
A series of short stories.

A short story series consisting of a few stories. First up is a misunderstanding between a married couple and their reconciliation. Second is an odd couple: a man and his ghost girlfriend. Many stories will come so will probably update the synopsis every now and then. I will change the writing style and put some raunchy parts in it. (update) This is starting to become a continuous mess. I hope I can finish it decently.

Gregor_americana · Fantaisie
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8 Chs


(June's POV)

My life is going well. I have a daughter who is in her first year of college. I work. We live together. My husband died 9 years ago.

It was heart attack. He died in his sleep. I would say that I live a fulfilled life. Because, looking at my daughter grow up, I think that this is fine.

It was like any normal day. To be precise, this morning. I was making our breakfast. My daughter, Anabelle, came to the dining table.

This is odd. She usually wakes up at around 7.

"Ara….you are up early today. Can't sleep?"

"No. I just woke up. Do you know mom, something happened after you fell asleep last night." (Anabelle)

"Eh…something happened. What?"

"Someone rang our doorbell at 1. I opened the door to find a blind man supporting Mr. David. He was looking for Mr. David's house. I told him the way. I wanted to help but he said I shouldn't." (Anabelle)

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

She talked like it wasn't a big deal. What if something happened to her? I get really angry.

"You have grown up. So why didn't you wake me up?"

"But mom, one was a blind man and the other was dead drunk. What could they have done?" (Anabelle)

"It's not a matter of happening. But a possibility remained. What if it was someone else?"

"I get it. Sorry. I should have woken you up." (Anabelle)

"You don't have morning classes?"

"No. I have afternoon classes." (Anabelle)

"Then help me. You are a girl. You should practice cooking."

"Fine. But let me get the newspaper." (Anabelle)

She left to fetch the newspaper. But this is odd. David almost never drinks. How can he become so drunk that he needs someone to bring him home? I was lost in my thoughts.

"Mom, that blind man is sleeping outside. Leaning against the electric pole."

"Eh! He is! Let me see who this blind man is."

Anabelle came back and told me that he is sleeping outside. It intrigued me. I didn't think that it was weird to sleep outside because I was overcome with my curiosity. I stepped outside and saw him.


I uttered his name. Harry, someone who is really close to me. I hadn't met him since my wedding. What is he doing? Why is he sleeping outside? Why is he wearing sunglasses while sleeping?

My mind was filled with questions. But he started moving?

"Who is it?" (Harry)

He said. He is moving his head around. I am stopping myself from screaming.

"Harry, is that you?"

"Judging from the voice, it's familiar. Mmm….June?" (Harry)

"It is you.!!!"

I screamed. I lost my cool there.

"Whoa…no need to shout. Either way, it has been a long time, June." (Harry)

"Yeah, it has, Harry."

Seeing him made me remember so many things. Both good and bad.

"I never thought we would meet this way, June. It has been 25 years since we saw each other. How are you?" (Harry)

"I am doing well. At least, better than you."

"Yeah. Anyone is probably better than me right now. I am living on the streets as a blind man. So everyone is doing better than me." (Harry)

"How about you come inside, Harry?" (Mom)

"No. I better leave before David actually wakes up. It'll be my funeral if he catches me." (Harry)

"What did you do this time to David?" (Mom)

I ask him many things. He mentioned about living on the streets. I wanted to catch up with him. I invited him inside. But he declined.

"So June, your daughter is all grown up now." (Harry)

"Yeah. She suddenly grew up."

"Don't waste it. I never became a parent. I can't understand your feeling." (Harry)

"Wait, you don't have children?"

"No. I never got married. Children are out of the question." (Harry)

Harry never married. I thought he did get married. That's why he wasn't in the area.

"By the way, where's Evan?" (Harry)

He suddenly asked about Evan. It's obvious to ask about his best friend.

"Evan passed away. It was 9 years ago." (Mom)

I could only tell him what had happened. Evan died.

"I see. I wanted to talk to him about something. But if he is gone, then I don't have to bring it up. By the way, where am I exactly?" (Harry)

"Where? You are on the 31st street. Block D."

