
A Sense of Wanderlust - Invincible Conqueror (AU)

Unchained. Unrestricted. Unbound. That is how he want to live. To see farher than what the eye can, to learn what is unimaginable to the mortal mind, to experience the greatest of pleasures and worst of pain. Though, who would've thought that he would attain his ambitions not from the world where he have come to call home, but, in a place, far, far away? From a prince of an intergalactic empire, he was reborn as orphaned clan member in a world akin to the fictional stories that he has read. Follow the eventful and whimsical tales of Yu Tao as he integrates into this whole new world and traverses through the realms, attaining power, acquaring knowledge, meeting friends, making allies and enemies, and all the likes! "Come forth and bear witness to the solidification of my will...! Divine Kingdom...!"

Resident_Daoist · Livres et littérature
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13 Chs

Storm of Blades - Forces that Govern the World, Part 2


Blood trickled from the wounds of Ouraniopoulos Zeus as he lay sprawled on the main square of Broken Blade Imperial Capital, his body bearing the brutal marks of a fierce battle. His torn stomach exposed his entrails, while the rest of his form bore scars that would endure for millennia. The glistening golden blood seeped into the cracks, creating a haunting yet captivating sight.

Duan Ren stood tall, his sword pulsating with an ominous aura. Each passing second brought a palpable intensity, a manifestation of destructive power restrained but eager to be unleashed. With a cold voice, Duan Ren admonished the titan, "You should have surrendered the moment our auras clashed. There is no turning back now. Your self-humiliation not only tarnishes your own name but also brings shame upon your empire."

A flicker of fear flashed through Ouraniopoulos Zeus' eyes as the chilling specter of death loomed ever closer. Gritting his teeth, he mustered his resolve and retorted, "You dare...?"

Raising his sword, Duan Ren's voice remained cold. "I dare, without hesitation. I care not for the consequences. Initially, your Heaven's Might Empire held the advantage in negotiations. However, your impulsive actions have cost your empire any meaningful demands from us. In the upcoming world conference, few would dare to question my actions."

In the midst of controlling his battle qi, Ouraniopoulos Zeus desperately activated an escape talisman while conjuring a complex defensive array with countless layers, buying himself precious time to flee.

Meanwhile, throughout the Martial Spirit World, voices of disbelief echoed due to Duan Ren's clear intent.

It seemed that Duan Ren's true motive was not to send Ouraniopoulos Zeus back to the Heaven's Might Empire in humiliation but to exploit his impulsive nature as a means to invalidate any demands from the empire.

To some, it was puzzling as to how killing Ouraniopoulos Zeus could reconcile the death of Ouraniopoulos Megara. Indeed, it would exacerbate matters further. However, for those were knowledgeable, there was a logic behind it.

The imperial council of the Heaven's Might Empire understood that the Broken Blade Empire was not to blame for the unfornate demise of Ouraniopoulos Megara; they were, in fact, victims themselves. Yet, they would inevitably request the aid of the Broken Blade Empire in uncovering the truth, a tedious endeavor that would drain valuable time and resources.

By eliminating Ouraniopoulos Zeus, Duan Ren sought to quell an ongoing internal feud within the Heaven's Might Empire. With their leader weakened, his faction would become vulnerable and easily assimilated by the other influential factions. Simultaneously, investigations into Ouraniopoulos Megara's death would be momentarily set aside as factions vied for Duan Ren's favor.

Even if compensation were to be offered, it would not be excessive, as Duan Ren had skillfully maneuvered the situation to his advantage.

Just as Duan Ren's sword descended towards the trembling Ouraniopoulus Zeus, a shimmering golden barrier emblazoned with a symbol of a spider materialized, halting the lethal strike in its tracks.

"This is...!" Ouraniopoulus Zeus's eyes widened with a glimmer of renewed hope.

Duan Ren furrowed his brow and demanded, "Another ancient relic. What is your purpose?"

"I would appreciate it if you both calm down for a minute," an androgynous voice echoed through the air, urging for a moment of calm.

