
Edward's Journal Entry: 1944


"Hey, sis, you finished?" Estella asked her older sister how it went down in the Clinic; her older sister sighed and showed her both arms toward them with a metallic bracelet with red lights on them.

"Nuhihi, so she used the handcuffs on you."

"Wait, are these Handcuffs?"

Rory tells Lilith that the two bracelets on her arms are Handcuff are mainly designed for her to retrain Taboo seal users from ever using their ability,

"So that explains why; hey, hold a minute, did you say beer?"

Lilith asked Rory about what they were talking about a while ago, as so everyone in the room returned their gaze at Edward,

"*Sigh* alright, meet me in front of my room, whenever," he said.

As the evening sun went down, the moon rose if it happened on Sunday the following day. As everyone had finished their work, they stood outside Edward's door room and waited.

The five looked at each other to see who would knock ar thr wooden door first,