
A Setback Beauty

"Just one I Love You...I'll fight for you." As CC slowly let her guard down, she just woke up one day that she starts chasing this stranger. She's not used of being the second best but she settled for it....for him. However, can she sacrifice her dignity and image loved by everyone in exchange for this man's heart that turned back to someone? And now she's torn between truth and pretense. Will she be her true self for this man because she wants to be loved for who she really is or she'll stay being CC that people love?

Yoj_Lolita · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
30 Chs


WHEN KADE GOT THE CAR INSIDE, a black SUV and an Onyx Jaguar greeted us parked in front of the mansion.

He turned off the engine after he parked our vehicle next to the Jaguar. He grabbed the car keys before looking at us in the front mirror.

"You go inside first. I'll bring our purchases in," he instructed.


I paused before entering the living room when someone called me by my first name. My mouth fell open as I realized it was from the familiar figure sitting in the middle of the couch.

She stood up and walked toward me. "It is indeed you. What are you doing here, Calleiah? I thought you were at Santi Tierra."

"Mrs. Archibal..." I smiled awkwardly, intimidated by her presence and the way she stared at me. 


My eyes wandered behind Mrs. Archibal when Ari walked towards us. Something I'm thankful for.

"Thank you for accompanying Brother and the others." Ari smiled as she stood beside Mrs. Archibal.

I just nodded at Ari with a smile.

"Anyway, Ma, here's Clari. She's our guest too and my older brother's girlfriend," Ari said.

Mrs. Archibal stared at her for a moment before returning her attention to me.

"Is that so?" Mrs. Archibal smiled. 

I'm not sure if my eyes are playing tricks on me when I see the slight disappointment on her face, since she once tried to pair me up with his son when we're in senior high.

* * *

I LEARNED FROM LARS that Clent and Ari's other guests will be arriving at the mansion today, so the housemaids got busy preparing for their lunch.

We just finished lunch with Clent's mother and Harry, who is now with his girlfriend Lira, so what the housemaids will cook will be only for the new guests.


Lars, Harry, and Kade were at the chapel to ensure that everything was in order and be ready for tomorrow's special occasion, while Ariella was having a bonding time with Clent and her soon-to-be mother-in-law, Mrs. Archibal, who happens to be my Aunt Roma's colleague.


Kade wanted to take me to the chapel, but I flatly refused. I don't want to ruin his moments with his cousins. 


That's why I'm here in the kitchen with Rita, Ingka, and Nay Ester so that I can somehow help with the preparation.


"Put the onions in there."


I heard Nay Ester's voice again. She and Ingka were standing by the stove, watching over the meat they were boiling. While Rita and I were sitting next to each other at the table, we were busy peeling vegetables.


The entire time is awkward for me because I can feel Nay Ester glancing at me from time to time, as if watching my every move.


"You know what, ma'am...you're stunning, and you have a fair skin tone like a radish that some women wish for."


I paused what I was doing to look at Rita, who was now staring at me.


"T-thank you," I said with a smile.


"Hehe. You and Sir Kade are a great match."


I automatically choked on what I heard, even though I didn't drink or eat anything. Meanwhile, Rita attended to me quickly.


"Ma'am, are you okay? Do you want some water?" Concern could be seen on her face.


I shook my head. "I'm fine."


Rita clutched her chest as if a thorn was pulled out from there before she returned to her seat.


"Like what I've said, ma'am. You and Sir Kade are perfect together, and I can see how much he loves you too."

I cleared my throat before I got choked again. "H-How did you say that?"

"Because his smile is different when he's in front of you. It's that smile that shows he genuinely cares about you, and he always asks me where you are when he can't see you."

I pressed my lips at what I heard, not to mention the sudden pounding of my heart like a jackhammer for an unknown reason.

"Ma'am Clari..."

Rita caught my eye. I smiled at her, encouraging her to continue what she was about to say.

"Ma'am Clari, don't be mad, but...I've had a crush on Sir for a long time." Her cheeks were flushed, and she couldn't look me in the eye.

I just smiled and shook my head. She's adorable. She's like a teenager confessing her feelings to her crush.

"Why should I be angry? We're not—" I paused when Nay Ester came to the side of the table.

"Please pass that on, hija."

My heart started racing as I heard her voice next to me.

"I-Is it?" I took the vegetable I thought she was pointing at.

"That radish is what I need, not that."

I put down the vegetable I was holding. I took the radish next to it and handed it to her.