The clouds above parted, revealing a colossal black and gold spider adorned with glistening jewels, descending gracefully on a thread woven from the fabric of space and time. The surrounding space seemed to contort, forming an intricate web-like pattern that came to a halt upon encountering the grand formation array of the imperial capital.

Seeing the black and gold spider, many gasped in awe.

The person that had intervened to save Ouraniopoulus Zeus from his imminent execution was none other than Zhu Xian, the strongest grand ancestor of the Divine Wheel Empire!

In the previous 10 Millennia Ranking, Zhu Xian had secured a remarkable tied position in 3rd place. Moreover, he shared a close connection with Ouraniopoulus Zeus, as both were from the same generation and have partaken in various events together.

If anyone possessed the strength and reputation to rescue the battered titan from his dire predicament, it was undoubtedly Zhu Xian.

Duan Ren's tone remained stern as he addressed Zhu Xian, "You better provide a compelling reason for meddling in my affairs. Otherwise, I suggest you leave."

From the heavens above, an ominous fusion of silver and black radiance cascaded, enveloping the imperial capital and extending its dread-filled influence across the kingdoms and independent sects. The ethereal storm of blades exuded an aura that even reached the outermost reaches of the empire, leaving all who sensed it quivering with fear and trepidation.

Faced with the imminent threat of annihilation, Zhu Xian clicked their fangs and spoke, "I have discovered a lead that may reveal the whereabouts of the perpetrator responsible for the heinous acts against Ouraniopoulus Megara and his comrades. Sovereign Duan Ren, I beseech you to spare my old friend's life. By doing so, we can work together to apprehend the culprit and alleviate the unnecessary tensions between our empires."

The revelation brought forth by Zhu Xian left everyone in a state of astonishment. Many had resigned themselves to the belief that the truth behind the tragic demise of Ouraniopoulus Megara would remain shrouded in mystery for generations to come, so the discovery of a lead was met with a mixture of surprise and admiration.

Truly, Zhu Xian's status as one of the Martial Spirit World's finest experts was well-deserved!

Aware of the precariousness of the situation and the severity of offending Zhu Xian, Duan Ren made the decision to cancel the execution of Ouraniopoulus Zeus and listen to what Zhu Xian had to say. With a deft motion, Duan Ren flicked his sword and returned it to its sheath.

Though relieved by Duan Ren's choice, Zhu Xian couldn't help but narrow their eyes inwardly at the man. As someone of their caliber, and having been in close proximity to the concluded battle, Zhu Xian sensed something remarkable. When Duan Ren cancelled his attack, approximately 95% of the energy he had gathered to unleash his strike simply returned to him instead of dissipating into the surroundings.

'This Broken Blade Sovereign is a master of concealing his true strength. With such precise control, he would undoubtedly secure a place within the top three of this generation's 10 Millennia Ranking List,' Zhu Xian contemplated momentarily, before shifting his attention back to Ouraniopoulus Zeus. "Get up, we have a meeting to attend to."

Just as Ouraniopoulus Zeus prepared to respond, he abruptly vanished in a dazzling burst of lightning.

Duan Ren blinked in surprise, while Zhu Xian's multiple eyes twitched involuntarily.

On that day, a palpable silence of disbelief reverberated throughout the world.

Well, mostly silence. In some places, amused laughter echoed, heralding the unexpected turn of events.


Once the chaos in the imperial capital had subsided, life returned to its normal rhythm.

Within the confines of the Huang Clan Sacred Orchard, Sun Tao found himself captured by clan members, only to be rescued by Huang Xiaolong, who offered him a place as his beast companion.

In the hours that followed, Xuan Hao took it upon himself to give a comprehensive tour of the sprawling orchard. He led the group through its various sections and structures, explaining their purposes and the tasks undertaken by the diligent clan members who tended to the orchard's needs.

The sheer expanse of the valley was awe-inspiring. It could effortlessly accommodate the already vast Royal Lu City twice over, leaving room to spare. Yu Tao couldn't help but question how such a fertile and vibrant land had remained hidden for centuries, until he had the chance to step foot into Ren Wokuang's Inheritance ground.

