
A Setback Beauty

"Just one I Love You...I'll fight for you." As CC slowly let her guard down, she just woke up one day that she starts chasing this stranger. She's not used of being the second best but she settled for it....for him. However, can she sacrifice her dignity and image loved by everyone in exchange for this man's heart that turned back to someone? And now she's torn between truth and pretense. Will she be her true self for this man because she wants to be loved for who she really is or she'll stay being CC that people love?

Yoj_Lolita · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
30 Chs


MY BROWS IMMEDIATELY FURROWED when I saw a woman sitting in the passenger seat through the open window of the car. It's the woman Kade was talking to earlier.


Why is she here?


I turned to face Kade, but he had already gone inside the car. I hid my annoyance as I moved closer to the window, opposite the woman in front of me.


"Let's take Aly to her hotel first," Kade said, glancing at me in the rearview mirror.


"Okay." I said in a flat tone before I looked out the window.


It was a long drive. While the two were talking as if they were the only people in the car, I just distracted myself by looking at the tall trees and wide fields we passed by. I yawned after the woman turned on the car stereo. I leaned my head against the side of the window.


The sound of the car door closing and the car shaking woke me up. I rubbed my eyes as I sat up. I winced as numbness spread through my leg and neck.


I looked in the driver's and passenger's seats but was surprised to see that no one was sitting there. It was only then that I realized the car had stopped beside the mansion. We've already arrived home.


I glanced to the side when the backseat door opened. Kade's serious face greeted me while he was standing outside the car.


"It's good that you're awake." He bent over, holding the door, and stared at me.


I moved closer to the door he opened. Meanwhile, he stood straight and moved away from the door.


When I finally got out of the car, I spotted Kade leaning against the side of the car with the cellphone in his ear. He was talking to someone, and based on the name he mentioned, it was Ariella. The couple may have arrived at the private island.


"Take care." He smiled as he ended the conversation.


Kade returned his phone to his pants' pocket. I watched him remove his coat, leaving only the thin white polo underneath.


He then turned to me. "Because Aly's hotel is far from here in Aurora, we arrived home late." His face was serious as he said that, as if I were asking for a thorough explanation.


He came closer to me. He's still wearing his serious expression, and I'm not used to it.

"That guy you were talking to earlier, do you know him?"

I held my breath when he stopped in front of me. "N-No."

"You don't know each other, but he talks to you as if you're close." 

"I think he's just being friendly."

"He's not. That asshole is trying to flirt with you. That guy likes you."

"How did you say so?"

"I'm a man too, Clarity... so I know."

I jerked my head. "You just misunderstood him. Don't talk like that to the person."

He stared at me intensely. "Tell me, Clarity. Do you like that man?"

"Of course not!" I snapped.

"But you let him stay at your table for a long time."

My brows furrowed. "That man asked me nicely if he can share a table, of course I let him. Is there something wrong with that?"

"Did you enjoy his company?"

Annoyance rose in my chest. "What's with your question? I don't know what you're really up to."

"Do you really know nothing, or are you just ignoring my feelings and everything I tell you?" His jaw tensed as he stared into the distance._ "It's alright, just don't answer my question," he mouthed afterwards.

I breathe furiously. I want him to be straightforward. "Are you mad at me because—"

"I'm not mad at you," he interrupted calmly.

"You are. You've been avoiding me for a while—"

"I'm not avoiding you either."

"Liar. You're avoiding me because you're angry at me. That's what you're doing right now. You're jealous, that's why you're acting like this, am I right?" I shouldn't have told him that, but he triggers me with the way he talks to me right now!

The blank expression he gave me aggravated me even more!

I was about to say something when his cell phone rang. His gaze on me was interrupted when he took his phone from his pants' pocket.

"What?" He greeted the caller with his low and cold voice.

He listened to what the other person on the other line was saying while I kept staring at him. He's trying to avoid my glare, but I'm so persistent about giving it to him.

"Let's have a meeting when I get back there. I'll be back on Monday," he said in an authoritative tone before hanging up the phone.

He shifted his gaze back to me. Just like earlier, he's giving me his blank expression.

"Let's go inside." he said, avoiding our conversation.

He grabbed my arm and was about to pull me away when I shoved his hand away.

He paused in his stride and knitted his brows at me. He didn't say anything, but he was interrogating me with his gaze.

"What really is your problem, Kade?!" With all the frustrations I'm feeling, I can't help but to raise my voice. "If you're angry because you're jealous of my ex or Ylad, tell me, instead of avoiding me like you're doing now!"

"I told you…" he stared at me nonchalantly. "I'm not really mad at you and I'm not avoiding you."