"Thanks," said Nay Ester before she left my side.

I can't tell how many times I sighed as I followed her out of the corner of my eye.

I almost slipped.

"What were you going to say again earlier, Ma'am Clari?"

I nervously faced Rita and then shook my head.

"Ma'am Clari, are you mad at me because I had a crush on Sir Kade?"

I laughed softly. "No. I'm not mad at you."

"Is that so? Don't worry, ma'am...that was before. I don't have a crush on Sir Kade anymore."


"It's okay, Rita. There's nothing wrong with having a crush on him." There's nothing wrong with it. Her boss is undeniably attractive. Literally tall, tan, and handsome.


If he were to be compared to Hollywood actor Channing Tatum in his youth, I doubt he would be chosen last. For me, he's more enigmatic than Channing. I might exaggerate it, but Kade was like the male lead in a fantasy novel.


"Right, ma'am. Sir Kade's handsomeness can make not only your jaw but also your pants drop!" exclaimed Rita, who seemed to read my mind.


I faked a gentle cough. To have those thoughts about him, I don't know what's gotten into me.


"But of course, he's luckier because you're his girlfriend."


I smiled. I don't know why a part of me was suddenly happy with what I heard.


I just continued with what I was doing.


"By the way, Ma'am Clari, where are you from?"


"I'm from Santi Tierra."


"Santi Tierra? That place sounds familiar to me. Is that the town with the famous beach?"


I nodded.


"That sea is breathtaking. I just forgot the name because it's been a long time since I've been there."


"Are you referring to Palisog Beach?" I interjected.


"Right! That's it!"


"Enough talking, Rita. Finish what you're doing. We have a lot of vegetables to peel here."


Rita immediately straightened from her seat when she heard Nay Ester, who was staring at us seriously.


I just lowered my chin because her serious expression is making me nervous. I think I was more nervous and anxious talking to her than I was talking to important clients.

Rita scratched her head. "We're only going to cook two dishes for the new guests' lunch, but why are we peeling so many vegetables?"


"The other vegetables are for tomorrow morning's cooking."


"Oh, is that so?"


"Yes, so if I were you, I would speed it up."

* * *




I stiffened while standing from my seat when I heard Nay Esther's voice behind me. We were the only ones who remained in the kitchen. She instructed the two housemaids to run an errand for her in order for them to leave the kitchen first.


"Can I talk to you for a minute?"


I swallowed hard as I turned to her. "F-For what?" I asked politely.


"I'm not going to beat around the bush anymore. I want to know what's going on between you and Kade. Tell me what your true relationship is with Kade." Nay Ester's straight face tells me she's serious right now.


I bit my lower lip. Lars told me not to tell everybody about this.


"K-Kade is my boyfri—"


Nay Ester cut me off. "I know something is wrong with you two."


"W-What do you mean?" I asked, barely able to look straight at her.


"You are not an actual boyfriend and girlfriend. Am I right?"


I swallowed hard, one after the other. I even started nodding slowly.


I know there's no point in lying at this moment. Nay Esther was not the type to be easily persuaded. She's a keen observer. If you're doing something weird, she can notice it right away.


"If he's not your boyfriend, why did you come here with him?"


I clenched my fist, which was getting sweaty.


"I know it hurts to tell you this, but if you're a sensible woman, you won't go with a guy right away, especially if he's not your boyfriend yet."


My throat began to hurt, and my chest tightened. I began to feel heavy. Hearing those words makes me feel bad about myself. Nay Ester is right. Going with a stranger is not something a conservative woman would do.


Am I really that easy? I don't even consider Kade to be my suitor, so there's no reason for me to be here. I shouldn't have come here.


"I'm sorry if I'm telling you this, but I hope you understand that I'm just protecting Kade. He was like a son to me. Many things happened to him that hurt him because of a woman. He became miserable before, and I won't let you be the reason for that to happen to him again."


No words came out of my mouth. All I could do was try to stare at her straight.


So this is why she dislikes me? She's thinking that I will be the reason for Kade's downfall someday...


That I will hurt Kade one day...


I gripped the side of my dress. Is that possible?


"Nay, Ester, we're done."


Nay Ester ignored the simultaneous voices of Rita and Ingka when they were at the kitchen door. She kept her serious look on me, waiting for my answer.


I just bowed my head. I knew her attention was on me, even from the two housemaids, but I ignored it.


