
A Second Chance for the Villainess

She was left to die in the cold hard cell for their own ambitions but the universe had other plans. Her desire for their ruin and revenge clawed her out of death's tight grip.

emiliathewriter · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

Masquerade Revelers

Latia returned to the front clinic after her secret escapade. She found the children playing and exploring the office. She smiled as Charlotte ran to her with her arms in the air.

"Princess!!" She said hugging her. Her brother shyly waved as he slowly crept up to hug her as well. "Thank you, princess." He muttered softly. She knew they were probably at a young age. She learned from Charlotte that she was only around 10 years old whilst her brother was only 5.

She felt the pain of the siblings as they have lost their parents at a young age.

"Did you behave well?" She asked with a smile. "Well, it doesn't matter..."

"From now on you can rely on me." She said sincerely.


Latia ordered Mairyn to bring the children to their chambers to chat privately with Maxime. She could see his nervousness and curiosity.

"You must be surprised. I'm not the type to help random children aren't I?"

She wasn't a charitable person. She had always put herself above others, only using them for her own benefit-- that was what she believed in.

"It might be impossible for you to fully keep this under wraps." She said as she stirred the tea. "But I really don't want these kind of things to reach ears they're not supposed to reach."

He gulped nervously. Despite her earlier image, this was the princess he was more familiar with. "O-of course! Your Highness, I- I will keep to myself."

She smiled contently, but her aura did not dissipate. "Continue sending the herbs needed for the boy's sickness and the children's bruises to my palace."

"Yes, my lady."


"Mairyn, has everything been prepared?" She asked.

It has been a few weeks since she uncovered the book. Most of it detailed the several 'legends' of those who were cursed with Raphaelis. She decided to send a request to visit her maternal family to the Imperial Court a week ago yet she has not heard from them.

"Yes, my lady."

'Father is still too cautious. I would need to use him again...' She thought. Although she could no longer send a letter to the duke, there was one event in which they could meet.

The Crystal Masquerade marks the end of summer into autumn. 'And tonight, it will be hosted in the Diamond Hall. "He must be waiting for an opportunity as well." She guessed. She knew him well enough to know how perceptive he was... 'In any case, I need his help.'


It was a lively night for the imperial palace. Nobles with various social standings gathered at the main hall. Rumors spread like fire in the crowd of social vultures. One particular topic was the withdrawal of the first princess in the succession line.

"Could you believe that the child of Eloise has backed down? I heard it from the Marquis close to the king. He witnessed her sign the Oath of surrender!"

"The oath? His Majesty allowed that? Isn't that punishment reserved for traitors in the royal line?"

Duke Cairo observed the gossip with glare. The people quickly moved away seeing his seething temper. Just then a brave young lady came up to him. Her purple eyes were hidden in her coral pink mask decorated in violet sapphires yet he recognized her anyway.

"Shall we move to a more silent location, Your Grace?"

Just saying, mirrorball definitely fits Latia's personality T^T,,, the way she just perceives herself as what others see her as... Anyways thanks for reading!

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