might be already starving." It was a woman's voice. It wasn't Larissa because that voice was so gentle.

I peered down and saw Kade leaning on the SUV parked again in front of the mansion.

I stepped back a bit the moment our eyes met when he glanced at the window where I was peeking.

Was it just a coincidence, or did he really know I'm glancing at him from the window?

Kade stared at me intently before opening his lips.

"She's awake." That's what I read from his mouth's movement.

"Where is she then?" Someone from the veranda exclaimed.

He stared at his companions for a moment, then looked up at me again and smiled. "She's watching us from the window."

After he said that, his companions came down from the veranda at the same time and looked up at the window where I was peeking.

A man wearing black frame eyeglasses and a fair woman in a red halter dress greeted me with a warm smile.



They greeted me almost simultaneously. Meanwhile, the person next to them, Larissa, just nodded at me with a smile.


"YOU SHOULDN'T have come here. I'm about to go down too." I said as I opened the door for him. 

"Because they ordered me to pick you up." He reasoned out.

I arched an eyebrow, giving him a dubious look. "Really?"

"Yes," he snickered.

I couldn't help but laugh at what I heard. "It's like this guest room isn't part of the mansion that you still needed to pick me up here."

 "I'd better be sure because you might think of jumping out of the window—"

I brashly cut him off. "Why would I do that?"

"Maybe it's because you don't want to see me anymore or you want to run away from me."

I glowered at him. I really don't know what to think about him anymore. He may be a good-looking man, but the way he acts and speaks really makes you doubt his personality.

Whether he is like this to everyone he meets or just to me, I'm not sure.

My thoughts stopped when I felt him standing in front of me. 

"I have something to give you." he smiled mischievously.

I stared at him lamely. "What is it?"

He only replied with a broad smile until one of his arms moved.

I secretly swallowed hard when my eyes caught the tightening of the muscles and the appearance of some veins in his arm as it went to the back pocket of his pants. 

He grinned when he noticed my reaction and just a few seconds later, he brought out a single-stemmed flower from his back. It's a blue daisy that I'm certain he just picked from the garden.

"For you." He beamed as he held it out in front of me.

My jaw dropped, but I recovered immediately.

"What is it for?" I took the flower from him.

"Peace offering."

I gave him a cold stare, which made him shrug his shoulders.

"Are you still mad?" he said in a low voice.

I shook my head. "I already said what I had to tell you earlier. That's enough." I sighed, "I'm done being angry with you the whole time."

"You sure? You're not really mad at me anymore?"

"Maybe you want me to get mad at you again." I calmly turned to him.

He cleared his throat, "I'm just making sure."

 "Sure of what?"

"That we're really okay. Because if not, you might snub me again later."

I stared at him seriously. "It depends if you do something else again that I won't like."

He stroked my chin gently. "Yes, miss. It won't happen again. I won't do anything to upset you again."

I took his hand off my chin. "Just do it. Don't say it."

He chuckled. "Okay. As you said so."

I frowned. I left him in the doorway and marched back to bed, but before I could get there, I faced him again to tell him what I forgot to tell him.

"By the way...I'm also sorry for what I said earlier. I know I've been too straight-forward and harsh. I-I just..." I bit my lower lip in embarrassment.

"I understand." Kade nodded at me as he gave me a two-finger salute. He even smiled, telling me that he really understands why I reacted in that way.

Giving me a two-finger salute. I had to admit...it's the coolest gesture he ever showed me. 

I went back to bed and recharged my phone, which I missed doing since I fell asleep earlier. I continued folding the blanket even though I could feel him watching me from there.

I'm actually surprised that he didn't follow me inside the room. Maybe he's thinking that I might just feel awkward if he did, so he just leaned on the side of the door. He waited for me there until I finished what I was doing.


WE CAUGHT UP with Larissa and their two companions in the living room after we went down the stairs. They're sitting comfortably on the couch.

"Brother!" The woman in the dress quickly got up and approached Kade and me.

I guess she's Ariella because her eyes are the same color as Kade and Larissa's.

"Ariella Sandeco, Brother Kade and Larissa's youngest cousin." She confirmed my conclusion after she stopped in front of Kade and me and extended her hand to me.

"Clarity Gallego." I smiled as I accepted her hand.

