
Chapter 77 Don't Talk Nonsense Cannon-chan

I was officially the No. 1 Hero of Japan, dethroning Endeavor in the Brute Force Rankings, although my popularity and infamy are inversely proportional, the public loves me as much as they fear me, after the so-called "Tartaro's Papers" were leaked. To the public, my image changed from an ethically questionable hero of justice to a kind of untouchable "Terrorist Heroes".

In short, a walking nuclear bomb that no country wants to bother, although the countries that are packed with criminals and rooted corruption are being quite insistent with my immigration. It seems that they themselves can't stand their own rottenness.

--Another day~ another 27 immigration applications~

--There is one from Zimbabwe, the Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Egypt, Afghanistan, Urbekistan, Kazajastan, Greece, Ukraine, Panama, Shurinan, Brazil, the Unified Republic of the Caribbean, Venezuela, Honduras... and... ¿ Cuba?

--Oh~ Lots of Communists~?

I laughed and looked through the letters from Latin America, being a native of the new continent before I died, I feel the slight need to help my old land... but that will be later.

--They are offering many things apart from multiple nationality and territory... Huh?

Nagant, who was temporarily acting as my secretary, frowned and handed me one of the letters.

--This is from the Republic of Eswasiland, they are directly offering the country for you to govern as you wish~

--Wow~ these guys are desperate~

They really surprised me, some have offered territory, money, tax breaks, political immunity, extreme freedom of action, women, drugs, everything you can imagine but these are the first to directly hand over the country. It is worth mentioning that the Kingdom of Amestris, which would be something like unified Poland and Estonia offered the crown princess, in other words they wanted me as king and not only them the United Kingdom offered the hand of one of the duchesses but I really don't want have nothing to do with that Evil Immortal Queen, even in this world the old queen has not died, she is almost 125 years old and she still does not intend to give up the throne.

--What do you say Nagant... Do you want to be an African queen?

--You denied the throne of Amestris and ask for the presidency of a minority country in the middle of nowhere? I don't understand you Daddy?

Nagant laughed before tossing the card into the shredder, when the offer is too good, it's obviously a trap.


I looked at the matte black envelope with the White House seal in my hand with a smile. The Americans finally moved, they are really too afraid of having no deterrence... Who told them to put a pseudo-Nazi ultra-nationalist in the presidency for two terms in a row.

--HAHA HAHAAHAHAHA~ these gringos and then they say that the Russians are crazy~

--What about the Americans?

--Those guys want to see who is stronger, Miss Muscle Freedom Stars and Stripes or me~ that parody of All Might with tits is strong but I'm still stronger than her, also this is a clear and fragrant trap, he place is a certain island in the pacific ocean, which in turn may even be a nuclear test site, they will detonate a warhead or two to wipe me off the face of the earth so I can brag about it... with the ability to Miss Liberty can well condense all the damage and radiation in me without much environmental damage let's say~

--Your eyes?

I smiled as the flash of reddish light disappeared from my pupils.

--Yeah~ those idiots forget that I can see the future~ scan this letter and upload it to the internet, let the world know the nonsense that guy Tops does in the white house.

--The Americans will not remain silent after that...

--Send Silly Boht, Patric James or the Supernatural brothers to negotiate, I won't talk to anyone other than the FBI or the CIA, and if the Russians come it would be better if Vladimir Poton or Natalia Kriminski came in person, apart from that the fish in the bay are always hungry~

--The fish in the market have been unusually fat in the last few months...

--Hahahahaha~ then I'm doing my job well~

No matter what world they keep doing stupid and pointless things. I can see the future as a wonderful mochi man and hell now I understand why he had a devilish mood, having to clean up the possible messes of his N so many brothers is a horrible pain in the balls, no wonder he set the time for Donuts... in fact I should do the same only we change the donuts for the soft thighs of my girls and that's it... I'm a genius!

Without further ado, I hugged Nagant and proceeded to kiss her shamelessly, she already had a child on the way... so why not put another one in the oven?


After uploading the letter from the president of the United States Ronald Trompos to the internet, it was a real media show, since the president of the Union of Russian-speaking States or simply Russia, Vladimir Poton openly invited me to live in Russia and in fact gave me a gift of de facto an old castle of some ancient Tsar, a Russian ambassador which was literally a two meter Gryzzly Bear Man was quite striking, the bear held a press conference where he handed me the keys to the castle indeed along with an honorary Russian citizenship and an Award for my invaluable "Collaboration" against global warming and maintenance of polar caps, among other things, in short I won my medal, a castle and a foreign nationality for me and my girls, all the paperwork ready by the Bear suit dress.

For my part, I accepted all the gifts and decorations after reading all the documents and requesting that the lawyers from the Endeavor agency and the Yamafusa criminal investigation guys investigate the Bear, when everything was ready and clean, I gave him a big hug. I bear and thanked the Russian government for all the global media and streaming.

--I thank the Russian Government for their kind gift, if time permits I will visit my castle very soon~ hahahahaha~ By the way~ Fuck you Tops.

