

What would you do when you wake up surrounded by nothing but trouble and betrayal. What would you do when the only one you trust is a God who thinks you are nothing but trouble. Imagine becoming a baby just because you saved someone, imagine being surrounded by magic and beast well this is not a typical Earth is it? We'll stop imagining, this is Dennis a thirty two year old that's set to become a baby all because he saved a little girl's life, Typical! ***************************** “Sirinius,this is all your fault” the boy said climbing some huge chunk of rocks closely followed by a man who was floating in thin air. “Me?" the dark man asked pretending to be innocent. “You told me this new Earth was save, well on the plus side when I die at least I'll get to bug you again” he said as he smiled slightly. “Hmmm” the man replied looking at his young discipline from head to toe. “What?" he asked as he noticed his gaze. “Just thinking" he said silently. Warning: if you think this character should be all warm and welcoming that's your cup of tea.

Cynthia_4681 · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Chapter 7: Once a thief (1)

Four years later:

Dennis had already lost most of his chubby looks and had grown smart thanks to the books he read. He had more knowledge than any six year old and was equally matched with at least a twenty nine year old man.

He was still at rank one because his parents barely let him outside but he ha not given up on upgrading,he would often sneak outside but unlike the kids his age he only looked for books to read and snakes to kill.

He was on his usual routine of sneaking out and observing when he noticed a man holding a brown bag that contained a snake, a three headed snake.

He knew the snake had to be alive because he remembered Sirinius say the snake had to be half alive to absorb it.

He looked at the bag again and decided he'd decive them. He ran back home, brought out a brown bag, emptied his content and finally put in some useless things like used tomato cans to make it look full.

He ran back to the two men and wore a hoodie and a loose robe to hide his petite appearance. He saw the two man talking with another older man.

'Maybe they're selling it' Dennis thought.

He made sure they were distract and finally decided to strike. He swapped the bag as quick as he could and walked away slowly.

'Genius' he told himself as he quickly made his way to the exit.

After running for minutes he concluded that no one saw him. He made his way home , ran to the most secluded place in the house and decided he'd try absorbing the snake's essence.

It took him hours but when he finished absorbing he felt a slight vibration in his head.

"Ouch" he yelled as he called for Sirinius.

"Yes I.." he stopped talking as he noticed his sturborn discipline had done. He looked at the dead snake and quickly carried him inside.

"You numb skull what have you done" Sirinius asked as he looked at him.

"I thought you said I should absorb the snake" he asked still in pain.

"Yes, when you're older , your body can't handle its mental energy besides, where did you get the snake"he asked as he examined his forehead.

"I borrowed it" he half lied as he smiled slightly.

"You should have asked me" Sirinius said and almost immediately there was a knock on the door.

"Is anyone home?" a voice asked.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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