"I'm glad that I just saw you here, Ms. Clarity..."

"T-That's too formal." I can't help but comment 'cause the way she put "Miss" to my second name makes me feel awkward since I'm not here for a business.

"Should I call you, Clari then?" Her brimming, wide smile made the dimples on her cheeks appear.


"If that's what you want, Clari. By the way... if it's not too much to ask, can you just call me Ari? I prefer being called by my nickname."

"I-It's nice to know you, Ari." I smiled casually before taking my hand back.

"Same here, Clari," she replied.

With her pitch black, long and straight hair, Ari is such a woman with a strong-face feature unlike Larissa. She has bangs that cover her thick brows and somewhat resembles Kade despite being fair-skinned.

"W-What's the matter?" I asked when Ari started scanning my face as if there was really something wrong with it.

Ari gave me a sheepish smile as she shook her head. "Now, I understand why Brother Kade is often at Santi Tierra." She left me with a meaningful stare that made me feel a little uncomfortable before she turned to Kade.

 "Did Clent call you again, Ari?" Kade asked the latter.

"Not yet, Brother, but he said that you don't need to pick him up because he already knows how to get here."

I didn't hear Kade say anything else. Perhaps he just nodded at his cousin.

We join Ari when she returns to the couch, where Lars and the man with the glasses are sitting.

That man has a neat haircut, which further defines the square shape of his face. He is physically attractive and appears to be as tall as Kade.

He must be Ari's fiance'.

The man quickly got up from the couch when we stopped in front of him.

"You really have a hawk's eye for gorgeous women, King," said the man in a scornful tone.

Kade just stared at the man coldly.

On the other hand, the man turned to me. "It's nice to finally meet new King's apple of the eye."

I awkwardly smiled when he stared at me for a long time. This man's blue eyes were intense, which made me uneasy, as I'm not really used to men's intimidating presence, although I've met many bachelor and good-looking clients because of our business.

I'm just showing them that I'm not bothered by their looks but deep inside...I am.

"Hi. I'm Harry Diem, their second cousin." He introduced himself, contrary to what I thought of him. He even extended his hand to me, and when I was about to accept it, a hand stopped me from touching it.

"You already know each other. No need for a handshake." Kade said in a flat tone yet dark.

I heard the soft laugh of Ari and Lars while Harry sneered at Kade. "Relax, King...it's just a handshake. I have no intention of taking her away from you."

Kade stared at the latter coldly. "And then?" He even crossed his arms like he's really interested in what Harry would say next.

"And I have no intention of flirting with her, especially with you here in front of us."

One corner of Kade's mouth lifted. "So you have a plan?"

Harry shifted his gaze back at me. "It depends…"

"Harry Diem... remember I'm in your territory. And then maybe do that when you can finally beat me in Counter Strike without using a cheat."

"Who's who?"

Kade scoffed at the latter. "You."

"So you're all here in the living room. Let's go to the kitchen. Dinner is ready."

We turned to Nay Ester at the same time when we heard her calling. She looks like she just came from the kitchen since she was still wearing an apron.

Kade moved swiftly; he grabbed my elbow and pulled me a little away from Harry.

"Come on, let's go eat dinner." He whispered, then gently led me to the kitchen.

I didn't resist and just let Kade pull me along since I could feel the eyes of his cousins, especially with Nay Ester behind us.

"Sit here." He pulled a chair next to him.

I didn't refuse anymore. I just sat quietly in the seat next to him.

"Eat a lot."

My jaw dropped as I stared at Kade's serious face when he put rice on my plate.

"Brother Kade, how about mine—what the—!"

I looked across at us and saw Larissa elbowing Ariella, forbidding the latter to speak.

 "You know what...you're such a scene stealer. Don't interrupt their sweet moment," said Lars, reprimanding Ari.

Ari rolled her eyes. "I'm not intruding. I just want Brother Kade to put rice on my plate too."

Lars clacked her tongue annoyingly. "Are you blind? You're seeing the two having their moment, but here you are, still interrupting them."

Ari frowned at Lars. Evidently displeased at Lars' remark. "If only my Babe was here!"

I let out a violent sigh. I see Aunt Roma and Raki in these two, because when they talk, it's like Kade and I are not in front of them.