
A Setback Beauty

"Just one I Love You...I'll fight for you." As CC slowly let her guard down, she just woke up one day that she starts chasing this stranger. She's not used of being the second best but she settled for it....for him. However, can she sacrifice her dignity and image loved by everyone in exchange for this man's heart that turned back to someone? And now she's torn between truth and pretense. Will she be her true self for this man because she wants to be loved for who she really is or she'll stay being CC that people love?

Yoj_Lolita · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
30 Chs


 "ARE YOU SURE about this, Mrs. Gallon?"

I placed the resignation letter down on the desk and stared at Mrs. Gallon who's sitting in front of me. "You can still think it over. I know you have an important reason why you came up with this decision, but is it really necessary for your immediate resignation?"

Mrs. Gallon smiled faintly. "I'm sorry, Ms. Clari, but my decision to resign immediately is final. My husband has already arranged the papers we need for migration to Canada. We were scheduled to leave on Monday."

My shoulders fell, "If that's really your decision…there's really nothing we can do..."

"Honestly, I also had a hard time making this decision. I should have filed my resignation last month. It's just that shame is getting ahead of me, especially since the resort is still in peak season.  I've been working at this resort for a long time even when your Grandfather Giddeon was alive. You and your family showed nothing unkind to me or even to my colleagues. Your family is very kind..." Mrs. Gallon reached for my hand on the desk. "If it wasn't for my husband, I wouldn't have resigned...I'm really sorry, Ms. Clari."

I lightly squeezed Mrs. Gallons' hand. "You don't need to apologize, Mrs. Gallon. In any case, family matters the most so we respect your decision."

 "Thank you for understanding, Ms. Clari."  Mrs. Gallon rose from her seat. "I'll go ahead, I still have to take care of the things I left in the office."

I nodded at her before she turned her back on me and started to walk out of the office. However, before she could completely leave, I spoke.

 "Thank you, Mrs. Gallon for being a part of the resort's second success."

She turned to me, smiling. "You're welcome, Ms. Clari. I really hope you get yourself a boyfriend."

My eyebrows suddenly formed one line. Before I could say something, Mrs. Gallon already left.

I just shook my head.  Why are these people pushing me to have a boyfriend?

 "So...am I your type?"

 I shook my head firmly as what Kade did last night came to my mind. "You're such a good liar, Kade. As if I don't have an idea that you're only doing those things to get closer to Raki—"

"Ahm...Ms. Clari..."

I quickly rose from my swivel chair when I heard Janna's gentle cough in front of me.

My gosh! Did she hear that?

"W-What…" I cleared my throat to get rid of my stutter from shock. "Do you have something to say?"

"Ms. Clari, it's lunchtime. You want your food to get delivered here? You weren't answering the intercom, so I just went inside."

With my furrowed brows, I glanced at the digital clock on the side of my desk. Yeah...it's lunchtime already. I turned back to Janna.  "No need. I'll eat downstairs."

Janna excused herself and left the office. I followed her after a few minutes.

Like what I've said, I ate lunch on the veranda together with the staff. I stayed there for a few minutes to let my stomach fully digest what I've eaten and then returned to my office.

While riding the elevator heading up to my office, I firmly shut my eyes as I felt a sudden burst of pain in my temple. It hurts like it's being hit by a big rock. I managed to go back to my office with my throbbing head.  I quickly strode towards my table where there's a mini drawer below to get a med for migraines.

"Dammit! Not now!" I growled as I firmly shut my eyes, restraining myself to throw.

Beads of sweat were on my forehead when I took the medicine.  My face even twisted after the med left a bitter taste on my tongue. I took off my corporate blazer before I plunged my head on the table. One part of my head is still pounding in pain!

 I didn't realize I dozed off.

I just woke up when I felt that my hands were getting numb from plunging on the table.

I observed myself for a moment. I sighed in relief because my headache was gone.  Good thing that it didn't go on or I wouldn't have been able to work all day.

 The alarm of the digital clock buzzed, making me glance at it.  It's already 1:30 pm. That's why my hands went numb... I've been dozing on the table for over an hour!

I put on my corporate blazer and fixed myself before I walked out of the office. There were a few staff I met who greeted me as I walked through the lobby with other guests who were also leaving the hotel.

Adjacent to the hotel, there's a two restaurant, bar and mini mall overlooking the golf course but my feet brought me to the resort's golf course.

I paused from walking when my phone rang. I checked who's calling—it's Aina.

"Where are you, CC?" Her voice greeted me as I answered the call.

"Here at the resort." I replied.

"Okay. We've already delivered the plants to Aunt Maru. She'll transfer the payment later."

"Okay. I'll check it with finance later."

"Are you feeling well? Why does your voice sound frail?"

I shrugged.  "It's nothing. My head just hurt a little earlier, but I'm starting to feel better now."