Once the tour had concluded, everyone was granted the freedom to spend the rest of the day as they pleased. From tomorrow until the days that followed, they would immerse themselves in a variety of lessons centered around discipline and self-reliance.

For Yu Tao, this prospect held no concern. His previous life had already prepared him well for such challenges. Now, his sole focus was on cultivating his strength.

While Huang Xiaolong's inherited techniques undoubtedly hailed from a higher realm, Yu Tao refused to believe that he couldn't remain on par with him. Sacred immortal rank techniques, though extraordinary, would be no different from divine rank techniques when utilized in the Mortal Realm.

Given his lack of access to the higher-dimensional techniques of this universe, Yu Tao resolved to create his own. As Jiang Qiao had informed him, creating sacred immortal rank techniques was a matter of time and resources, with resources encompassing one's own aptitude and any top-tier techniques that could serve as references. Moreover, the sacred immortal rank techniques that trickled down to the Mortal Realm were often considered low-ranking in the upper realm, narrowing the gap between them.

While it was generally acknowledged that most sacred immortal rank techniques developed in the Mortal Realm would be comparatively weaker in the upper realm due to the differences in natural laws, exceptions did exist within the Martial Spirit World.

Two prominent figures, the Absolute Oblivion Sovereign and the Cursed Golden Dragon Emperor, had succeeded in creating techniques that defied this norm. Although the specifics of their techniques remained shrouded in secrecy, the knowledge of how they accomplished such feats was not entirely inaccessible.

In both Yu Tao's current plane of existence and his original one, there existed a concept that encapsulated the fundamental principle and underlying force governing the universe, nature, and human life. This universal concept was often referred to as the 'path' or 'way'¹. However, Yu Tao preferred to use the term 'dao'² since it resonated with the language he spoke and was popular in this particular region of the Martial Spirit World.

Within the context of personal growth and discovery, the dao represented a guiding principle that encouraged individuals to align themselves with the natural flow of life, to live authentically, and to cultivate harmony within themselves and with the world around them. It emphasized the significance of finding one's unique path, embracing spontaneity, and allowing life to unfold naturally.

Drawing from ancient Daoist teachings, individuals were encouraged to cultivate self-awareness, engage in introspection, and attune themselves to the natural rhythms of the universe in order to discover and follow their own dao. Each person's dao was unique, a reflection of their inherent nature, talents, aspirations, and life circumstances, all of which shaped their personal journey.

All cultivators aspired to develop and follow their own path, and those who successfully did so, with or without external assistance, surpassed their limitations and reached the pinnacle of their potential. The greatest geniuses of the Mortal Realm were those who had achieved the most in their respective fields of expertise.

The Absolute Oblivion Sovereign and the Cursed Golden Dragon Emperor, in particular, were officially recognized for reaching the highest peak of qi mastery in the Mortal Realm. The Absolute Oblivion Sovereign had mastered the eternal oblivion qi while the Cursed Golden Dragon Emperor had mastered the true dragon qi. Their achievements were so remarkable that they transcended the supposed limitations imposed by the Heavenly Will, defying the iron-clad laws of creation.

Their extraordinary accomplishments were attributed to the paths they had forged for themselves, continuously challenging and pushing their limits until they could hardly do so any longer. By relentlessly pursuing their individual dao, they achieved unparalleled heights and became eternal legends in the Mortal Realm.

Embarking on the path of supremacy was a daunting endeavor, even more challenging than the path to overwhelming tyrannical strength. However, Yu Tao, who believed himself to be greater than both the Absolute Oblivion Sovereign and the Cursed Golden Dragon Emperor combined, exuded unwavering confidence in his pursuit.

His confidence stemmed from two reasons.

Firstly, Yu Tao had delved deep into the invaluable knowledge inherited from his previous family, which was essentially the legacy of an intergalactic empire. Even the highly accomplished citizens of his family's empire were not granted access to such knowledge, making it an extraordinary advantage for him.

Secondly, in some manner or form, Yu Tao had caught a glimpse of the Flow of Creation moments before his death. This revelation occurred during his life destruction trial, and the esoteric insights gained from this brief glimpse allowed him to temporarily communicate with the Heavenly Will of this universe. In this exchange, he traded his connate cultivator status for a different kind of power.

