
A Second Chance for the Villainess

She was left to die in the cold hard cell for their own ambitions but the universe had other plans. Her desire for their ruin and revenge clawed her out of death's tight grip.

emiliathewriter · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

Parallel Lines

For as long as she could remember, she was always abandoned by those she trusted. On a bright spring day, flowers bloomed on her mother's grave, she died not long ago.

'You promised to stay with me... mommy, please wake up.' Her eyes were red from crying for so long. She wanted to scream but no one would be able to hear her. She stared at her younger brother for the longest time.

Bliss was in his eyes, a mere child without a clue of her tragedy. Still, his wide-eyed smile comforted her. "I will protect you." Only then did she let go of her mother's hand.


Latia clenched her fist looking for an opportunity. Her magic depleted due to manipulating Eric's memories and finding the kid's aura. 'There might be other people involved.' She thought.

'But I have to save her.'

She grasped the dagger hidden in her skirt. The child pulled the leg of the man hoping to get his attention.

"Hah... you really won't stop would you." Just as the man grabbed the child's hair, Latia delivered a blow to his neck. "What the-"

"Come with me." She pulled the child from the man's grip as she ran. She sensed the presence of other people so she went in another direction.

"Miss, you can let go of me! I need to get back." The child tried to remove herself from her grip but Latia pulled back. "Are you crazy?! That man was about to hit you!" She whispered-screamed. The group of people were closing in as she was losing pace.

She quickly scanned for an exit when she saw an open window of an abandoned building. She lifted the child in her arms as she leaped into it.

"We barely made it." She said, panting as she checked the child for any injuries. She hid their auras using her magic once again. 'I'm getting tired I need to get back to the castle.'

She heard the child whimpering. "You shouldn't have saved me!"

"Hey! You should shut up incase they hear us." She rolled her eyes. "They would've hit you! You should be thanking me."

"But my brother is going to die without the medicine."

Her eyes softened hearing the kid's words. "What do you mean?"

"Th-They promised to sell me the c-cure if I, if I worked for them! But... they lied."

She sighed. "Adults do tend to lie."

"Miss! You're so mean!"

"I saved your life."


Latia smiled for some reason she saw herself in the child's eyes. Bright and filled with hope despite being beaten down by fate.

"I'm actually a princess."

"You're lying!"

"But I'm not though? I am the princess." She smiled tilting her head.

"Princesses aren't mean."

"You just haven't heard about me yet." She chuckled at the kids antics. "I'll give you the cure for your brother's sickness so follow me ok?"

"I don't trust strangers."

"You were involved with a gang."

"I knew their names."


"Are you telling the truth miss?" The kid finally said peeling back the hostility. She had a feeling. 'I want to trust her.'

"My name is Latia Eloise Von Rozienne. Do you want to see my castle?"

I can't believe I finished 10 chapters hahaha,,, Enjoy reading!

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