"Oh. Then I am not too far away. I just need to reach the 29th street. Thanks for the directions. It was nice meeting you, June. I am sure I will meet you again somewhere if you decide to talk to me. As a blind man, I can't see who's passing by me." (Harry)

He said that and left. I wonder, is he really blind? It makes me sad that he is treating me like a stranger.

"Mom, did you know that weird guy?" (Anabelle)

"Yes. He and I are childhood friends. We went to the same university as well. But after my wedding with your dad, he disappeared. This is the first time I have met him after that." (Mom)

I spoke like it was nostalgic.

"But Harry was just a normal human. He wasn't blind. How did he become blind?" (Mom)

But I really wonder. What happened to him in these years? 25 years is a long time. A boy changes in 3 days. 25 years is enough to change someone entirely.

I go inside and have breakfast with Anabelle. Then I go to work.

Anabelle mentioned that she doesn't have morning classes. So, she will be late tonight. I have plans as well.

Us girls meet once a month. The ones I was close to during our college. Well, most of them were my friends from high school anyway.

I was about to leave work when Anabelle called me. She said that her afternoon classes got canceled too. She will be visiting her dad's grave.

Both of us often go and visit Evan's grave. Ever since he died, we tried to go and visit his grave once a month.

This made me remember Evan. He and Harry met in college. But they became the best of friends. It was Harry who forced Evan to confess his love for me. Harry was the one responsible for our marriage.

But Harry started distancing himself after that. Evan said that he would meet with Harry every now and then. But then Harry totally disappeared.

I stop reminiscing and message the girls. They are on their way as well. Since the place we are meeting at is closer to my office, I got there first.

I take my seat at our reserved table and keep waiting. After 20 minutes everyone is here. There are 6 of us in total.

All of us have been together since high school. We had some things in common. First, our names. I am June. There are January, March and April.

I don't know how but we all ended up in the same class in high school and became good friends since we were named after months. The others two had the same hobbies. They are Jenny and Odette.

We were talking about things like how we were. But I brought it up.

"You know, I met Harry today."

"Eh?!! Harry, as in your childhood friend, Harry?" (April)

"Whaaaattt??? Harry? That guy is alive! I thought he died." (January)

"January, don't be so loud. Anyway, when did you meet him?" (Odette)

Everyone became talkative.

"I met him this morning. My daughter said that he rang our doorbell at night and she helped him with directions. But I found him sleeping outside our house leaning against an electric pole."

Their reactions are different. But none of it could be called good.

"I know. It sounds weird, right? I met my childhood friend, sleeping outside my house against a pole. It's hilarious. But that wasn't the big shock."

"Are you saying that something even weirder happened?" (April)

"Yeah. He was blind!"

Everyone became silent. I mean, your totally fine friend suddenly became blind when you saw them again. It would surprise most people.

"He was covering both of his eyes. His clothes were ragged. He said that he was living on the streets as a homeless man. I did invite him inside but he declined. He was in a rush."

"Harry became a homeless? That's impossible!" (January)

"Yeah! He did goof off a lot but him being homeless, I can't even imagine." (March)

"I know. That's why it was weird. My daughter said that he was accompanying a drunk David home."

"David as in that kid who used to play with my brother?" (January)

"Yeah. Him. David is my neighbor. He is a single dad. His daughter is graduating high school soon."

"Time sure has passed. Makes us feel old." (January)

"We are old. No denying it now." (April)

We were chatting again. We kinda pushed Harry out of the conversation. But we heard someone calling for Harry.

"Hey Harry, I am here."

It's a woman's voice. She is calling someone called Harry from behind us. We take a look and see that she is sitting two tables away from us on the opposite side.

I see a waiter escort someone from the front door. It's Harry. The same Harry we were talking about.

He is wearing different clothes. His face seems a bit cleaner and his hair is styled differently. But he is still wearing his glasses and he has his white stick.

"What took you so long?"

"Sorry. Bruce insisted that I change my clothes. He even did my hair. Well, I don't know how I look though." (Harry)

We all look at each other. Just a few minutes ago, we were talking about him. Now, he is here.

"That's Harry alright! He hasn't lost his sense of humor." (January)

"Yeah. Didn't you say he was homeless? He is looking pretty good for a homeless person." (April)

"He wasn't like that in the morning. Maybe that Bruce he mentioned helped him a bit."