 "Oh my, CC... don't take on all the work. You have a lot of people, you can command them to do the rest. You're exhausting yourself too much. You're the boss, but you're putting too much pressure on yourself. You should rest."

 "I will take my rest tomorrow."  I sighed in defeat, looking down at my black flat shoes.  I changed my shoes before I left the office.

"Good. Oh hey, Jake is already here. We're going on a date. See you, CC!"

 I just shook my head when Aina hung up. I put my phone back in my pocket and continued walking along the side of the field.

When I felt a little tired I stopped at a tree to get some shade.  It's only mid-afternoon, so the sunlight still hurts your skin.

 I looked at the wide golf course.  At the very end of this golf course is a hill and river separating Casa de Gallego and Gallego Garden.  So we have two options if we are going to the garden. It's either we go through the hill or we turn around from the garden's main gate. But we always choose the latter choice, the hill is too dangerous since the path there is narrow and shrubby.

My attention was diverted to a group of guests playing golf when they started laughing. They're laughing as they try to roll the golf ball into the hole with their putter. They don't mind the sweltering heat under rays of the scorching sun.

I smiled.  I wanted to join them but the thought that the scorching sun could burn my fair skin stopped me from doing it.  I just sat down and leaned against the tree. I just watched them play.

* * * 

     "IT SEEMS like you're going home early today, Ms. Clari."  It's Janna when she found me clearing up the things on my desk.

"No, Janna. I have to pick up Aina." I quickly clutched my bag in my arm.

"Did something happen to Ma'am Aina?" Janna asked.


"Yes. She and Jake had a fight so she got herself drunk at the bar. The worst is...she doesn't have money with her." I turned to Janna with my frowned expression.

""Oh, poor, Ms. Aina..." Janna uttered, feeling sorry for Aina.

"I'm leaving, you take care of here," I instructed before rushing out of the office.

The loud clicking of my heels followed me as I ran towards the elevator. I kept glancing at my phone to wait for a call from the manager of the bar I had spoken to earlier using Aina's cell phone.

I'm wondering what she and Jake fought about to get herself drunk. Just a little while ago, Aina was so thrilled that she and her boyfriend were going on a date. What just happened with the two of them?

I quickly got into the driver's seat as I reached my car. I called Raki first before leaving.

     "Yes, my sister?" Raki started as she picked up her phone.

"Manong will pick you up. I just need to go to Aina."

 "Why? What happened to Sister Aina?!"

I slightly moved the phone away from my ear when Raki's voice rose. "It's a long story. I'll tell you later when I get home. I'm going to end this call. Take care, baby girl."

I didn't wait for her reply, I hung up.

* * *

Nexus Bar...


     I COVERED my nose with the back of my hand as cigarette smoke and a mixed odor from various kinds of liquor greeted me. I paused for a moment on the side and roamed my eyes to look for Aina's whereabouts, but I had difficulty.

The mixture of smoke from cigarettes and vapes filling around the Nexus Bar made it difficult for me to have a clearer version of the place. Besides that, there's many people walking around and those who huddled on the dance floor.

I really despise this kind of place. If it wasn't really because of Aina, I would never have entered this chaotic place.

I sighed heavily as I stepped towards the counter. I thought of just asking the bartender who's hanging around there.  Wearing my cold expression, I ignored those lustful looks and catcalls given by every drunk man I passed by.

I felt like a thorn was pulled out from my chest when I found Aina on the counter—sitting on one of the high-stool chairs. I quickly approached her and held her arm. "Aina...what happened?"

Aina's red face and languid eyes greeted me as she stared at me.

 "CC..." She put her arms around my neck and loudly wept.

 Shocked by what she did, I gently rubbed her back.  "Shh...tell me what happened, Aina..." I consoled her, but she only wept more.

 "CC...he confessed..."

 I felt hot liquid after another came streaming down the back of my shoulder.

 "Confess to what?"  I calmly asked. 

"T-That...h-he...didn't...love...me...anymore..." Aina pulled herself away from me and stared into my eyes with her eyes filled with tears. "Tell me, CC. Am I ugly? Am I a bad friend? Picky? Lazy? Am I smelly?"

I shook my head lightly, "You're not. Those are opposite of your personality."

Aina hit the counter hard. "Then why is that?! Fuck it! Why doesn't he love me anymore?! He promised me that he'll love me forever but why is he fucking breaking up with me now?!"

"Are you Ms. Clarity Gallego?"

I quickly turned to my side when I heard a soft voice calling to me.

"Yes, I am. Are you the manager of this bar? The one who called me earlier?" I asked the woman I turned at with my slightly furrowed brows.

The woman in a light pink three-piece suit smiled at me. "Yes. I'm the manager of this bar. Are you her friend?" She pointed at Aina using her lips.