"You are! You're being unreasonable!" I hissed. I'm hell furious right now and I've never been like this before! Usually, I'm not bothered if someone avoids me, but how come I'm not like that towards him?

I feel like I've committed a major sin, that's why he just avoids me like that.

He stared me seriously in the eyes. "Yes, Clarity. I'm jealous. Is it okay now? Do you understand me now?"

My mouth fell open at what I heard. "J-Jealous ...t-to whom? To Yllad? To my ex—"

"Both," he said in a firm tone.


My jaw dropped completely. Meanwhile, all I saw from him was a wan smile.


"Sorry about that. I almost forgot...I shouldn't be jealous because there's no us. "You and I are just nothing." He cleared his throat before he turned his back on me. "We must go inside now. Larissa is waiting for us," he said before he took a step.


"Damn it," I grumbled as I pressed my hand against my chest.


The moment I saw his faint smile, I felt something prick my heart. I couldn't understand why I felt so hurt for him.


I turned in another direction, but I faintly cursed when something caught my eye!


"Why now?!" I asked hysterically in my mind.


There's a frog near the car's wheel!


I tried to calm myself at what I saw, but the color just ran away from my face when I saw it jumping up and down near my feet!


Before it could leap to my feet, I quickly backed away from it until I found myself holding onto something hard.


I closed my eyes tightly. I hate frogs!


I heard a clearing of someone's throat.


My eyes widened when I suddenly realized what I was doing!


Why did I block his way? Why am I hugging him for Pete's sake?


In a panic, I abruptly pushed him just to get away from him. But I think I pushed him too hard because he was slightly pushed back!


Wrong move!


I immediately looked up at him to apologize, but it was too late because I was met by the dark expression on his face.


"After you hugged me without saying anything, you're just going to push me like that?" His tone is irritated.

"I-I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to push you like that." I bit my lower lip because I felt guilty for what I had done.

He gave me his dark look before he walked past me. I even heard him tsk. I watched him until he stopped.

"Come inside right away. It's raining now, you might get sick." he said coldly, not looking at me.


He stopped me when he started marching inside the mansion. My gaze followed him, though he didn't bother to turn to me even for a second.

I just shut my eyes tight because I was annoyed with myself. Now, I hate myself for being insensitive. To hurt his feelings in that way, I'm really the worst.

* * * 

I WAS JUST PUTTING MY PHONE DOWN when Lars found me in the living room.

I assumed she was already asleep because she entered her room shortly after we finished dinner, but she wasn't.

"Where's King?" she asked, approaching me while I was sitting on the couch.

I shook my head. "I haven't seen him."

I'm not lying because I haven't really seen him since he left the kitchen. Until now, I haven't seen any sign that he's just around the mansion. The thought made me feel worse. It's new to me.

"Where are you going?" I furrowed my brows when Lars walked away in front of me and went straight to the hallway.

"I'm going to get some water. I need to take this." She faced me and showed me a white tablet.

I rose from my seat. "Just sit here. I'll take it for you."

Lars stared at me in surprise, but quickly nodded. She returned to the couch where we were sitting and sat there while I went to the kitchen. 

I looked out the kitchen window and noticed that his car was not parked outside. Where did he go?

I sighed heavily. If only I didn't push him…

 "Thank you," said Lars when I placed the glass of water on the table.

I smiled at her before sitting down next to her. I watched her until she finished taking the medicine.

"Are you okay?" I asked in concern.

She placed the glass on the table. "Don't worry about me. I'm already fine. I just got an allergy because I tasted the Buttered Shrimp earlier. It looked so delicious that I couldn't resist."

I stared at her in disbelief.

Her shoulders fell. "They've already scolded me, especially King. Don't tell me you're going to scold me too?"

I shook my head. "But you shouldn't have done that. Allergies are a serious condition, you have to be very careful."

"I know that, but it's really tempting to eat something like that," she pouted her lips slightly. "Anyway, Kade told me that the reason you two got home late was because you dropped Aly off at the hotel she's staying at in Playa Linasin?" she asked, changing the subject.

I just nodded.

"So, did you and Aly talk?" Her voice bubbling with excitement as she mentioned the woman's name.

"We didn't get the chance. I fell asleep in the car." I should have added that Aly didn't want to talk to me either, as if she was annoyed that I was with them inside Kade's car. 

There's no denying that Aly is attractive, but she seems to have an attitude. She doesn't know, but I caught her secretly rolling her eyes at me three times from the side mirror.

"It's a shame, but there's always next time," Lars said.

