
Chapter 54 Dagger~ Time!

A few days later somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.


-- What ?!

A large iceberg of 35 square meters came out of the depths with a great roar, at the top of it a young man in a bathing suit was smiling lunatically while doing a strange dance apparently very happy.

--Muhahahahahahahaha~! You thought it was a normal Iceberg but it was! I! GAVE!

Laughing madly and dancing the young man spent ten minutes lost in his own mind under the confused and concerned gaze of the woman.

--Could his brain have frozen?


A few minutes later.

--Sorry Nemu-chan~ it's just that…I made it~!

I hugged Nemuri tightly while apologizing for the pathetic show I put on but I'm happy, damn happy, now if Cannon-chan can go to hell, you'll need 5 Emiyas to stop me but still, I won't die! And do you know why? Because Moi just stole the Ulti from Sdeaht's sexy lunatic.

--You did? That freeze time thing or something ?!

--Yep ~ !!! The laws of thermodynamics can kiss my ass~

Kiss Nemuri on his cheeks, his lips, his neck enjoy every second of his warmth, after spending almost a week underwater being pressed and crushed by water and bitten by a shark, his warmth is an oasis in the desert.

--Ya~ya~ Darling it's still daylight~

--And does that matter~?

I lifted Nemuri up in a princess charge and ran to the cabin.


Much *snusnus* later.

--I don't think I can go on with this much longer, Darling~

--No problem~ I can always heal you up and play another round~

The pair of lovers joked about the messy sheets and hugged each other.

--We've been away for three weeks.

--Achieved my primary goal~ achieving "Freeze Time" even though it takes five minutes to charge the technique, I have 5 seconds of relative succulence at my disposal~

--5 seconds?

--Sep~ 5 seconds where only I can move... the bad thing is that after that I need ten minutes to recover, I haven't optimized the technique and it's still very rustic, I can't use it in a high intensity combat.

--But can you still use it for an ambush?"

I sense the heroine as she hugged the young man's torso.



The ringing of the phone broke the couple's comfortable silence, making them frown, this pair of lovebirds abandoned morality and ethics after their first week of living together and are now nothing more than a professionally competent hedonistic couple.

--Moshi~Moshi~ I am the "Fried Chicken" that I order~

A calm, mocking voice with a slight accent sounded from the phone.

--Ooh~! "Sack of feathers" was waiting for you before, here the "Refrigerator"

The young man answered with a vein sprouting from his forehead.

--Hahahaha~ you have a good sense of humor, "Ice Machine"

--Let's leave the greetings for another day. Do you have the "Sweets"?

I ask directly.

--Not yet but they're almost there... it looks like they're opening a "Great Harvest" and maybe I can get some "Sweets"...

--Maybe it doesn't work, I'm in the ocean right now, I'll go back and look for my side… See you "Sack of feathers".

--Copied "Ice Machine" I will look for the "Sweets" as soon as possible.

Hanging up the call, the young man went back to bed and hugged his expectant companion.

--Was it Hawks?

--Yep~ looks like there's no news yet~

--Why does your face say you know something?

The woman said as she poked the young man's forehead.

--I know but I don't remember, when we return to earth we will return to the AU for a while~ I have to recover my diary~

--Your diary?

--Yep~ write down the relevant and irrelevant data of most of my long-term visions, it's like a guide to the future or something~

--But you haven't been intervening in the events, the future could have changed?

he asked with a slight anguish and fear on his face.

--The future is difficult to change, no matter how hard you try, some events or places will always be the same... the best thing you can do is look for a small variation or a specific objective.

The young man answered with a serene and calm voice while looking at the cabin ceiling with his purple eyes.

--Looks like you've already tried it…not so Yuuji-kun.

--Yes... I had a theory but I confirmed it during the assault on the Yakuza~ in my vision Sir. NightEye dies, Togata loses his powers and the league of villains obtains the Anti-Quirk bullets but...

The woman interrupted, looking at him with astonished eyes.

