
A Second Chance for the Villainess

She was left to die in the cold hard cell for their own ambitions but the universe had other plans. Her desire for their ruin and revenge clawed her out of death's tight grip.

emiliathewriter · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

Family Lines

Latia woke up to the news of Charlotte's fainting. "What happened?" She asked Mairyn calmly. Her calmness led the latter to think she knew something.

"My lady, the child coughed up blood in the middle of the night and ended up fainting."

"What did Maxime say?"

"He..." Mairyn hesitated. "He doesn't know what it is."

Latia's eyes darkened. The child was a key to finding the cure. 'Perhaps this is something related.' She didn't want to be excited over the child's declining health but she knew there was something--'There should be something.'

"I'll be talking to Maxime alone, you can leave Mai."

"Yes, My lady."

She bowed gracefully still tossing a worried look on the two children. Latia saw how Theo clinged to his sister. The boy was unconciously quivering in his sleep.

"There are many diseases that would cause blood to be coughed up. So why can't you tell what it is?"

"Your Highness, I've been studying her condition through the night, it isn't just blood, her pulse has shown a different kind of irregularity I'm not familiar with."

Her eyes glowed as she flicked her hand towards Charlotte. 'It's unmistakable.' She thought. It was similar to the rhythm of her pulse. 'The child has Raphaelis.' Her eyes shook.

"Take care of her. Tell me if you've reached a diagnosis."

"Yes, Your Highness."


"Hah, what kind of clue is that?" Waves of conflicted emotions cascaded over her--both happiness and anger. 'What kind of angel would curse a child?' For some reason the image of the lady she met in the afterlife flashed in her mind.

'Would she be an angel or a devil?' Perhaps that didn't even matter. The life of the child and her own life is now her burden. She knew she had to work quicker.

"I need to find the right connections." She uttered and for once, as if the universe finally pitied her a familiar black feather appeared before her--It was the messenger raven she had been waiting for.

From Duke Cairo

To Princess Rozienne

At the fortnight from today, the Duchess has agreed to meet you. I shall escort you, my lady.