The Flow of Creation was known by various names across different realms and dimensions. In Yu Tao's home universe, it was called in many names such as Primordial Essence, Cosmic Pulse, Vital Spark, Universal Flux, Divine Current, Celestial Stream, Essence of Genesis, Eternal Source, Creative Matrix, and Lifeblood of Existence to name a few. However, in this universe, it was commonly known as the Heavenly Will.

While the Flow of Creation and the Heavenly Will were essentially the same concept, the latter was significantly more restrictive. One example of its restrictiveness was the power system of this world known as cultivation, a concept that existed only in literature in Yu Tao's home universe. In contrast, the Flow of Creation in his home universe was perceived as a primordial current or stream that influenced the formation of matter, the birth of life, and the emergence of various phenomena, without imposing exaggerated restrictions on the universe.

It seemed that Yu Tao had somehow brought over esoteric knowledge related to the Flow of Creation from his home universe, which enabled him to exchange his yearned-for power in his previous life. This power was known as Divine Kingdom, an ability possessed by a legendary figure in his home universe. This figure had constructed an everlasting kingdom that perpetually ascended with them to higher dimensions, never leaving their sight and constantly evolving.

However, Yu Tao didn't seek Divine Kingdom to create his own kingdom. His main intention was to acquire an undying army that would accompany him in exploring the vastness of creation with relative ease.

Alongside gaining Divine Kingdom, Yu Tao also discovered the existence of Unique Skills, adding another layer of intrigue and possibility to his journey.

Unique Skills are abilities granted by existence to individuals who are deemed worthy. These skills can either be innate to an individual or acquired through continuous effort and cultivation.

Unlike the 3,000 Unique Physiques that have remained unchanged since the beginning of the universe, with only variations and combinations among them, Unique Skills are countless in number. While some may appear similar on the surface, they possess intricate differences and nuances that are unique to their owners.

Furthermore, unlike the top Unique Physiques, which can have multiple owners, the top Unique Skills typically have only one owner. In rare cases where the original owner truly dies and their Unique Skills become integrated into the Heavenly Will, there is a slim chance for those skills to resurface.

Yu Tao came across a book that mentioned an intergalactic empire known as the Hellfire Flame Empire in the Mortal Realm. This empire had an ancient ancestor with a Unique Skill that made him nearly indestructible. After ascending to the Myriad Realms, several billions of years later, a renowned genius in the Mortal Realm was revealed to possess an incredibly similar Unique Skill, leading many experts to suspect the death of the ancient ancestor. These suspicions were eventually confirmed by another ascended ancestor who had been acquainted with the Hellfire Flame Empire's ancestor during their ascent.

Although the information Yu Tao read might not be completely reliable, he believed it held some truth. When he made the deal and gained the Divine Kingdom, he sensed the presence of a small group of individuals with top-tier Unique Skills, who were closest to him.

While most of them were too distant, seemingly originating from higher dimensions, there were two individuals within the Martial Spirit World who possessed terrifyingly strong Unique Skills. The mere aura emanating from them sent shivers down Yu Tao's spine, indicating their immense power and prowess.

As Yu Tao looked at his palm, he observed a small golden whale that floated around before gradually vanishing.

'With the Divine Kingdom at my disposal, there is no one who can hinder me from achieving my ambitions,' Yu Tao's eyes glowed golden. 'Not even Huang Xiaolong...'


In the most northwestern region of the Luo Tong Kingdom lies the Xinjiang Region. A place where contrasting landscapes converge; mountains meet deserts, and rivers wind through barren plains in this unique region.

Ranked as the fourth most prosperous area in the Luo Tong Kingdom, the Xinjiang Region is also known for its abundant mineral resources. However, the most renowned feature of this region is the Thundering Ruin Mountains.

The Thundering Ruin Mountains is part of a majestic mountain range that stretches across multiple empires. This mountain belt beheld towering mountains command attention with their rugged cliffs, deep ravines, and hidden valleys.

