
A Serpent's Tale

In a future, alternate timeline, the Gods have been reawakened with a fury, and with that fury, they take control of the world and reshape it to their collective liking, and reignite the power of magic, changing the way the world functioned as we knew it. With the concept of magic now introduced to humanity, they went wild with it in this new world, creating new things and people that eventually restructured the system of the Gods themselves, changing everything once again. Time has passed since then, and in a remote city in the largest desert two beings encounter one another and create an unlikely spawn, the mother dies shortly after giving birth due to a curse inflicted upon her by mysterious forces. The was then father left to take care of his child on his own and does his best, but is forced to return to his home realm in hell, due to the same reasons he was allowed in the mortal plane in the first place. Left alone with only her friend, the two young serpentines venture off on many adventures together, developing a strong bond for one another that quickly grows into something more. Then on one of these adventures, they find themselves trapped inside a hidden and desolate place. They searched for a way out, but in the end, only one escaped Now alone the little serpent girl has to survive this world without anyone by her side, struggling to cope with all of the losses she's suffered over her life. Will she be able to survive? Or will she fall into an endless spiral of despair and loneliness? __________ Current Upload shedule, every other day. Cover Art made by devilbeez, you can find them on instagram. WARNING! This novel contains fetish content such as Futanari and Vore, you have been warned. It also contains some descriptive and gory scenes that some may not like, chapters with such content have a note at the beginning of them. Any and all of this text is subject to change whenever I like.

Wyvers · Fantaisie
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257 Chs

Satan and Belphegor

The two of us then spent the next few minutes figuring out some smaller details for the explanation we would give to those pests. Satan wasn't involved because all of his ideas after the initial one are just idiotic, not surprising honestly.

Lucifer then moved the conversation elsewhere, "With that decided, let's get to why I called you here."

I groaned as I knew where this would go, we've done this before and it's a pointless waste of time, nothing ever happens because of it.

Lucifer began, "Satan here is both angry and worried that you are going to overthrow his hold on Wrath. This would also upset the dynamic between the other sins."

"Hmph. Not my fault he can't improve upon his own Sin like I did." I remarked.

"This isn't about that, you can't just encroach upon his Sin, otherwise the metaphysical concept of Wrath will leave him and go to you instead. This would upset the dynamic of not only Hell, but everything we just talked about."