I silently took a deep breath before I lifted my chin. I turned to the two housemaids and smiled before shifting my gaze back to Nay Ester.


I forced a feeble smile. "I'll just go out for a while."


I didn't wait for her to respond. I bowed my head once more before I walked out of the kitchen and past her. 


"Why did Ma'am Clari go out? What did you talk about, Nay Ester?"


While walking down the hall, their voices reached my ears from the kitchen. 


"You shouldn't have said that, Nay Ester."


"There's nothing wrong with what I said. It's better for her to know now while it's still early.


I never heard the rest of their conversation because my feet had already carried me up the stairs, back to the guest room.


I slowly closed the door and leaned behind it. I don't know how much longer I can stand Nay Ester's cold shoulder.


* * * 

I SLUGGISHLY WALKED to the door after I heard knocks from the outside.


I hope it's not Nay Ester.


"Rita said you haven't left the room for a while." Kade's soft voice greeted me as I opened the door.


I just stared at him while he fixed his worried look on me.


"Hey, please speak up." He inched forward, reaching for me after I didn't utter a word.


I automatically lowered my head to avoid his gaze. "I want to go home." I bit my lower lip. "Take me home, Kade. Please..."


I heard him sigh before I felt his hand on my shoulders. "If it's about what Nay Ester told you earlier, I apologize."


"S-She told you?" I asked, looking up at him.


He nodded and gave me an apologetic smile. "Please be patient with her. Don't mind what she said. You know, she's an old lady, so she's a bit grumpy... just like you." he chuckled.


I lowered my head yet again. I bit my bottom lip harder in such a way that I could hurt it. I know he's trying to make me feel better, but it's not working on me.


It's not the first time I've felt unaccepted, but I can't help but feel bad about it. It's also difficult for me to swallow some pride. I admit I am a proud person, and being rejected is one feeling that I find difficult to accept. Perhaps it's because that's what I'm used to as a resort's general manager.


I firmly pressed my lips together.


Kade tilted his head to see my face. "Do you want me to talk to her?" he asked softly.


I quickly shook my head and looked up at him. "I-It's unnecessary. It's nothing."


"Are you sure?"


I nodded. "I understand why he said those things."


He smiled. "She's just like that sometimes, but she's really kind." He pressed the back of his finger to my nose and gently wiped a few beads of sweat from there. "Do you know that even with all that she said to you, she still praised you?"


"W-why is that?"


"She's aware that what she said hurt you, but you still didn't talk back. You still respected her. You trained yourself well on how to control your emotions even in that kind of situation, and that's why I admire you the most. Again, you never failed to impress me, Ms. Gallego."


My mouth parted as his last phrases left me dumbfounded. My mind was already so clouded that I can barely think straight at the moment.


"Dinner is ready, they're all downstairs. Let's go down."


I couldn't protest anymore when he grabbed my hand and gently pulled me out of the room.


"Go to bed early today. We'll be up early tomorrow for Ari's wedding," he said, leading the way.


"O-Okay." I mouthed as I cast a quick glance at our clasped hands.


His hand was large, it covered my entire palm that I could feel it sweating slightly.


Except for Mrs. Archibald and Clent, everyone was already seated at the table when we arrived. The others are starting to eat. I'm the only one who's really missing.


Suddenly, I felt ashamed of myself.

* * *

I STOPPED WALKING TO LOOK BACK AT KADE, who has been following me since we finished dinner.


"What are you doing?" I asked with a frown.


"I'm escorting you to your room."


"You don't have to."


"But I have to. Remember, you're my guest. I must take care of you and make sure that you're always okay."


I stared at him blankly, then shrugged. "Alright. Just do whatever you want." I said, before turning my back on him.


Because of what Nay Ester said, my view of him changed. I used to be easily irritated by his teasing, but now it's as if I don't mind.


I just learned something from his past, and it changed my perception of him. I also felt Kade stop when we were in front of my room.


I cleared my throat. "I'm going in."


I opened the door. But before I could even get inside, he grabbed my wrist and turned me to face him again.


"Good night and sweet dreams, Clarity." He gazed at my face while taking his hand off my wrist.


"Good night, too." I tried to smile as I felt the sudden pounding of my heart—pounding as it rammed against my ribcage!


"See you tomorrow," he smiled, making a two-finger salute.


I only gave him a brief nod because, until now, I could still feel my heart racing and beating like a drum! 


Why am I feeling this?