
A Second Chance for the Villainess

She was left to die in the cold hard cell for their own ambitions but the universe had other plans. Her desire for their ruin and revenge clawed her out of death's tight grip.

emiliathewriter · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

Simple Tavern Rules

There was a story circulating the suburbs of the capital. An organization of mysterious men with untold abilities. 'In my past life, they were revealed to be a bubbling rebellion against the empire.'

She observed the crowded streets of the bustling town. 'You'd think this was a prosperous kingdom with no problems.' But she knew, bubbling under the surface was the pressure on the people. She smiled bitterly recollecting the past. 'They needed a scapegoat to pin their misery... it just so happened to be me.' She decided to live for herself in this life.

"I wonder what the Princess is investigating in a place like this." Eric blurted, breaking her thread of thought.

"Don't worry. You'll find out soon." She said looking at him with a slight grin. In hindsight, it should've been suspicious but he was surprised by her light aura and small smile.

He looked away quickly flustered by her sudden actions. It was then she stopped at an ordinary-looking tavern.


'Oh?' She thought. "Are you familiar with this place?"

He hesitated. 'I suppose lying wouldn't do me anything good.' He sighed. "Your highness, this is the location of the Salve Nocturne Guild."

It was an unregistered guild, Latia cultivated since she was 15. Though not as impressive as the top guilds in the empire it had quite a formidable reputation in information gathering.

"I see." She smiled. "Then do you know who the Master is?"

He looked at her curiously. "Pardon, but knowing a high-level guild master's name is close to impossible."

"It's not impossible." She said, "It's just dangerous."

He laughed realizing what she implied. "My lady, this guild is especially secretive. But if you need it," He clasped the hilt of his azure sword. "I can find out."

"It's fine." She rushed a reply. "That's not what we're here for."

He tilted his head slightly in confusion. "So, what are we here for?"

She motioned toward the entrance of the tavern. The man standing at the front recognized her immediately and showed them the way to the secret door. She smiled at him.

"I need you to do something..." Her eyes flashed purple. Suddenly, he felt heavy headed.

"Princess...?" His eyes fluttered as a dark violet aura engulfed him.

"Don't worry, you won't remember anything." She smiled. She couldn't fully trust him with information. 'And this is the only safe way to solicit information without being discovered... I guess the rumors weren't baseless.' She fondly remembered being known as the Witch of the West Palace.

'There are some perks of being born with a dark aura.'

"Take him away and wait for my orders."