The valleys and ravines of the Thundering Ruin Mountains reverberate with the rumble of thunder, resonating with the raw energy that flows through the heart of these ancient peaks. This is a place where storms gather, lightning illuminates the darkened skies, and nature's power is unleashed in all its might.

On this particular day, within one of the hidden valleys of the Thundering Ruin Mountains, a fierce lightning storm brewed, shaking the ground incessantly.

Various demon beasts, nature spirits, and humans watched with curiosity, witnessing an ongoing battle. Yet, none dared to approach, knowing that stepping into the fray would result in certain death.

The waves of power emanating from the clash of these two individuals already exhibited a tyrannical level of strength. It was evident that getting too close to the epicenter would only invite unimaginable destruction.

An armored man moved with unmatched agility, gracefully navigating a constantly shifting circuit of molten liquid metal that surrounded him. Bolts of lightning and unseen forces rained down upon him, originating from seemingly nowhere. Evading each strike with precise movements, the man emerged from the molten circuit, only to be confronted by a sudden eruption of iron pillars bursting forth from the ground.

The pillars encircled the man, forming a complex and intricate pattern.

With a pulsating glow, the iron pillars unleashed a torrent of tyrannical silver energy that surged towards the armored man. Undeterred, the man swiftly drew their halberd, swiftly spinning it in a mesmerizing display. The whirlwind created by the weapon effortlessly nullified the onslaught of lightning bolts, casting them aside.

But just as the man prepared to counterattack, the force of gravity abruptly intensified, throwing them off balance. Sensing the imminent danger, the man's heightened senses honed in on the countless particles of qi, dust, and microscopic matter within a ten-meter radius. In a fraction of a second, he caught sight of a single pebble suspended in mid-air, pulsating with an astonishing concentration of energy. Before he could react, a fist burst forth from the pebble, connecting with unerring accuracy and striking him squarely in the chest.

The impact launched the man backward, hurtling through the air for a dozen meters. But even as he soared, a multitude of stone walls emerged from the path he were flung, seemingly meant to halt their momentum and inflict further harm. However, the walls' purpose wasn't to impede the man's trajectory, as with each collision and destructive breakthrough, his projectile motion only increased, propelling them forward with even greater force.

As the armored man's projectile motion surged to new heights, he effortlessly tore through the remaining walls as if they were made of paper.

With the last obstacle shattered, the armored man continued his soaring flight, eventually crashing onto a small mountain with an earth-shattering impact.


The surrounding area trembled as the once proud mountain crumbled into countless fragments, scattering in every direction. Unable to contain the overwhelming force and power unleashed by the armored man, the destruction was a sight to behold.

Witnessing the devastating aftermath, the onlookers who had observed from a distance quickly grasped the gravity of the situation. Fear gripped their hearts as they fled for their lives, realizing they could become targets of this dominating and monstrous presence.

Nature spirits and humans alike hurriedly made their way to the authorities, urgently conveying the dire circumstances they had witnessed.

As the dust and smoke settled, revealing the aftermath of the shattered mountain, the armored man emerged from a molten crater formed by his impact.

Surprisingly, he stood unscathed, an expression of admiration and astonishment on his face.

"In less than two decades, you have attained Peak Late-10th Order Xiantian Realm cultivation," the armored man remarked, approaching the other figure. "Sooner or later, you will surpass me and potentially become the rightful ruler of our lands."

"Rulership? Sorry, I'm not interested. Not in these tumultuous times, at least," came the response.

The ground beneath them parted, and a platform ascended, revealing none other than Jiang Qiao.

Furrowing his brow, the armored man inquired, "Tumultuous times? What do you mean, Jiang Qiao?"

A wide smile spread across Jiang Qiao's face as he answered, "What if I were to tell you that the next sovereign of the Asura's Gate is here in the Luo Tong Kingdom, Marshal Hao Tian?"

Silence enveloped the former battlefield, the only sounds echoing being the natural whispers of the Thundering Mountain Ruins.


*1 & 2 - As a reminder, this is an AU. There multiple languages but the main language is the Universe Tongue (akin to the one in ATG).