But we all got curious. So we tried to eavesdrop on them.

"You made me wait! How are you going to make up for that?"

"Hey, it was your idea to get Bruce's help. It got a little late as he took me to a hairdresser. I am not at fault here." (Harry)

"Ok. Put your stick away. You don't need it anyway."

"I am a blind man. If a blind man walks without a stick, it's weird, right?" (Harry)

"You made yourself blind. It's on you."

"Anyway, let's not talk about such pessimistic things. Today is our 23rd anniversary. Let's celebrate like usual." (Harry)

"23 years! It went by so fast. I mean, it was just yesterday that we met."

"I know how you feel. You picked me up that day. Kept me and made me stand on my two feet. But now, I have fallen again." (Harry)

"You sound a bit relieved. What happened? I mean, you are still spouting nonsense but your tone is light."

"I went to visit Evan. Didn't know he passed 9 years ago. I rid myself of the burden I had been carrying for 27 years." (Harry)

"You finally got rid of it? That's good. Then, we should go somewhere, right?"

"We should. I can't see but I can still feel. Let's go to the sea. You haven't gone yet, have you?" (Harry)

"Work. I was working so hard that I have nothing to do anymore. I am free for this month."

"Everyone should learn from you. Did you order anything?" (Harry)

"Then the usual, I guess."

That conversation did flow into my ears. But I can't make anything out of it. I look at others.

"Did you guys understand any of that?"

"No. I didn't." (January)

"Seems like Harry found someone equally philosophical." (April)

"I think they are both quirky." (May)

"Harry did say that he wasn't married. But for him to date someone…"

I was in deep thoughts. Because, I never thought he would actually be able to date someone.

"What? You getting jealous?" (Odette)

"Stop it! He and I were not like that."

"But I thought you would surely end up with Harry. I mean, you two were practically glued to the butt." (Jenny)

"I thought so too. We were rooting for Harry rather than Evan." (January)

"But in the end, Harry forced Evan to confess to me. He set us up and got us married."

"But, after that didn't he kinda disappear?" (April)

"Yeah. Evan did say that Harry stopped meeting up with him."

"Maybe he couldn't take it. His long nurtured love being taken away by someone else. He probably didn't want to see you with Evan." (May)

This shocked me. I always thought that Harry did that intentionally.

"Maybe, he put your happiness before his, June." (January)

"Let's stop for now." (Odette)

Odette put a stop to it. Because I was feeling uncomfortable. This is a topic that I tried to forget.

They all apologized when they realized. From then it was smooth. I saw Harry leave with the woman he was talking to probably.

She looks young. I can't believe she is the same age as us. But she is clinging to Harry. Harry has his white stick with him but with her clinging like that, he is having trouble.

In the end, they both left. We also left at 9. All of us have settled down.

January has 3 sons. Her husband is currently working overseas. April is married to a police officer. She is a mother of a pair of twins.

May has a daughter like me. Her husband is her boss. She is her husband's personal secretary. Jenny is unmarried. She said that she swings the opposite way. Odette has a pair of identical twins. Both daughters. However, she divorced her husband and is independent.

All of us have settled down. We are well. When I got home, Anabelle greeted me.

"Mom, I saw Mr. Harry this evening." (Anabelle)

"Eh? Where did you see him?"

"At the cemetery. He was sitting beside dad's grave." (Anabelle)

Anabelle saw Harry? He did say that he went to visit Evan.

"What did it look like?"

"He was talking to his grave. He said many things like sorry for not coming and not knowing that he died. Mr. Harry left something behind at his grave though." (Anabelle)

"Left? What did he leave behind?"

"This." (Anabelle)

She showed me a box. It looks like a ring box. I take it and open. Inside, I find a diamond embedded ring.

I take a closer look. This ring looks familiar.


I suddenly screamed. I didn't want to but I remembered.

In our first year of college, I told Harry.

"I want that ring when I get married."

We both were passing by a jewel store and this ring caught my eye. Harry said that he will propose to me with that ring.

I think tears were already falling from my eyes.

"Mom, are you okay?" (Anabelle)

Anabelle asked me with worry. I look at her.