I just put on a forced smile. After what Aly showed me, I'm not sure I'll like the idea of us meeting again. I'm not even sure if our meeting will have a positive outcome.

I'm not good at faking my impressions or even my reactions and I'm especially not used to pretending to be nice.

Lars' phone rang, and she answered it immediately. 


I stared at Lars when I heard it was Kade who's on the other line.

"Good thing you thought of calling…" Lars said with her furrowed brows. "What? And what are you doing there?"

Without making Lars aware of it, I tried to listen carefully to their conversation, but I couldn't hear anything because Lars' phone wasn't on loudspeaker. Only she can hear what Kade is saying on the other line.

"Alright. Don't drink too much. You still have to drive home. By the way, don't forget to stop by the pharmacy and buy me a med. The tablet I took today is the last one. Okay, bye!"

I curiously stared at Lars, who shrugged.

"It's King who called. He's with Yllak, one of his friends here in Aurora."

"W-Where are they?" I couldn't help but ask. Part of me was worried when I heard him drinking.

"They're at another friend's resto bar, so the two decided to drink alcohol." Lars explained, shaking her head.

I sighed.

"Did something happen?" Lars is giving me an intriguing look.

"Nothing..." My eyes flitted. I'm starting to feel uneasy with her stares.

"Don't try to lie to me, Clari. You seemed bothered. I'm positive that something happened between the two of you. To leave the mansion and have a drink with his friend, which he rarely does, King seemed really upset about whatever happened between the two of you." Lars' intriguing voice as she leaned on the table. "Now tell me...what happened?"

I tried to look away, but because I could still feel her gaze on me, I just let out a deep sigh. I stared at her with my shoulders shrugged.

I started telling her what happened.

"That's why he seemed to avoid you earlier, especially when I called you while we were talking."  Lars said after I told her about the argument Kade and I had.

"Ahm...can you help me?" I mustered the courage to ask her this.

She raised an eyebrow. "You're asking for my help, for what exact reason?"

I gulped, swallowing a little pride. "I-I want to talk to him, at least to apologize, but I don't know how. I don't know how I will approach him." I know it's awkward to ask her this, but I desperately need her help right now.

"Apologize? For hurting his feelings? That you were insensitive in bringing up your ex, knowing how much he likes you? For making him jealous of Ylad or for pushing him?" Lars has a blank expression on her face, but the way she said those words made me feel like she was really blaming me. It's as if she's making me feel guilty and pointing out everything I did wrong. 

I bit my bottom lip in guilt. She's right, I'm insensitive.

"You wanted to apologize because you now care about his feelings," Lars continued, squinting at me. "Do you already have feelings for him, Clari?"

I looked away. "I-It's not like that."

"Then why are you bothered? Isn't that what you really want? To make King stay away from you?"

"But not for that reason."

Lars laughed sarcastically, "I don't want to be biased because King is my cousin, but if you think you can't reciprocate his efforts, can you at least consider his feelings? To react and get angry like that and claim that you're his girlfriend, he really does like you." Her eyes were pleading as she looked into mine. "Don't take him for granted just because he likes you, Clari. He still has a vulnerable side."

I slowly shook my head. "I-I am not."

I didn't take offense when I heard her exhale furiously in frustration. I completely understand her. Kade is her cousin, of course she cares for him. She will defend and protect him. 

Even I could have reacted that way to someone who doesn't value my brother.

"Anyway, going back to your question earlier..." Lars looked me in the eye with seriousness. "To be honest with you, I don't even know what you should do either. It wasn't the first time King became like that but in your current situation… I really don't know."

Defeated, I gazed at her.

"I'm sorry, but I can't help you, Clari." Lars reached for her phone on the table and stood up.

I pressed my lips together tightly. Ashamed and disappointed. I've never felt this way before, like I'm losing, like there's nothing else I can do...

There was nothing I could do, especially when Lars started walking away.

Right, Clarity. Bear the consequences of your action.


My face brightened when she stopped walking and turned to me. 

"Just make him something. Food or drink, it doesn't matter as long as you're the one who made it. He will appreciate it." She gave me a sincere smile.

I don't know how long I walked around the kitchen thinking about what to do. I was restless and looking back and forth outside the open window till I found myself looking at the dining table.

Food or drinks...

My face lights up like a light bulb in my head when I realize something!



I paused what I was doing to turn around and look at Lars, who had just entered the kitchen.

"He's over there on the veranda. Just go see him," she said, approaching me at the table to see what I was doing.

"You made all this?" She asked in awe when she saw the pitcher of mango shake I made.

I gave her a quick nod.

"I'd like to try it." Lars said, quickly leaving my side to get a glass from the dish rack.


