
Chapter 27 School Trip Part 2 (I REMEMBERED IT!)

The "Test of Valor" a traditional activity of school trips and summer camps, consists of crossing a mountain full of specters and ghosts and reaching the goal without fear, taking advantage of the effusive competition between the two classes, the group of the 1 -B took the job of scaring while the students of 1-A could only receive the scares and curses.

--Alright, everyone is ready~ Nyahahaha~

Attended by a cheerful Mandaley, the students were divided into pairs and sent at intervals into the woods under the dim moonlight.


Somewhere in the forest.

--Does it look like the fish got into the net?

--Proceed according to plan.

--Remember to be vigilant against "that" subject.


Multiple shadows split throughout the forest leaving a sense of foreboding and paranoia in the air.


--...This is a very relaxing place~ Don't you think so Toru-chan~?

--It's calm but somewhat scary Yuuji-kun~*

Thanks to my luck I ended up paired with the always adorable and comical invisible girl Hagakure Toru, although the latter avoids me or acts nervous around me lately but it doesn't bother me, I'd rather share this little walk in the moonlight with a girl than with a muscular guy or a talking grape.



--Oh~ nice try Tetsu~

I nonchalantly greeted the metallic ghost of Tetsuo Tetsu from 1-B while Toru hid behind my back, I must say that the two mounds pressed against me are quite satisfying.


Ignoring the click coming from the ghost I continued walking next to a trembling girl, pity that a few meters later I had to get rid of the satisfying mounds on my back.




-- Was that an explosion?! Huh ?!

I turned to see my partner but she was on the ground coughing profusely and trembling, apparently this fog is poisonous, too bad it doesn't affect me... Wait a minute!

--Fog, poison, an explosion, school trip... I REMEMBERED IT!

As if a window was opened in a dark room, a beam of light shone in the black-haired man's eyes.

--And now if the future vision jumps! Fuck!

Cursing, I took Toru in my arms while injecting him with small amounts of energy from the Avalon to keep the poison at bay. I ran towards one of my classmates as well as the villain guilty of this mist.


-- OI , MOMO!!!

--Kurogane -kun !?

--Then you tell me, take care of Toru, I'm going to go smash some villains~

--Wait, like what villains?

--After… Yaoyorouzu, after.

The black-haired man left the invisible girl with the two long-haired girls before jumping into the mist and disappearing from sight.

--Hey, wasn't that Kurogane Yuuji?

Yes, he must be in a bad mood...

--My condolences to the villains.

--Yes, let's deal with Toru-san first.

Yoayorozu Momo and Itsuka Kendo took the unconscious Hagakure Toru and other of their companions and escaped the area, leaving everything in the hands of their partner.


--Here~ kitty~, kitty~, kitty~ Here~


Laughing in the thick fog, I called the villain who calmly shot me with his gun, certainly the shots hurt but the aim and mental clarity of this poor bastard leave much to be desired, not to mention that each shot gives away his position, so we can finish with this.

--Ice modeling~ Javeline~


--GA !!! _

A simple whistle followed by a dry scream as the mist dissolved, a villain dressed in a gas mask and a black gakuran with tubes and other attachments lay pinned to a tree, cleanly pierced through the stomach.

--And I found a little bastard kitten~ now pussycat tell me~

I ripped the mask from his face as well as placed the edge of my sword on his neck and asked letting out all my bloodlust.

--Where are Dabi and Kurogiri?


The little villain just spat in my face, a poor choice.

--Okay~ that's how far you've come~

Grinning, I drove four ice stakes into each of his limbs while covering his mouth with a piece of ice to muffle his screams, he may live, he may die, I really don't care. I have bigger prey to catch.



Jumping onto the back of my mobile construct, I flew straight towards the camp.

Currently Midoriya should be fighting with that Meaty Hulk plagiarism on the mountain, Dabi or at least his Clone should be attacking the camp, Vlad-sensei will be One-shot just like Aizawa-sensei, Himiko Toga should be hanging around the forest looking for victims to draw their blood, subtracting those three, the rest of the villains are little chips, the only problem is that All For One, the real Final Boss can appear at any moment which is the real problem.

Most of the league of villains will attack the camp as a distraction while a small group of elite go for the prize aka "Bakugo/Princess", I don't give a shit about the safety of Midoriya's boyfriend's ass but the possibility of catching or crippling a good number of potential enemies is too delicious to let go.

Flying over the camp I could see a beautiful electric blue flash, clearly that is my signal, letting ourselves fall we headed to the battlefield.


--That was close…

A disheveled black-haired man burst out of a ball of blue fire while coughing. Aizawa Shota the professional hero and teacher felt really tired, this is the second time that this "League of Villains" attacked him and his students.

--Oh~ you seem to be better than that other guy~

--Hmm… (Those flames…are dangerous)

--Sensei! ABOVE!

-- Huh ?! X2

An icicle of ice 10 meters long by three meters thick fell perpendicularly on the burned-patched-skinned villain.


--Me~ Patches~ want to dance~?

A young man with black hair and silver-rimmed violet eyes spoke calmly ignoring the chaos around him with a fearless smile on his face and a purple ice sword in his hand.

--So you are Ymir huh?

--My fame precedes me~ Mr. Patches~

--You have value, I admit it but you are not going to save anyone.

--Who said I came to save you~?

--Oh? That doesn't sound very heroic of you, Ymir.

--We both know I'm not a champion of justice~ or Dabi?

Both young men looked at each other with small smiles on their faces but the air around them was tense, each one measuring the reactions of the other preparing to release their next attack.



A torrent of blue flames shot from the young patched Dabi's hands but it was a fraction slower than it should have been.

--Close~ but not~

With a sword which dripped light drops of blood, Ymir spoke easily, while Dabi held onto his arm before starting to dissolve into mud.

--You're good but not good enough, boy...

Dabi's mimic figure said before disappearing.

--It was a clone~ bad luck~ Who's next~?

The black-haired Ymir gave a soft smile to the rest of the villains present.

The villains, Magne and Spinner as well as other trash minions gulped at the almost instant defeat of their de facto leader.

--If you don't come~ I'll go~


With a slight step the figure of the black-haired man disappeared and reappeared in front of the reptilian-looking young man, mercilessly cutting against his body, luckily for the scaly-skinned young man he was able to block the attack, sadly his friend with sunglasses was not so lucky upon being struck and pierced by an icicle.

--Wouk… Magne!

--Don't be distracted Lizard~

--I don't want to fight a hero recognized by Steins-sama but as a swordsman… I have no choice!

--Good answer!

The two swords of different size and shape exchanged several blows but it ended the same way.

--You're not worth my time~

--Wha-- Gah !!!

Deflecting Spinner's jagged greatsword, Ymir kicked the exposed torso with an ice boot sending it flying followed by two spear-shaped icicles pinning it against a tree like an insect.

--Sensei~ I think they want---


An emaciated and badly wounded Mirodiya Izuku came screaming at the top of his lungs while carrying a terrified Kota on his back.

--Yep~ exactly that~ Peterhausen!

Said the black-haired youth before jumping on the terrifying ice dragon the young Ymir and flying into the sky.


--Fuck~ I wanted to fight with Dabi-aniki and maybe talk about life and how to screw up the old man's life~ but no~

I grunted while flying at a low altitude and deploying the Perception Haiki as much as possible looking for my prey.

--Come on, come on~ At least I want to catch that cute lunatic Toga-chan~

With that in mind I dedicated myself even more to Haki.