
A Second Chance in Time

Hi, I’m Mark and while I’m not the strongest and neither do I have any unique ability, most of my opportunities being either wasted or given away one way or another, I’m the one that survived the most. Now that I think about it, this life is pretty miserable. I got my ups and downs, but because I rushed at the beginning, I ruined my entire future and the only thing keeping me alive is my ability to adapt and survive. That’s it. No magical abilities. No genius talent. The most unique ability I had was an ability the “survivor” title gave me called “The survivor”. Oh, look, I'm about to be killed aaaaand I'm dead. ... . . Die, they said, you will receive eternal rest they said, but where is the eternal rest?! “Hello and welcome to the Regression and Reincarnation agency. Due to your peculiar achievements, you have been fo- ahem, given the chance to go back in time, as well as three wishes.” –––––––––––––––––– Follow Mark on his journey to change his ending, see his rises and falls and journey with him together in this story through your imagination. ______________________ This is my first book and my native language isn't English, so expect grammar mistakes and so on. You will find no harem in here because webnovel is filled with harem stories and second, I'm absolutely tired and bored of reading harem stories, so I'm making a book myself. Same for swords, they are everywhere, so they got boeing quickly, so MC will NOT be wielding a sword. The closest thing to sword you'll get is a knife. Either way, enjoy my book and if you don't like it, just stop reading, no need to write comments or reviews about how, from your perspective, the story is. _______________

Blank_Joker · Fantaisie
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40 Chs

In the womb 2

<3 week skip>

[Skill 'mana manipulation' ranked up to E- rank]

[Skill 'hyperfocus' ranked up to F rank]

[Skill 'fireball' has been acquired]

Wait, I had the skill 'focus'?

[And for a while, you got it 2 hours before ranking up 'mana manipulation' to F rank, but because you were extremely focused changing the shape you were making out of mana, you missed the notification, and when you checked your status, you only asked for title and stats, I only showed you you mentioned things]

[The skill 'hyperfocus' indirectly prevented you from going insane, since you still have your feeling and you lack any insanity resistance granting skills apart 'Strong mind', which, with your amount of will, is not enough to not go insane. In order to live this kind of lifestyle you have to have at least 150 will for your amount of insanity resistance]

[Your 'hyperfocus' skill helped you alleviate this stress by helping you lose the track of time, so there were times when you unknowingly fell asleep and then woke up and continue training]

Wait, shouldn't my skill be 'focus', not 'hyperfocus'?

[Yes, but if you had just had 'focus', you would go clinically insane, so I sacrificed some of my energy to evolve the skill during the change between F- and F ranks, which I'm recovering during the times you are 'hyperfocused']

Oh, that's understandable. But what about 'multitasking'?

[It has stopped upgrading at G+ rank since you started using 'hyperfocus']

Kinda sad, but at least I have it, it will help me form the 'multiple minds' skill.

I could just go 'multitasking till SSS+ rank, but that's so not worth it that I'd much rather swallow my 'level decrease pills' after I reached 10 levels above my talent limit.

[I would advise against that]

Don't you realize that I'm joking.

[I only realize that you have no life]

That hurt.. Hold your horses, since when can you joke?

[I have a basic program of assisting you emotionally if the conditions are met, like now when you are nearing insanity due to you not having any resistances against it and forcefully putting yourself through such training as a baby doesn't help, so while you won't get a full blown super seductive woman out of me, but I can joke, since now you need to reduce your insanity level due to your suppressed frustration and pressured mind.]

That's cool I guess. What is my 'mana manipulation' rank?

[E- rank]

And how close to E rank?

[About 3% there, due to your prior knowledge about mana manipulation and your former 'mana manipulation' skill being at A- rank, the progress is faster than what you should be able to do with your level of talent.]

How fast would I be without my knowledge?

[You would still be at F rank without your knowledge, but if I take your current body into account, then F- rank would sound more accurate]

Why so slow?

[Your body is underdeveloped. Normally you would start practicing or even gain access to mana at the age of 12 or in your case at the start of 'the First Mana Wave']

How much I have left?

[20 d, 4h, 54 min., 3s, I think you should hurry up host, if you go with 3h of sleep per day, you might be done with the quest in 15 days]

WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SOONER?! Sigh, time for another training montage, why did I accept this quest, I want to sleep.

<2 week, 5 day skip>

Hey system, tell me how much time I have?

[1d, 5h, 20 min., 54s]

How close am I to E rank?


[Host, I think you should stop axing me that question, in the past 7 days you axed me the same question a total of 9856 times, that's a lot even if the time frame was a month.]

Shut up, I don't want to lose that common grade 'stat boosting elixir set'. The pressure is getting to my head and you how important 'training' and 'resting' are to me.

[No, I don't and please calm down, the icosagon* is about to break apart]

A/N: Icosagon is a shape with twenty corners

Thanks, give me a sec.


What now, once 'hyperfocus' is deactivated, the boredom get's to my head instantly.

[I can give you a mathematical equation]

Give me your best shot?

