
Obsession or Benefits

Edward gave his purest and most honest opinion about Rory's cooked curry that was made for him,

"Hmph, Suit yourself…."

"Where are you going?"

"What do you think… my classroom, of course,"

Rory said as she turned around from Edward and proceeded to leave him behind at the rooftops. as she went downstairs from the rooftop, she stopped for a moment,

"Nihihihi, he likes my cooking after all~~,"

"Looks like someone enjoying their time."

A familiar calm voice speaks up as Rory turns around to the direction to find Daisy leaning on the wall at the right corner of the corridor.

When she goes downstairs, she currently wearing a costume that looks to be a ghost. Since she and the class are going to have hunted house in this event.

as lunch times were over the bell rang the last time, and the sky turned dark, it was apparent that at this hour, everyone had fallen asleep,

"Hey, what's with all the stares that I'm getting at?"