"Did he say anything about this ring?"

"He said something about carrying a burden for 27 years." (Anabelle)

The time matches. He really did buy the ring.

What is happening? Was Harry in love with me? Did he really love me? Questions after questions but no answer.

I need to search for answers. I rush out. I think David can answer some of it.

I run to his house and ring the bell. David opened the door.

"Oh! What can I do for you, Ms. June?" (David)

David has changed a lot too. He looks skinny and unhealthy. Like he is sick. But I think I can ask that later.

"Do you know where Harry is?"

He was probably going to say no but he looked at me.

"Don't tell anyone that I told you. Go to the cemetery. He should be there with Evan. Be quiet and watch. Don't freak out. I mean it." (David)

David said and closed the door.

Harry is at the cemetery? With Evan? New questions and still no answer. I should probably go to the cemetery.

This is pretty late. I'm sure that no one is at the cemetery right now. But the gate should be open.

This would be a little odd. But I need to get to the bottom of it.

When I arrived at the cemetery, it was deserted. Not even the gatekeeper was present. The gate was open.

I walked in. Walking into a cemetery at night sure does feel different. It's giving me chills. I walk through the lanes until I found Evan's grave.

But I noticed something strange. Harry is sitting near the grave with someone else. I move closer. The lights aren't really bright. But upon moving closer, I finally saw who it was.

I held my scream. It was Evan himself sitting next to Harry. Dressed in his wedding clothes, he is sitting beside Harry who has his glasses off.

His eyelids are open. Yet, all I see is a hollow hole. The eye sockets are empty.

I take deep breaths. It's scary. I guess David did say to not freak out. So, I have to calm down.

I sit down on the grass without making a sound. I can hear them talk. But is that really Evan?

"Harry, it has been 18 years. You don't seem to be doing so well." (Evan)

"Well, better than you. How did you die?" (Harry)

"I had a heart attack in my sleep. Instant death. I didn't even have the chance to say goodbye to June." (Evan)

"I really wanna punch you. I thought I had made it clear that you can't make June unhappy. How dare you leave her behind and die alone?" (Harry)

"Well, I didn't have control over my life. Never did I imagine that I would meet you after 9 years of my death." (Evan)

"By the way Evan, I left a ring by your grave. Who took it?" (Harry)

"I don't know. So, should we reminisce about the old days?" (Evan)

"Let's. My life is running out anyway. After this I would become a slave. My soul is already sold. 20000 years of slavery awaits. So let's have a blast for this one night." (Harry)

"Sold? Did you make a deal with a goddess or something?" (Evan)

"Yeah. The deal has been actualized. I am living the rest of my human lifespan. Then only slavery awaits." (Harry)

"I pity you man. You never got anything you wanted." (Evan)

"Well, partly you are to blame." (Harry)

"Don't put the blame on me. The night when you bought the ring, you said that you would confess to June. But then, June told you that she likes me. Before you could even say anything.

Then, you proceeded to have another talk with me. You said that June likes me. And you were willing to fully cooperate with me. You are the one who gave up on June." (Evan)

"Call it a youthful indiscretion. I was driven by emotions back then. I calmed down. Thought about it. A pervert like me can't possibly make June happy. And why did I buy that ring anyway. I worked my ass off for 6 months to buy that ring.

Really, what was I doing? Anyway, June turned me away before I could even say it. That saved all of us. And June became happy in the end. What does it matter now?" (Harry)

"Don't you think that something happened? The June who was together with you since birth became interested in a guy other than you. Aren't you jealous?" (Evan)

"I am not in a position to be jealous. If I had done that, things might have become too sour. Thanks to her saying it, I stopped." (Harry)

"Harry, I have been meaning to ask, what happened to your eyes?" (Evan)

"Well, about 7 years ago, I gouged my eyes out and threw them away. I chose to make myself blind. I couldn't take it anymore." (Harry)

"That hardcore! Must've hurt?" (Evan)

"It did. But it was still better. The goddess I made my deal with is a sadistic goddess. She loves seeing me writhing in pain." (Harry)

Evan only smiled wryly. But I was distraught. What happened? What the hell did Harry just say?

It's taking me a while to fully understand. All I could feel was anger.