--You changed the events, Sir did not die but he was seriously injured, Togata was almost hit by an Anti-Quirk bullet but you blocked it and in turn took the samples from Overhoul's body eliminated the last result... the events are similar but the result is slightly different.

--Exactly... the joke is not to change the future, it's just to bring it to a result more in line with your goal.

--So…everything is going according to plan Darling~

The flirtatious female commented while pinching the young man's waist.

--Ummm? My plan was a bit different but with 50 million in prize money and a cute and adorable Nemuri-chan~ my evil plan has to be changed a bit~

--What was your plan?

--To destroy everything, kill Tomura Shigaraki, the League of Villains, the Paranormal Army, Become the epitome of evil, escape from Japan and conquer some small country in South America or Euro-Asia...

--THAT WAS YOUR PLAN! Become a genocide!

--Yeah~ that was the plan~ until we messed up Nemuri-chan~

--You're not great Darling..."

The heroine Kayama Nemuri alias Midnight pinched the young man's waist with all her might, twisting his flesh vigorously.

--Atatatatata~ I, I give up Nemu-chan, I give up~

--You're not cool, don't try to be cool, you're not… forget about that silly plan.

Puffing out his cheeks in a pout, the young man couldn't help but kiss the sweet woman's lips.

--Continuing~ and now that we screwed up, my evil plan has changed a bit~ I'm going to complete the mission and collect the money, accept my sins and tell Fuyumi what happened between the two of us, if she stabs me I'll get hit with a smile~ Atatatatata~ I give up, I give up~

--You're not great and how can you think of going to confess it? Are you crazy?

--I told you that I decided to stop lying~ and you can also stab me all you want~

--You're not great.


The heroine nudged him solidly in the stomach to vent her nerves and frustration.

--I know I'm a bastard and I'm the worst man out there but you still love me~ I can get a dual nationality in some European country where the age of majority is lower and we could be recognized as just another normal couple… although Fuyumi could still stab me…

--I'll stab you now...


Said and done Midnight took a knife and plunged it into the boy's abdomen.






--Leg fetishist.




He nailed and pulled out the knife several times while a strange smile formed on his face, for his part the young man only kept his lips compressed in a half smile, sweating slightly.



Kayama Nemuri took one last stab at the youth who still kept a cheerful grin on his face, before dropping the knife and hugging the bloody youth in a panic.

--I! I…I…I…I'm sorry Yuuji-kun…I…I was nervous and upset and…and…I…

--Calm down~ you feel better now right, Nemu-chan~?

The young man comforted the woman stained with her own blood.

--Yeah... I really wanted to stab you.

--You are welcome~ even as a Yandere you are very cute Nemuri-chan~

--You're not cool…Darling~

--In any case, if you two agree to the idea of sharing and opening a harem, you might as well do it~

Said the young man with total impudence as he kissed Midnight's blood-stained lips and face.

--You're not cool...


--You're so cute~ Nemu-chan~

--Why will you only open the Harem if we want to? Isn't that the dream of men?

--Indeed, it is the dream of many but~ there is a big difference between a self-formed harem and an imposed one.

--What's the difference, isn't it just machismo?


--It is very different, the imposed Harem does not consider the well-being of women and treats them as objects, the Self formed is the opposite, the man must ensure the happiness and satisfaction of the women within his harem~ basically everyone we reached a consensus where we all agree and we all win.






--The thought…




--A bastard...


--But I like~ the idea~


Midnight spoke each sentence with a stab, although she accepts the concept, she still has her feelings and prejudices towards the idea of the harem, although being her the one who slept with whom, technically the fiancé of another woman and her student, she does not have much moral leeway to reply. , the bastard reasoning of the young man.

--As long as they're happy, I don't mind going three or four times to hell and back~

--You're not great.

--And you're adorable~ now let me stab you~ with this right here~



The two lovers became entangled again like animals now drenched in the youth's blood.


A few hours later.

--Okay... Nemuri-chan that was weird.

--Yeah… I don't know what happened to me Yuuji-kun.

--Let's keep those kinds of games to a minimum~ Deal?

--I deal… this was crazy even for me.