The days were quiet until a girl in an orange sweater with hamster prints appeared in my office and my body felt like a sack of lead at the bottom of the Marianas.

--Hello~ Cannon-chan~

--Hello Ymir~

Cannon smiled with annoyance and sat provocatively on my desk, pressing my face with his feet, I'll tell the sight, although she's nice, she's not attractive at all, I hate this girl too much for even the mere physiological reaction of independent arousal to work. . In front of me there is no woman, there is only one thing that looks like a woman but is less than an inflatable doll, hell even an inflatable doll is more manageable than this girl.

--Bastard! stop comparing my excellent figure with that of a vulgar inflatable doll.

She started to poke my forehead with her fingers, it didn't hurt at all. It was just annoying.

--And what the hell does your exalted person want with this sexually active genocidal bastard? You know I have to pump a Baby in Nagant in a few hours and another in Fuyumi later, so... I don't have all day!

I spoke with all my non-existent patience and was in awe of Cannon, who just blushed to the ears and proceeded to twist my ears and nose.

--Pervert! Sexually depraved!

--Don't start Northern voyeurism! Get down to business or take the fucking restriction off so I can break that flat, sweet booty!

I strained with all my strength and was barely able to move my hand and place it on her slim ass.


Cannon screamed and jumped off the desk, this time completely flushed, covering her tiny behind with her hands as smoke billowed from her head.

--Hahahahaha~ Take off the restraint and I promise you won't be able to walk for a fucking month!

I knew well that I couldn't kill this bitch and well the only way to deal with the crazy fujoshis bitches and pseudo Yanderes when you can't kill them or ban them for life is simple and take note "Japanese Princesses and Chinese Beta-gamma lower class protagonists "Fuck them so hard they either become dumb or harmless, crazy not because they were crazy to begin with.

--You dare!

--I dare little parody of Umaru!

--Bastard! Hedonistic!


Cannon-chan slapped me hard but again thanks to the restraint it didn't have any effect.

--I do not have all day! Straight to the point! Or your ass is mine!

I continued forcing my body to move, I felt every muscle fiber tearing and repairing instantly it was like going back to the old days of my childhood with Endeavor throwing fireballs at me or that day when he jumped me into the sea and made me swim 5km back to the coast, if they were good times.

--I will revive Midoriya Izuku but I need your help.

Cannon spoke with a serious tone and a stoic air but I could only laugh at his stupid plan.

--Hahahahahaha~ Don't talk nonsense Cannon-chan~

I laughed out loud making the representation of the will of the world kick me but still to no avail.

--Your absurd regeneration comes from an object in the World of Tipe-Moon, right?


--I talked to that lunatic and she gave me certain items but I need your energy to make them work.

--Oh~ So you talked to Rorugi Shiki Root-sama?

--Rorugi Shiki? oh! Do you mean the image that lunatic Root uses? I did talk to her but the important thing is that she gave me what I need to save my story.

--I see...

I looked out the window, observing the vast blue sky... remembering the beautiful eyes of mortal perception, what I would give to have those eyes and be able to kill this bitch in front of me.


--I? That?

Cannon kicked me again, to no avail.

--Whatever...put your hand over this orb and charge the energy of that thing into it.

Cannon handed me a crystal skull and I could only bear to laugh. When did I get into Indiana John? Following the annoying girl's instructions, I placed my hands and channeled the Avalon's energy.

Five minutes later the skull glowed a light gold color and Cannon was full of smiles.

"Well, there you go, bring back the green-haired idiot just make sure of one thing, if that little jerk crosses my path or wants to give me a lecture on how the hell to live my life I'll stick his pathetic virgin ass in the Eve-chan's cell for a month without Vaseline! And if that doesn't stop him, I'll rip his legs and arms off. Have fun being the world's first quad hero.

I roared my threat and accidentally froze my entire office. Cannon had disappeared after I mentioned Vaseline. A few seconds later Nagant entered with his arm armed and ready to shoot, followed by Namika with her hair armed with blades and a pair of machine guns in her hands.

Hell my secretaries don't play.

--Relax, it was just a nightmare false alarm~ false alarm~ but call Yamafusa and tell him that a new room may be needed in the Chrysanthemums pavilion.

Namika paled at the mention of the word "Chrysanthemum", Nagant just burst out laughing with his lunatic beauty.

--Oh! Hahahahahaha~ Who do you hate so much that you will give him a fate worse than death?

--To a dead man who doesn't want to stay dead~

I answered while melting the ice in the room.

--A dead man?

--Yep, I killed him once but someone I unfortunately can't kill will bring him back~

--Is there something you can't kill?

Nagant looked at me as if I had just told him that the earth is flat and the Easter bunny sleeps with the tooth fairy on Santa's bed.

--They are few, but there are~ Unfortunately~

--Well, if you can't kill them, I'll kill them for you Daddy~

--That's my girl, now some exercise~

I took Nagant in my arms and dropped us on the sofa.