He's there. He's sitting comfortably on one of the couches, his head resting on the back of the couch and his eyes closed.

I stealthily moved closer to him so he wouldn't notice my presence right away. Making no noise, I came to a complete stop in front of him. I raked my eyes across his face and took my time examining his features.

His hair was slightly damp from the beads of sweat on his forehead. Although his brows were partly knitted, his face still looks normal. He didn't look drunk.

When I realized I'd been staring at him for too long, I faked a cough to get his attention.

"You need something?" Wearing a serious expression on his face, he looked up at me. Now, I can see his bloodshot eyes.

Instead of answering his question, I handed him the tall glass I was holding.

"What is that?" He raised an eyebrow as he stared at the glass in my hand.

"M-Mango shake."

"You made that?"

 I nodded. "Mang Andoy gave me a lot of mangoes earlier."

He didn't say anything, instead, he just stared at the glass I was holding, prompting me to speak.

"If you don't want...it's fine—"

My mouth dropped open when he reached for the glass I was holding and drank it straight. Although my other side wanted to stop him because he might have a brain freeze from what he was doing, I still couldn't.

"It's good," he said as he lowered the half-empty glass on the small table.

I pursed my lips. It's just one word from him, but I don't know why I feel so satisfied.

My stare lingered on him before I cleared my throat. His brows arched after I did that.

"Ahm...m-maybe I'm bothering you here." I was determined to talk to him earlier, but now that I'm in front of him...I've lost my courage.

"I-I'm going inside," I half-smiled before turning my back on him.

"Where are you going?" 

I halted from walking away in front of him when he spoke. "T-There's something I just need to do in the kitchen," I explained as I turned around to face him again.

"What is it?"

"I-I'll clean up my messes in the kitchen."

"Leave it. Nay Ester will take care of that. You stay here and sit next to me." 

I listened to what he said like a child. I sat next to him, slightly scooting over because our arms were almost touching.

"Are you moving away from me again?"

I almost jumped in surprise when he suddenly turned to face me with a frown.

"No." my answer 

"Then why are you scooting over?"

"I-I'm just giving you a personal space."

One corner of his mouth lifted. "I don't mind having a personal space, especially if it's occupied by you."

My jaw dropped. Before I could react, he already handed me the tall glass.

My brows knitted, I stared at the tall glass with still half Mango shake on it. Why is he giving it to me? Did he not like it?

I heard him chuckle. "Are you thinking we're going to kiss indirectly, so you don't won't drink what I'm drinking?"

"O-Of course not." I snatched the glass out of his hand.

Grinning, he folded his arms and leaned back in his chair. "It's good. I liked it, but you made too much, so let's just share."

My heart pounded in my chest, especially when he turned to smile at me.

Those wet lips...suddenly...I find it very sensual.

I quickly shook my head. I'm having a random thought about him, and I find it so weird.

"Kade…" I uttered, gazing at him.

His eyes were asking when he turned to face me while I looked down at the glass in my hand and stared at it.

"Are you still angry with me?" I asked softly.

"A little..."

I gasped quietly before I pursed my lips. "I-I understand...I'm sorry for everything."

He clicked his tongue. "After all that...just sorry?" 

I raised my eyes to him. "I'm really sorry, okay? If that's not enough, please tell me what I need to do to make up for it." I'm desperate to make amends with him because, after all, it's my fault.

My brows knitted a bit when he poked my cheek and grinned at me.

"Sorry isn't enough, I think a kiss will do. May I kiss you?"

"W-what?" my jaw dropped as I froze in my seat.

"You're pale," he chuckled.

I angled my head to the side as I covered my mouth with my hand.

"You're special to me, Clarity. I won't take advantage of you."

If I didn't turn to him, I wouldn't see the faint smile escaping from his lips as he stood up.

My eyes followed him, but I just gasped when he took my hand and brought it to his lips. 

"Will it be okay if I just kiss you here?" He asked in a low voice.

Without waiting for my answer, he planted a light kiss on my hand before darting his intense eyes at my already flustered face.

Gosh! He's giving me a near heart attack!

I cleared my throat. He also let go of my hand and remained in front of me.

I immediately pressed my palm to my forehead when he flicked me there. It didn't hurt, but I still gave him a dagger look. Nobody dares to do that to me, not even Raki or Aina...he is the only one.

"What was that for?" I asked, a bit irritated.

 "Sorry. I thought you were daydreaming."

I glowered at him, which he just laughed at.

"Ms. Clarity Gallego."


"I accept your apology."

I stared at him intently after hearing it, especially when he even smiled and winked at me.

He's unbelievable.