[You asked for it. ∂v/∂t + v⋅∇v = -(1/ρ)∇p + μ∇²v + f]

What the hell is this?

[This complicated mathematical equation is known as the Navier-Stokes equation, which describes the motion of fluid substances, it is notoriously difficult to analytically solve, should I give a quest to solve it?]

Hell no, my physics average in school was 6, and after 'The Second Mana Wave' in 2031 I never touched it, like, at all.

Give me something simpler.

[Ok, f(x) = e^(πx) - sin(2x), find the value of x]

I asked something simpler, not something as complicated

[But it is solvable with just math]

Give me something a 5th grader can solve then

[Tch, here you go, 356(38x + 26) = 89 - 34(21x - 8), I though it would be fun to see you struggle understanding what sine means]

A/N: AI generated the first equation, but it's real. This specific equation is impossible to solve due to the missing info like how much is v and t, the second equation answer is a mystery for me, AI generated it too.

Ok, give me a sec.

<2h time skip>

Solved it, though lack of space to write all the math going on in my head didn't help.

[I have to say, I never experienced a 2 hour long 1 second.]

It's your fault for giving me this absurdity.

[It's not my fault you're dumb]

Ok, I'm bored. Hey Siri, Roast battle challenge

[Challenge accepted and I'm not Siri]

When I look at you, I wish I could meet you again for the first time… and walk past.

[You are the sun in my life… now get 93 million miles away from me.]

I would smack you, but I'm against animal abuse.

[There is someone out there for everyone. For you, it's a therapist.]

That's kinda true tho, wait, fuck. If I wanted to kill myself, I would simply jump from your ego to your IQ.

[I didn't mean to offend you… but it was a huge plus.]

I don't hate you, but if you were drowning, I would give you a high five.

[Sorry I can't think of an insult dumb enough for you to understand.]

It is hilarious how you are trying to fit your entire vocabulary into one sentence.

[But that's your entire vocabulary]

I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it works.

[I would call you an idiot, but it would be an insult for stupid people.]

I told my therapist about you; she didn't believe me.

[Technically, that's truth about me, I mean would she even believe about my existence.]

Oh, yeah, sorry about that, then I'll do a better one. Did you know your incubator had tinted windows? That explains a lot.

[You were so happy for the negativity of your Covid test, I didn't want to spoil the happiness by telling you it was IQ test.]

A glowstick has a brighter future than you. Lasts longer, too.

[If you ever need to find higher ground, you can always try climbing up your own ego.]

You're like a cloud. When you disappear, it suddenly becomes a beautiful day.

Ok, that's enough

[If laughter really is the best medicine, your face might just cure the world's deadliest diseases.]

I told it's eno-

[I was thinking about you today. It reminded me to take out the trash.]

[Ok, enough, oh I'll also show you the progress that you got through this 4 hour long roasting]

Yeah, thinking good roasts on the spot isn't the easiest thing without a build-up.

[Quest (S-rank)

Name: Baby training

Description: You can't get stronger, but time shouldn't be wasted, so train your mana.

Objective: mana manipulation to E rank

Temporary gifts: 'Mana protection' (Unique), 'Mana shield' (Unique), Blessing of mana (Unique

Punishment: you no longer can use the 'shop' function

Reward: 'training' (G+ rank), 'resting' (G+ rank)

Time remaining: 22h, 48 min., 59s

Quest progress: 98.9%]

That's kinda disappointing, but ok.

[You got to thank 'multitasking' which, by the way, is now F rank]

That's good, what else?

[I forgot to tell you that I just received info about the fact that you will be birthed 13h that expected due to high blood pressure]

Fuck, then leave me alone

<time skip till 10 minutes left>

[Skill 'mana manipulation' ranked up to E rank]

[Congratulations, quest 'baby training' has been completed]

[Will you receive the rewards now or later?]


[Don't be so exited, but ok, I'll transfer the skills to you now, also here is their description.]

[Skill: training

Rank: G+

Description: A skill earned only by the freaks of training or those that had the chance to get the skill from a skill book. This is the best proof of how addictive training can be.

Effect: increase the effectiveness of training 40%, increase recovery after training by 60% till recovered, increase will by (player major rank*2)]

A/N: Major rank x 2 in this case is two, since 1x2=1, since the current MC rank is G-, if it was G+, it would be same, but F- gives another 2 will, since 2x2=4

[Skill: resting

Rank: G+

Description: Turning resting into an art, you now receive your fruits of labor, enjoy them.

Effect: increase regeneration when resting by (major skill rank*2), +4 vit, +4 wis, when resting the effect 'abnormal status resistance' takes effect, granting 20% resistance to all abnormal effects.

A/N: Same here, but instead of player rank the skill rank is used.

[Host, brace for impact, you are coming out]

Oh, finally I will see the light of the outside world.

Start of childhood ark (till 11 yo), will try to fit it in less than 8 chapters since I don't enjoy writing about children this heavily, too hard for me.

Blank_Jokercreators' thoughts