
A Scarlet Wolf

In the world there are relics, such artifacts give incredible powers to the user. What would happen if by chance a young possessor of one of these objects was suddenly attacked by people hunting relics? Could the young man escape?

DomJeffer · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Awakening P.1

Saturday off.

With these two beautiful words Caleb wakes up and with a sigh, the young man takes courage and stands up remembering that he still needs to tidy up the boxes that were scattered around every corner in his new apartment.

Arriving in the living room,he takes the control and turns on the TV, which he had already asked to install while at the Hotel, throwing the control on the messy sofa and heads to the kitchen.

While walking to the kitchen you can hear the voice of the morning newspaper reporter on the TV:

{5 killed in police clash in Rio de janeiro.}

{A woman is brutally murdered by her ex-boyfriend, who refused to break up.}

  {5 fires in residential areas are counted this beginning of the month, all followed the same pattern, remote places in unoccupied houses, the police investigate whether they are projected incidents or normal accidents.}

"Tsc, just more of the same,every day just tragedy, where will this country end up?!"- think.

Arriving in the kitchen, Caleb goes straight to the cabinet and takes a thermos with coffee and puts it in the sink,opens the cabinet again and takes a glass and a jar of sugar then goes to the sink to prepare his coffee.

Already drinking your coffee, when opening the refrigerator the same grumbles:

- Oh man, there's no bread!!

Indignant and sleepy, he looks at himself and notices that he is still wearing cat pajamas, a shirt and pants with cat prints and a printed "Nyah".

-- Okay, you can't leave like that haha. - think smiling.

Returning to the bedroom he stops in the living room and takes control of the TV again, changing from the normal tv to enjoy what a smart is capable of offering.

-- No more misery first thing in the morning.

And puts in a stream of series, yellow logo, analyzed the programs presented there until stopping at a specific select the option "watch later".

-- World War Y, looks interesting.

Walking back into the room, Caleb stops and looks at a painting on the wall containing a tall black man smiling next to a slightly shorter black woman with a baby on her lap and a 5-year-old little boy holding their hands.

-- Dad...-- Shake your hands tight. -- I know that you are still alive, I swear by mother that I will find you...

He walks faster until he gets to his room, going straight into the closet, grabbing a gold shirt and jogging pants from a well-known brand and putting them on.

Takes the wallet and already leaving the room, stopping right after.

  -- Wait...

He goes back to the bedroom and goes straight to the nightstand on the left side of the bed,opens a drawer and takes a small pot from which he takes a string of golden chains and a lion's head in the center of a red sun.

  -- I almost forgot about you.

After putting on the cord, he puts away his wallet and with the key in his hand he walks to the door of his apartment, leaving and locking it, even though he is practically on the top floor of the building of this condominium, the young man walks towards the stairs instead of the elevator, controlled his breathing as he went down, using this with a

In the middle of the buildings of the residential complex, the young man finally arrives at the condominium concierge,with a car already leaving through the main gate, greeted the doorman with a smile, it was a chubby black man with gray hair, he was known as Black Santa Claus for his charisma.

-- Oops Caleb, Good Morning boy, if you're going out be careful ein.

After that he leaves the house and locks the gate, puts his headphones in his ear, takes his smartphone, puts it on his rap playlist and starts running.

At 6 o'clock in the morning it is still dark and with the streets empty,Caleb goes to buy bread at a bakery/bar where it opens early a few blocks ago.

After running for a few minutes,Caleb feels an uncomfortable sensation,a shiver, looks around and swims.

He's alone on the street.

A few more steps and the same.

Look back and...