I gave her an apologetic smile. "I apologize if my friend caused you trouble. I'll pay her bill and the things she broke."

The woman shook her head. "No need for that, Ms. Gallego. Your friend broke nothing. Though she attempted to break one of the disco balls, it's okay since the bouncers were able to stop her before she could do it."

Shaking my head in slight embarrassment, I glanced at Aina and then turned back to the manager. "I sincerely apologize for what she had done."

"Oh! No! It's really okay. She's broken-hearted and I truly understand why she's like that. I think that is just her way to release all her heartaches." The woman replied in such consideration.

"Oh! No, not at all! It's really okay. She's heartbroken and I truly understand why she's like that. I think that's just her way of releasing all her heartaches".

"T-Thank you. " The only thing I could say at the moment.

"Welcome," she smiled and handed me Aina's bag. She then later called a bouncer to help me get Aina out.

I walked out of the bar with the bouncer called by the manager. He's carrying Aina, who just passed out as we headed to where my car was parked. I thanked the bouncer as he carefully laid Aina down into the backseat of the car.

"You're welcome, Ma'am," he shyly replied. He closed the door first before turning his back on me.

Meanwhile, I quickly went around the car and sat in the driver's seat. I put on my seatbelt after starting the car's engine. I glanced at Aina from the front mirror who's now sleeping soundly.


      FORTUNATELY, a bellboy helped me when I arrived at Rosewood Rise where Aina was staying.

The renovation of their mansion isn't yet finished so she checked into the hotel first.  Though, I told her that she can stay at the mansion or at the resort but she refused. She said Jake, who is now her ex-boyfriend, would be shy to visit her because we were there. Besides, our mansion and resort are far from Aina's boutique shop.

 From the basement parking, the bellboy carried Aina inside the hotel until the elevator.  I searched for Aina's access card when we were in front of her room.

 "Ma'am, where should I put her?"  the bellboy asked me when we entered.

 "Just put her here."  I started walking inside Aina's room.  The bellboy followed me.

 I thanked the bellboy and handed him a two-hundred peso bill after he put Aina down on the bed.

 "Thank you, ma'am. All right, I'm leaving."  The bellboy's face was brimming with joy until he left the room.

 When the bellboy left, I tended to the sleeping Aina.  Her long hair was scattered on her flushed and sweaty face. Her mascara also smudged under her eyes.

 I went to her closet to find her a change of clothes. I also got her a wipe so I could clean her somehow and make her sober up a bit. She didn't throw up, which I was thankful for.

 "Hmm...Jake..." Aina muttered, holding my hand as I started to wipe her.

 I carefully took back my hand and continued to wipe her.

 "Why do you have to break up with me, Jake?"  Aina's whispers that eventually turned into sobs.  "Please...don't leave me…"

* * * 

"AREN'T YOU going home yet, sister?"

"I'm going home. I'll just need to make sure that she's alright before I leave her here." I answered Raki who's on the other line. 


After I finished wiping and changing her clothes, Aina went back to sleep. I just sat in front of the vanity mirror.  I'll wait for her to wake up and make sure she finally sobers up before I go home.


I turned to the bed when I heard Aina's hoarse voice.  I ended Raki's call and approached Aina on the bed

"It's good that you're awake. Have you sobered up?" I sat at the edge of the bed.

"Yeah...I had sobered up." Aina stared at me, "You're the one who brought me here?"

 I frowned.  "Of course, I am. Who else are you expecting? Him?"

"Is it wrong to assume?"

I cringed my nose. "You're not going to move forward, if you don't start moving forward".

 "B-But we just broke up," she protested.

 "It doesn't matter."  I put on the pumps I took off earlier.

"That's easy for you to say because you're not in my situation, Clarity. One day, when you learn how to love again... you will understand me again".

I just stared at her blankly before I got up and grabbed my bag from the bedside table.

 "You're going home?"  She followed me with her gaze.

 "I have to go home. Raki is waiting for me at the mansion."

 Aina pouted her lips.  "So..you're going to leave me here?"

 "I need to. Since you already sobered up, you can take care of yourself. I need to go home, I'm already starving and sleepy."

 Aina sighed in defeat.  "As if I can really force you to stay. Just be careful. It's risky for you to go home at this time,  you still have a long way from home.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful." I smiled at her with assurance. "I'm really sorry if I can't accompany you for the whole night, you know I'm busy with my work at the resort. By the way, I made you a black coffee. If you want coffee, just heat it in the kettle".

"Thanks for your efforts tonight, CC". Her eyes gleamed with tears as she extended her arms, inviting me for a hug.

I leaned closer. "You're welcome, Ains but I hope the next time you think about getting drunk, make sure you have the money and can go home by yourself or you can just go to the resort so you won't bother me like this, okay?"